Best 493 quotes in «first love quotes» category

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    Everyone cares what people think, Summer. As for why I’m different here… maybe you just bring out a different side of me.”, Loving Summer by Kailin Gow

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    Excerpt from Forehead Kisses: "I woke to the sizzle and smell of bacon, fresh brewed coffee, and the soft patter of rain on the window. Cooper was nowhere to be seen. My clock radio read 7:35 a.m. I rolled over on my stomach and just laid quietly in bed absorbing the sweet sounds and smells. About 10 minutes later I heard Cooper come into the room. I felt the bed rock as he kneeled on and crawled across it, ultimately straddling my body. He pulled the sheet down exposing my naked back. He placed gentle, wet kisses down my spine, “Good morning Beautiful.

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    Fairy tale doesn’t always have a happy ending. But still, it’s a fairy tale. So does first love. It might not be happy, but it doesn’t have always to be sad. It’s just love.

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    Few of us enter romantic relationships able to receive love. We fall into romantic attachments doomed to replay familiar family dramas. Usually we do not know this will happen precisely because we have grown up in a culture that has told us that no matter what we experience in our childhoods, no matter the pain, sorrow, alienation, emptiness, no matter the extent of our dehumanization, romantic love will be ours. We believe we will meet the girl of our dreams. We believe 'someday our prince will come.' They show up just as we imagined they would. We wanted the lover to appear but most of us were not clear about what we wanted to do with them-what the love was that we wanted to make and how we would make it. We were not ready to open our hearts fully.

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    First impression is not the last reflection of a true friend, so if you are head over heels for someone who just bought you a cake, you'd better think twice before devouring your misery.

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    First love belongs to the young.

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    First love fixes a life forever: this much I have discovered over the years. It may not outrank subsequent loves, but they will always be affected by its existence. It may serve as model, or as counterexample. It may overshadow subsequent loves; on the other hand, it can make them easier, better. Though sometimes, first love cauterizes the heart, and all any searcher will find thereafter is scar tissue.

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    First love is stripping down everything to essential truths, setting aside your fears and doubts and seeing who you are in someone else's eyes. In first love you first find yourself.

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    First love, may the gods save us from such stupidity.

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    First loves were supposed to be flimsy and temperamental. They were supposed to burn bright and fade fast. They weren't supposed to stick. They weren't supposed to eat away at a man's heart, his capacity for life.

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    First love fixes a life for ever: this much I have discovered over the years.

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    First love fixes a life for ever: this much I have discovered over the years. It may not outrank subsequent loves, but they will always be affected by its existence.

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    First loves are nature’s way of providing an acceptable reason to lose your virginity.

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    Five words that were the hardest words I would ever have to say, Five pillars of my faith that couldn't save him that day. Five rivers, the Panj Aab, that didn't flow through his veins. Five minutes that changed our world forever.

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    First love, is like your first heart attack. Chances are that you'll survive it, but you don't outlive it. That first gasp for air is the beginning of the end. You have managed to breath some air in, and you think you are all right. You might think it's a matter of lifestyle, quit this, cut our red meat, walk, run, get a personal trainer, try shitting standing up, but... it'll get get you in the end.

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    First loves can fuck you up.

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    First love can break you. But it can also save you.

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    First love is a gun that fires a bullet at your heart and when it hits, it turns into a flower and seeps into your blood like pollen.

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    First love is the erotic at its best and most focused – the adolescent introduction to the complex world of adulthood.

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    First love," said Ida with a sigh. "That's the one that kills you.

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    First loves are often terrible, probably because they are first and there is no conscious history into which they may be absorbed.

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    For just this moment, he wanted her to see him for who he was, without the pity he knew she'd feel when she found out the truth.

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    For most of us, the first experience of love, even if it doesn’t work out—perhaps especially when it doesn’t work out—promises that here is the thing that validates, that vindicates life. And though subsequent years might alter this view, until some of us give up on it altogether, when love first strikes, there’s nothing like it, is there? Agreed?

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    Fragments of energy sizzled against my skin where he touched me, like sparks that shoot from a sparkler you played with as a kid.

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    From the very first moment I saw her, I knew that she would be the flame of my burning love.

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    Funny thing about love, ain’t it? Sometimes it saves you and sometimes, like right then, even love isn’t enough.

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    Gerry reached up to smooth a bit of that snowy mane. The strands slipped through his fingers like silk to reveal a witch's mark, a spiral of olive-green stones that seemed to be a part of Ghost’s very forehead, shining against the translucent skin. Gerry had seen such marks before, peculiar glyphs burned into a witch's skin in vibrant jewel-tone inks to offer protection or enhance their power, or so the witches claimed. This was the first time he had seen actual jewels used, though. He thought it was beautiful, exotic like all of Ghost, with that white hair and those ice blue eyes. Gerry returned to admiring the peaceful face resting on his shoulder.

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    Good-bye." she said. "Good-bye, Park." "Good-bye, Eleanor. You know, until tonight. When you're going to call me.

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    Go on and honk," Eleanor said. "You think you can intimidate me with your swanlike good looks, but I'm not that kind of girl." "Lucky for me," Park said.

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    Gue percaya definisi first love adalah rasa pertama, saat lo melihat jauh ke dalam mata seseorang, dan memutuskan bahwa masa depan dan kebahagiaan lo ada bersamanya.

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    Have I told you today how beautiful you are?" I stand there, taken by surprise at his words. I am speechless so I mutely shake my head. He places his hands at my jaw line while he slowly runs his thumbs over my cheekbones. Then he looks into my eyes and says, "You are the most beautiful thing I keep in my heart. ~Ian

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    He called after her as she walked away on the path. "Alys? Why were we dancing?" "Take your mind there again," she called back. "You'll remember!" To herself she murmured, shaking her head with amusement as her eyes twinkled at her own memory. "Only thirteen. But we was barefoot and flower-strewn and foolish with first love.

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    He could not have explained the intensity of his attraction to {her}, that blissful ache that welled up in his chest at the sight of her barefooting across the dock, the feeling a distant cousin of nostalgia, as if he’d already won and loved and lost her.

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    He guided me into the house and walked me to the shower. He ran the water and cared for me as if I was an upset toddler or an elderly person who could no longer care for herself. He washed me hair and gently washed my body, while I cried as if the world was ending. For me, it seemed it was. -The Art of Leaving

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    He leaned down and placed his lips on mine and gave me the most delicious kiss of my entire life. I saw fireworks light up the night sky. My heart beat like a drum. I knew without a shadow of a doubt that I loved him, and that made this kiss the best of my entire life. This kiss was the real thing.

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    He (Logan) was public enemy number one, and he was okay with that. It felt good to be himself.

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    He returned her love. He lusted after her sweet young body. He wanted her the way he wanted to breathe the spring air. He had never loved anyone before. He had not known even what this feeling for his tiny slave was. Now in the crisp, clear spring sunlight, he knew.

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    Her love was like lavender, delicate and melancholy.

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    He's afraid he'll cower into himself again, like every other day, and then say nothing at all when he really wants to say everything--to speak his body and his heart into existence.

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    He seemed to think we were on the same page. I wasn’t even sure we were reading the same book.

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    He smiled, and instead of the usual butterflies, it felt like a flock of pigeons were flapping in my tummy.

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    He's holding my hand! A boy is holding my hand! This is happening! I should let go. I should blush and act shy. Like a girl from the movies. But that's not what I do. I hold on.

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    He takes a breath 'In my head I've been in love before, but it doesn't feel like it Being in love with you is better than the first time. It feels like the first time and the last time and the only time all at once

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    He was entrancing, with that epicene beauty which in extreme youth sings aloud for love and withers at the first cold wind.

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    He was no god, just an artist; and when an artist is a man, he needs a woman to create like a god.

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    He was my light, my heart, my beautiful scalawag. And I was—I am—his GG.

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    He would smile his angel smile, and I would feel at once our togetherness and our deep separation. -The Art of Leaving

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    His transgression may become their salvation.

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    Honour and I would have to create our world, live by our own rules. My family wasn't ready for her just yet. I didn't know if they ever would be.

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    Hope can be foolish or misguided, but there was no such thing as false hope. Hope was always true even when there was no evidence to support its claim.” - Liam