Best 111 quotes in «anime quotes» category

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    A minute passes as we enter Little Tokyo. It's kind of similar to what you see in the movies, with a lot of signs in different languages with "engrish" translations underneath and those big red gates with the curved wood on top, whatever they're called. The passing people on the street are, understandably, largely of Asian descent. ... I get a couple looks, but I suspect it's 'cause my hair is a variety of shades not seen outside of an anime.

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    ...and where shall we go from here? The Library is vast and infinite.

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    Anywhere can be paradise as long as you have the will to live. After all, you are alive, so you will always have the chance to be happy. As long as the Sun, the Moon, and the Earth exist, everything will be all right.

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    Angels banished from heaven have no choice but to become devils.

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    Appearances rarely share the whole truth

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    When I was starting as an anime director I wanted to be known for great things. I never wanted to be known for some overblown toy commercial.

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    As I looked at her from the side, I became newly aware of the softness of the curves of her face. Nagato said she was the "potential for evolution." According to Asahina, she was a "time warp." Koizumi treated her as "God." Then what about me? What did "Haruhi Suzumiya" mean to me? Haruhi was Haruhi and nobody else. I wasn't going to use such overblown language to dodge the question. But I didn't happen to have a decisive answer. Isn't that natural? If someone points to the classmate sitting behind you and asks, "What is she to you?" How are you supposed to respond? ... No, sorry. Guess that's still dodging the question. Haruhi wasn't just a classmate to me. Of course, she also wasn't the "potential for evolution" or a "time warp," much less "God." She couldn't possibly be.

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    A smile is the best way to get oneself out of a tight spot, even if it is a fake one. Surprisingly enough, everyone takes it at face value. I read that in a book." "If you keep staring at me, I'll hit you." "I only became part of your team recently when I replaced Sasuke, so I don't know everything that's going on. I don't really understand people either. But even I can tell that Naruto really loves you. Naruto's been shouldering that promise for a long time...I think he means to shoulder it for the rest of his life. I don't know what you said to him, but it's just like what's been done to me - it feels like a curse. Sasuke causes Naruto pain, but I think you do too." "Sasuke is only helping spread his darkness across the world. Letting him live will only sow the seeds of another war. He's just another criminal now. Sasuke lost all hope of coming back when his group, Akatsuki, attacked our village. Your fellow Konoha shinobi would never accept him now. Sakura's not stupid, either. She understands the position he's put us all in. That's why she came out here, to tell you herself.

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    As long as you live, there’s no way to escape saying good-bye.

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    Been a long road to follow Been there and one tomorrow Without saying goodbye to yesterday Are the memories I hold Still valid? Or have the tears deluded them.. Something somewhere out there Is calling... Zero Gravity, What's it like? Is somebody there Beyond these heavy aching feet? Am I going home? Will I hear someone? Singin solace to the silent moon Still the road keeps on telling me To go on... Something is pulling me, I feel the gravity Of it all.

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    A person is very strong... when he seeks to protect something.

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    Books shed light unto the darkness. Darkness retreats one letter, one line, one page at a time and someday everything in the world will become clear.

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    Believe in the you that believes in yourself.

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    Dorinpa, Dorunpa. Now you can't lie.

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    ...But living creatures are strange. They are made in such a way that they can actualize only what their minuscule minds wish for.

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    Even if I die, you keep living okay? Live to see the end of this world, and to see why it was born. Live to see why a weak girl like me ended up here... And the reason you and I met.

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    Even if I die you keep living okay? Live to see the end of this world, and to see why it was born. Live to see why a weak girl like me ended up here... and the reason why you and I met.

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    Even if there are no new Mighty Atom manga or films created, the Mighty Atom character has become a permanent fixture of both Japanese and global pop culture.

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    Don't change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will like the real you.

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    Fear is freedom! Subjugation is liberation! Contradiction is truth! These are the truths of this world! Surrender to those truths, you pigs who fawn over clothing!

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    Every time I deal with another person, I’m reminded how little control I have over my life.

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    Has what you dread ever happened to you?" "N-no." "Then stop fearing that you might trip and tumble up into the sky. That's called "borrowing trouble." - Nevin

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    Gli incontri più importanti sono già combinati dalle anime prima ancora che i corpi si vedano. Generalmente essi avvengono quando arriviamo ad un limite. Quando abbiamo bisogno di morire e rinascere emotivamente.

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    From theme song of the show: Boken Desho Desho, boken de ga.......its a good song

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    I do not need a scabbard to sheathe my mind.

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    I dont exist. But even if I do thats still none of your business

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    I didn't come here to fight you...I came here to violently kill you!!

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    I despise common sense. I’ve seen the world from every possible angle. This cruel, ridiculous, beautiful world.

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    If a Tokyoite knows anything about Nakano, it's likely to be Nakano Broadway, a shopping mall with several floors devoted to Japanese comics (manga) and animation (anime). It is geek central. I found most of it incomprehensible, but I did enjoy browsing at Junkworld, which sells useful electronic discards, like old working digital cameras for $5 and assorted connectors and dongles and sound cards. In the 1980's, when William Gibson was padding around the streets of Tokyo and inventing the world of Neuromancer, Japan was the place where the future had already arrived, where you could find electronic toys that wouldn't hit American shelves for years, if ever. For a variety of reasons (blogs and online shopping, advances in international shipping, the fact that the coolest mobile phones are now designed in Silicon Valley and Seoul), this is no longer true. While it's still fun to go to Akihabara at night and shop all seven floors of a neon-lit electronics superstore, you won't bring home any objects of nerdy wet dreams.

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    If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick.

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    If I had a dream or a goal… then maybe I would be able to overcome the obstacles in my way.

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    If one abandons all other abilities and focuses his strength entirely on a single specialized skill, then he can overcome even the greatest of powers.

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    If you don't want a sarcastic answer, don't ask a stupid question.

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    I have not thrown my life away. I have merely gambled it. Genryūsai-dono gambled his own life on this battle. I see no reason why I should not do the same. From the moment I set foot on this battlefield, I had already left my life behind!

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    I guess we'll try the old fashion way!" "Alright Kakarrot you're asking for it" "Rock, Paper!...ready! rock, paper, scissors, ha!" "Yea I did it!" "That's not the fusion technique!

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    I have two rules: First, I'm never wrong. Second, if I'm wrong...back to the first rule." L Lawliet

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    I'm not going to die. Because I'm the one who will protect you!

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    I must have dislocated my pelvis!" -Rurouni

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    I'm not stupid. I'm just too lazy to show how smart I am.

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    In the midst of the vagaries of life, they provide us a trip to the land of goodness and fairies, of imaginations and possibilities. A childhood that wasn't spent watching cartoons or reading comic strips, no wonder, seems too dull to imagine.

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    I'll cry!! Ububu... BUEEEEEEE!! I... Ichigo, you thupid! Baldy!! Piece of poop! Ichigo: Alright! Alright! I get it already, stop crying! Nel: Impotent! Ichigo: I'm not impotent!! Rukia: What's he shouting about? Nel: Virgin!!! Ichigo: SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY!!!

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    In any world line, any time, any place, I love you.

    • anime quotes
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    In Japan, so many emoticons have been created that it’s reasonable to assume Japanese appreciate their convenience more than anyone else.

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    LOLLIPOP DOLLS IS like some weird little girl's hunting lodge. The heads and faces of every Japanese cartoon character and monster are hung on the walls like trophies. Their plastic guts are in model kits on the shelves and their skins are draped on padded hangers in long rows of animal prints and Little Bo Peep frills. When I turn around, there's a platoon of twelve-year-old Cutie Honey types staring up at me, letting me know that I'm extremely not welcome. It's Village of the Damned with ankle socks.

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    I've been looking out at the world through windows I've opened across the net. It's an extremely close-minded and twisted world.

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    Love is sacrifice...

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    Mozart’s telling us from up the sky… “Go on a journey,” he’s saying.

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    I've watched anime before too... Evangelion was it? - Igarashi

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    make pasta, not war.