Best 215 quotes in «dragon quotes» category

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    What a trio we are: wolf, dragon and . . .” Ronan bit back the word. Shifter. He sat straighter in the saddle, raising one hand in farewell as his mount broke through the last of the boundary mists. “May the gods favor us this time, my friend. Pray Mairi Sinclair is the one.

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    What a strange time we lived in where tragedy and uncertainty swept up common people like me and the most uncommon person in the world in the same moment. Tragedy and uncertainty are both things of which no one is immune. Not even dragons.

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    What did you do for a friend who had been through what she had?" "You’re doing it. She needs support and a listening ear. Give her that and the ragged edges will start to heal. The other part, though ... that I’m not sure about.

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    When I look at my bookcase and see one book after the other lined up upon its shelves I think to myself, There is a God.

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    When he was rough, my body soared. When he was gentle, he slayed me.

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    When I look at my bookcase and see the books upon the shelves, I think to myself, There is a God.

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    When I look at my bookcase and see one book after the other upon its shelves, I think to myself, There is a God.

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    Who dares disturb a sleeping dragon?

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    When your dream turns into a nightmare, rise to the challenge and slaughter the dragons

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    ... Więc ty masz serce, smoku?

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    Wide gape the gates of yellowed bone. A tongue of plank is our path between the teeth as we walk toward the gullet. Here I will be devoured. This is a true thing, near unavoidable on any path. I must enter those jaws.

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    Yes, impossible. But do not dread, impossibility is just another measure of difficulty. The skills of dwargens and flillows sometimes match the impossible..." - Dwenzuak the dwargen

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    You belong with us, the lost of the lost, the tribe without a home, a tribe of orphans living our abandoned lives amid toys and trinkets, stuffed monkeys and bears. You’re one of us now—the Tribe of the Teddy Bear.” From Tribe of the Teddy Bear

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    You. Can I trust you?” “You’ve threatened me, belittled me, mocked me and manhandled me.” .... “I’d say that since none of that has achieved the results you wanted, you could certainly afford to choose a different course.

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    You can’t chase after a girl when you have a nation to defend.

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    You could repay it by treating your life with value. Every time I see you, you’re risking it for something!” He shrugged. “I’m a Dragon Rider. We hold our lives with open hands.” It seemed like a terrible way to guard something so precious.

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    White." He spoke with conviction and I knew he'd seen. "A thousand shades of white, from mist to snow to starlight.

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    Why are you covering your breasts?” Turning her back to him, she stepped into her dress. “Why are you so interested in my breasts?” “I am only interested in them because you hide them,” he informed her. “I would not find them interesting if you would stop wearing clothing.

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    Wonderful is the wit and subtiltie that dumb creatures have & how they shift for themselves and annoy their enemies: which is the only difficultie that they have to arise and grow to so great an height and excessive bignesse. The dragon therefore espying the Elephant when he goeth to releese, assaileth him from an high tree and launceth himselfe upon him; but the Elephant knowing well enough well enough he is not able to withstand his windings and knittings about him, seeketh to come close to some trees or hard rockes, and so forth to crush and squise the dragon between him and them: the dragons ware hereof, entangle and snarle his feet and legges first with their taile: the Elephants on the other side, undoe those knots with their trunke as with a hand: but to prevent that againe, the dragons put in their heads into their snout, and so stop their breath, and withall, fret and gnaw the tenderest parts that they find there. (Translated by Philomel Holland, 1601. "The Book of Naturalists: An Anthology of the Best Natural History", 1944. p. 20)

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    You know you've written a good book when even the people who hate it admit it's entertaining.

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    You live and die in the batting of my eyes. You cast a wavering shadow over the snow for a day. I cast my shadow over empires across eons." - Orm Hinn Langi the Dragon

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    You must practice until you see everything about the entire conflict: the location of the fight, your opponents mind, body and spirit.

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    You're dancing on me said the cosmic dragon, the galactic surface of all we can see. So fucking what? she said.

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    You need a name. I heard some interesting ones today;perhaps you'll like one." He mentally ran through the list Brom had given him until he found tow names that stuck him as heroic, noble and pleasing to the ear. "What do you think of Vanilor or his successor, Eridor? Both were great dragons." No, said the dragon. It sounded amused with his efforts. Eragon. "That's my name; you can't have it," he siad, rubbing his chin. "Well, if you don't like those, there are others." He continued through the list, but the dragon rejected every one he proposed. UT seemed to be laughing at something Eragon did not understand, but he ignored and kept suggesting names. "There was ingothold, he slew the..." A revelation stopped him. Thats the problem! I've been choosing male names. You are a she!

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    You have been gifted the Blood Diamond and are surrounded by all that is good. You will not fail as long as you believe.” Analea

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    You’re not like any man I’ve ever known,” she said. “You’re not even someone I could have dreamed. You’re like someone from a fairy story written in a language I don’t even know.” “The prince, I hope.” “No, you’re the dragon, a beautiful wicked dragon.” Her voice turned wistful. “How could anyone have a normal everyday life with you?” Cam took her in a safe, firm grip and lowered her to the mattress. “Maybe you’ll be a civilizing influence on me.” He bent over the slope of her breast, kissing it through the muslin veil of her gown. “Or maybe you’ll get a taste for the dragon.” He found the bud of her nipple, wet the cotton with his mouth, until the tender flesh pricked up against his tongue. “I th-think I already have.” She sounded so perturbed that he laughed. “Then lie still,” he whispered, “while I breathe fire on you.

    • dragon quotes
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    You're not like any man I've ever known," she said. "You're not even someone I could have dreamed. You're like someone from a fairy story written in a language I don't even know." "The prince, I hope." "No, you're the dragon, a beautiful wicked dragon." Her voice turned wistful. "How could anyone have a normal everyday life with you?

    • dragon quotes
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    You’re like a bright flame in a dark night. Like a red flower in a field of dead grass.” ... “Stop thinking of me as a flower and start realizing I can be a help to you. The world isn’t going to let me be a delicate, closely guarded thing. I don’t have a choice but to be tougher than I ever wanted to be.

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    Your foe’s weapons and armor are strong, but the least important aspects of the fight. The weakest part of any enemy is the flesh and blood wearing and wielding the cold, hard steel.

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    You’re such a little moron, aren’t you? They will hunt you down to the ends of the earth. It’s nothing personal, just business. It’s all about survival, dear boy." Drusilla Blackwood

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    You're not winged because you are flying on a dragon

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    You see all the other fellows were so active and earnest and all that sort of thing- always rampaging, and skirmishing, and scouring the desert sands, and pacing the margin of the sea, and chasing knights all over the place, and devouring damsels, and going on generally- whereas I liked to get my meals regular and then to prop my back against a bit of rock and snooze a bit, and wake up and think of things going on and how they kept going on just the same, you know!

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    You soon get tired of what's extraordinary, dragon rider. It's often the most ordinary things that bring great happiness.

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    A life fueled by passions is like riding on the back of a dragon.

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    A life fired by passion is like riding on the back of a dragon.

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    Accept it,” Rakturan said. “I am different than the man you first met.” “So quickly?” “What is time? A thousand years can pass in a single day.

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    After only a few moments in her presence, he found himself wondering what dragon he might slay for her.

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    Ah, I do so love this charmingly rustic, elvin kingdom!-Baozhai

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    And then, as if they were one person, Savette and Rakturan opened their eyes.

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    A man’s perspective is limited by the brevity of his existence. Even living deliberately, how far up can we reach? Standing on our miniscule patch of time, how far into the future can we see? How much of the past can one truly understand? Yet, only a recreant spends their precious drops of sand before dropping back into the abyss lounging in indulgence, not striving for understanding, knowledge, answers that those of us scourged/consecrated with consciousness should seek with unconquerable passion.

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    A man’s perspective is limited by the brevity of his existence. Even living deliberately, how far up can we reach? Standing on our miniscule patch of time, how far into the future can we see? How much of the past can one truly understand? Yet, only a recreant spends their precious drops of sand before dropping back into the abyss lounging in indulgence, not striving for understanding, knowledge, answers that those of us scourged/consecrated with consciousness should seek with unconquerable passion. - Far Forest Scrolls Na Cearcaill

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    As Ariel recounted the events of her dream, two magnificent, batlike wings grew from the backs of her shoulders, stretched as if preparing to fly, then retreated back into their host. The sound heard when the wings disappear is the giggling of Alanna, who watched the event much the same way I did, in rapt wonder.

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    A miracle is no less glorious for having previously happened

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    And then what? "And then I will show you a trick that dragons have." A tiny flicker of hope sprang to life in my heart. "Oh, it should be more than a flicker. Haven’t you heard? We dragons can light anything ablaze.

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    And we’d all live happily ever after... "Okay, that was a nice daydream, but maybe it’s time to come back to reality.

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    A wounded animal yet bears teeth

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    Are you seeing strange visions, diviner?” he cooed. “They are not real except to you. Calm your heart, let your breath flow free. You are safe with me, pale bird. Do not fly away.” His tone was so gentle that it almost calmed me, too.

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    Books are the only things worth stealing.

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    But—" yelped Twizbang, “Greydor will eat us!

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    Burn them all, little dragon.