Best 2088 quotes in «genius quotes» category

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    Madness and genius are two sides to the same coin.

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    Madonna is her own Hollywood studio - a popelike mogul and divine superstar in one. She has a laserlike instinct for publicity, aided by her visual genius for still photography (which none of her legion of imitators has). Unfortunately, her public life has dissolved into a series of staged photo ops.

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    Madness in method, that's genius

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    Male conspiracy cannot explain all female failures. I am convinced that, even without restrictions, there still would have been no female Pascal, Milton, or Kant. Genius is not checked by social obstacles: it will overcome.

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    Man is a conscious, rational thinker and a supra-conscious creator genius.

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    Mandelstam was an artistic genius, the sort that any century produces only a handful of.

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    mankind has no right to employ its genius in the creation of another intelligent species, then treat it like property. If we've come so far that we can create as God creates, then we have to learn to act with the justice and mercy of God.

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    Manners are the happy ways of doing things; each once a stroke of genius or of love, now repeated and hardened into usage.

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    Man who invented the hamburger was smart; man who invented the cheeseburger was a genius.

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    Many a real genius is lost in the fictitious character of the Gentleman. I am the most inconsistent, changeable being so full of fits and starts.

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    Many now born, by the time they are voters will compose part of a nation with a genius nowhere equaled, and with a vast territory upon which those energies and that genius can operate.

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    Marriage requires a special talent, like acting. Monogamy requires genius.

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    Mediocrity can talk, but it is for genius to observe.

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    Mediocrity has no greater consolation than in the thought that genius is not immortal.

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    Men of humor are always in some degree men of genius; wits are rarely so, although a man of genius may, amongst other gifts, possess wit, as Shakespeare.

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    Men of genius are often considered superstitious, but the fact is, the fineness of their nerve renders them more alive to the supernatural than ordinary men.

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    Men of the greatest genius are not always the most prodigal of their encomiums. But then it is when their range of power is confined, and they have in fact little perception, except of their own particular kind of excellence.

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    Michael Jackson? He was something more (than one of my favorite entertainers), a true friend. He wasn't just a genius. Above all, he was a good person, who gave so much. He gave people values, he encouraged them to better themselves all the time. He was far deeper and more authentic than people could see. He was misunderstood too many times

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    Mike Patton is a genius... It is definitely the hardest music I've ever played.

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    Misfortunes often sharpen the genius.

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    Modest expression is a beautiful setting to the diamond of talent and genius.

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    Most of the things I do are misunderstood. Hey, after all, being misunderstood is the fate of all true geniuses, is it not?

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    Most of us do know we have no immortality. And when you've found a genius, someone who has already purchased his immortality in musical or literary terms, it's maddening.

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    Most people don't find their creativity. There are more unsung geniuses that don't even know they have great talent.

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    Mr Robert Montgomery's genius [is] far too free and aspiring to be shackled by the rules of syntax? [His] readers must take such grammar as they can get and be thankful.

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    Music is not a science any more than poetry is. It is a sublime instinct, like genius of all kinds.

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    My books are like water; those of the great geniuses are wine. (Fortunately) everybody drinks water.

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    Manner is all in all, whate'er is writ,The substitute for genius, sense, and wit.

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    Mankind has the genius to bring all the world together and the ignorance to fight upon arrival.

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    Many a profound genius, I suppose, who fills the world with fame of his exploding renowned errors, is yet everyday posed and baffled by trivial questions at his own supper table.

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    Many people can reach for and achieve excellence. To do this consistently is what separates masters and geniuses from everyone else.

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    Many studies of research scientists have shown that achievement (at least below the genius level of an Einstein, Bohr, or a Planck) depends less on ability in doing research than on the courage to go after opportunity.

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    Martin Lawrence is one of my comedic heroes, and he's a genius.

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    Mastery is not a function of genius or talent. It is a function of time and intense focus applied to a particular field of knowledge.

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    Maybe you can make art out of unredeemed pain, but only if you're a genius -- Dostoyevsky perhaps.

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    Mediocrity borrows, genius steals.

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    Memory exercised in a particular way is a natural gift of poetic genius. The poet above all else, is a person who never forgets certain sense impressions which he has experienced and which he can relive again as though with all their original freshness.

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    Men of genius are like eagles, they live on what they kill, while men of talents are like crows, they live on what has been killed for them.

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    ... men of highest genius have been too frequently of extremely shaky morals.

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    Messi always makes the right decision, whether it's a pass or a finish. He's a little genius.

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    Messi is much more than being clever. He is a genius who reserves all his expressiveness for football.

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    Mike gets to play four roles this time, if we ever did it again, he will play my role as well. He is a comic genius, everyone wants to be in this movie, let's hope that everyone will wish to see it as well.

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    Milton, Madam, was a genius that could cut a Colossus from a rock; but could not carve heads upon cherry-stones.

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    Mir Bahadur Ali is, as we have seen, incapable of evading the most vulgar of art's temptations: that of being a genius.

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    Moderation is the inseparable companion of wisdom, but with it genius has not even a nodding acquaintance.

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    Montesquieu had the style of a genius; Buffon, the genius of style.

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    Morphy was probably the greatest genius of them all

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    Most analysts are SO SMART and have amazing ideas, but they can't convey their genius ideas to others.

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    My comic sense, although deliberately Americanized, is, in its intent, much closer related to the crazy wisdom of Zen monks and the goofy genius of Taoist masters than it is to, say, the satirical gibes on Saturday Night Live. It has both a literary and a metaphysical function.

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    My evil genius Procrastination has whispered me to tarry 'til a more convenient season.