Best 2474 quotes in «stuff quotes» category

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    We see how beautiful and wonderful and amazing things are, and we see how caught up we are. It isn’t that one is the bad part and one is the good part, but that it’s a kind of interesting, smelly, rich, fertile mess of stuff. When it’s all mixed up together, it’s us: humanness.

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    We shouldn't be afraid to fail - if we are not failing we are not pushing. 80% of the stuff in the studio is not going to work. If something is not good enough, stop doing it.

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    We shoot 12 to 14 hours a day. To do all that physical stuff yourself, you have to be on a nutritional plan. I have six or seven meals a day. I eat every hour and a half, and make sure it's all clean. I have absolutely no sugar at all.

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    We start to realize that there are anodynes in life that help us through the day. I don't care if it's a walk in the park, a look out the window, a good bubble bath - whatever. Even a meal you like, or a friend you want to call. That helps us solve all this stuff in our head.

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    We've always just gotten up there and played. We don't have any dancers, we don't have all that stuff going on, we just get up there and play.

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    We turned the lights off to save money, so you can't really see it. It's the same show. Hopefully, there are lots of laughs and lots of great personal stuff, but it is explicitly a darker season [4 of Sherlock Holmes].

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    We talked about various aspects of what we wanted to talk about, Hillary [Clinton] and [Donald] Trump and down-ballot stuff, various issues. One of the things that it showed was you've got to use fear.

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    We've figured out our roles: I wanted someone to take care of the male roles - the big stuff - and Laird [Hamilton] does that very well. I'm here to be the mom and make it better for him, and that's my choice.

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    We've got the best kind of parents for us, in this situation. My parents are super supportive of me and really into our band. They get just as excited as we do, about stuff that we do. So, it's pretty cool.

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    We want Facebook to be one of the best places people can go to learn how to build stuff.

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    We've been like that all season. They're starting to have the vision I've been asking them to have for a while. Our settled, normal offense stuff, we need to work on that.

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    We've gotten better at shooting down routine material or stuff we feel like we've done better in the past. Getting different people in the band for periods also keeps it from going stale.

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    We've got a bunch of new writers now who tell me they grew up watching The Simpsons. It's bizarre, and they're writing some very funny stuff.

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    What about your crepe?" "Stuff It." "She's crazy about you," Mavis commented. "It's almost embarrassing, the way she fawns.

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    We [with Neal Dodson and Corey Moosa] were constantly looking for features and looking for ways to get involved with people who were making stuff.

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    What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to? What can it mean? What is the truth?

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    We were all anti-Reagan, we were all politically-aware, we were all anti-war and things like that. These days a lot of the newer bands don't even really talk about that sort of stuff anymore.

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    What excited me when I first came into it was the performing aspect and doing blues-oriented material, rock/blues oriented stuff, basic stuff, basic what they call rock 'n' roll.

    • stuff quotes
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    What gets lost in the textbook is the overall narrative. It gets lost in all the boxes and all the photos and all the little stuff that's stuck in all the time.

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    Whatever you love, that will be an influence. It just will. So in effect the young writer's job is: go out and find some stuff to love.

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    Whatever you do, stay focused. Because any stuff is not going to last forever. Once you get a show at something, you gotta roll with it. You can't sit on your ass. You better keep working. You better stay motivated.

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    What I bring to the table is a huge enthusiasm and love for this stuff.

    • stuff quotes
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    What happened on September 11th is at least, theoretically, small stuff compared to what can happen.

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    We [women] are the majority of the population, majority of the electorate, majority of the workforce... and yet we're still doing majority of family unpaid or low paid labor. And we live longer. Our stuff is not "special interest" stuff. Our stuff is the stuff of the future, of the whole.

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    What I respect in people more than anything is work ethic. And Justin Timberlake's got that. He works his tail off, and he knows his stuff.

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    What I don't like is taking it to extremes and making all these intellectualizations about what basically is simple music. It's simple stream-of-consciousness stuff in my songs. What I'm trying to get across is misinterpreted.

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    What I do on my solo stuff is just the most natural version of who I am, and I’m trying to represent the feelings that I’m feeling as purely as possible

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    What I really like to do is to sit quietly and write. All that other stuff is a problem. Publication to reception to negotiation to... everything, it's a problem. And I like to sit outside for long periods of time and just be in the tranquility of nature. That's what I like.

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    What is a scene? a) A scene starts and ends in one place at one time (the Aristotelian unities of time and place-this stuff goes waaaayyyy back). b) A scene starts in one place emotionally and ends in another place emotionally. Starts angry, ends embarrassed. Starts lovestruck, ends disgusted. c) Something happens in a scene, whereby the character cannot go back to the way things were before. Make sure to finish a scene before you go on to the next. Make something happen.

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    What is a shame is that there isn't stuff that is as great as 'Oz' on a consistent level around today.

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    What I try to encourage individuals to do is don't sweat the small stuff, sweat the big stuff.

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    What is universal can be surprising. Over time you find the kind of stuff which has people thinking 'That is just something that occurred to me there's something wrong with me', is in fact stuff that is universal.

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    What Rare [albom] allows me to do is gonna show people other things that I'm capable of 'cause they really haven't heard a lot of things outside of the rap stuff that I do.

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    What puts me in a vulnerable state? Beauty, wonder, surprise, mystery. Stuff like that.

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    What really takes me back is when I'm walking around the Lower East Side, because we went to so many places [there] - the bakery, a mannequin store, all these factories with mice running around. That also is very visceral and takes me back. Pool halls, tattoo parlors, all kinds of stuff like that.

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    What's great is when you're shooting at the same hotel you're living in, you finish shooting, put your stuff down, take an elevator and go to bed.

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    When Blur first started and we were playing Manchester the Hacienda was the place to go. That was where a lot of exciting stuff was happening and London was pretty dead.

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    Whenever I go to shows, I end up looking at what shoes the guy onstage is wearing and the jacket he's got on. And when you know everything's gonna be under scrutiny, it makes you feel more comfortable if you have cool stuff.

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    Whenever you hear somebody else is auditioning for something, you sort of assume they're going to get it. You should try to just ignore it. I don't find it very helpful to know who else is going up for stuff, generally.

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    Whenever you're going through stuff, it definitely reflects in the way you wear your makeup and hair. Wearing less makeup is more comfortable for me.

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    When I do appearances and stuff and I just wanna see the new pictures, I Google myself.

    • stuff quotes
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    When I do have time to work on music, I'm kind of selfish, and would rather work on my own stuff than someone else's.

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    When I did do good stuff in the past, it was because I was able to transcend the parts of my being that weren't healthy.

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    What I love about what digital entertainment has done is that they've given real creative freedom to folks like myself who are doing really groundbreaking stuff.

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    What makes Shakespeare eternal is his grasp of psychology. He knew how to nail stuff about us as human beings.

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    What's great about the Sundance Film Festival is the festival takes over that town as it's intended to do. But, it's very focused on a lot of other filmmakers and distributors so it almost feels like, while they're a lot of so-called civilians there, it's an opportunity that you have to see, to show your stuff to the other folks, your peers really, and to get that reaction.

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    What's scary is the unknown, the stuff you can't put your finger on.

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    What's wrong with sentimental? Sentimental means you like stuff.

    • stuff quotes
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    What's that sticky stuff called? Basta: Duct tape. Yes, duct tape. I love duct tape.

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    What was particularly impressive by the [Donald] Trump campaign at the time is how they were so organized around the WikiLeaks stuff.