Best 73 quotes of Tavis Smiley on MyQuotes

Tavis Smiley

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    Tavis Smiley

    Be careful about gossiping because loose lips really do sink ships. Now that I'm in the broadcast business, and people talk about me, I know what it feels like to be the victim of gossip.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Be careful about gossiping because loose lips really do sink ships.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Capitalism is like a child: if you want the child to grow up free and productive, somebody's got to look over the shoulder of that child.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Competition's always been a product of American lifestyle

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    Tavis Smiley

    Democrats, too often, take blacks for granted, and Republicans, too often, simply ignore black voters.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Even behind bars, even on Death Row, you can fail up, because life is about committing ourselves on a daily basis to the best in us. Freedom is a state of mind. Freedom is an attitude. Freedom is a spirit. You may be behind bars, but you still have the capacity to be free.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Even in the era of the first black president, racism is still the most intractable issue in USA. Regarding poverty, half of all Americans are either in or near poverty. Poverty is certainly worse for African-Americans now than it was during King's lifetime.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Every community has a Martin Luther King Boulevard. It's the cornerstone we all know. It's not just a street or boulevard, but a place where Walmart stands together with your community to make every day better.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Fear, fear, breeds hopelessness. When you're afraid, you don't know what to believe in, you don't know what to hold on to. You're struggling to find something to believe in.

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    Tavis Smiley

    For me, like when you've put yourself out there emotionally, physically, and you've really put yourself on the line, for me, that means I've really done something.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Having to try and going through the trials and tribulations to actually overcome, to get there to win, to triumph, that's what makes life interesting

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    Tavis Smiley

    History is replete with examples of moments in time when we talk about deficit reduction and try to advance on it around the world, that is, where it leads to job losses, not job creation.

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    Tavis Smiley

    How do you grow up in the shadow of a guy - I want to talk about the movie in a second - but how do you grow up in the shadow of a guy who really is a legend in his own time?

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    Tavis Smiley

    I believed that President Obama was a good choice a couple of years ago because I felt that, as a black man, if he could win, it would open up progressive possibilities in this country for a lot of people. That was my major reason for believing his candidacy was a good thing. However, I don't endorse candidates, given the type of work that I do. My job is to hold people accountable.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I can't count the number of people I've talked to over the course of my career who have said to me that the thing that they most regret is the one time they did something just for the money.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I don't think I'd live anything over, even though I've made a lot of mistakes. I have learned how to see failure as a friend. So, I'm not one to live a life of regrets. I try to learn from my mistakes, but I'll take my life the way it is.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I don't want the Obama era to be more about symbolism than substance when it comes to black people. I love him, but I love black people even more.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I fear that we are living in a society, living in a world where forgiving people is becoming more and more difficult to do.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I feel blessed to be in the broadcast business for 20 years. I believe that when you're this blessed, you have an obligation to pay it forward. That's what life is all about ultimately.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I feel like I've been successful after being done with the film is when I see it, if I'm embarrassed, if I'm slightly mortified, and if I feel super-vulnerable, I think I did something.

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    Tavis Smiley

    If you don't have courage, you can't practice any of the other virtues.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I grew. Going outside my comfort zone is a big one for me.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I just find in our world that forgiveness is becoming more and more a difficult thing for us to do.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I learned early on that it's heartbreaking to - there's the editor that comes in, and then they have to craft the movie together, and sometimes you give a whole performance that's just been cut up, and maybe it's better for it, absolutely, but you still have to deal with the loss of that.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I love my cross-sectioned, cross-cultural audience. Some of them are doing better than the average guy, but my audience has always been people who are struggling to stay in the middle class.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I love the fight. I don't - it's not a negative, it's a positive, and I love the challenge. There's that little part of me that I love proving someone wrong in that way when they have an image of me or something, or they think they have me figured out or they think I'm a certain way.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I'm talking about France and Germany and Italy and Spain - new friend Germany - and I love that story, how they lead the world in some things that the world needs leadership in. Amongst them we're the only ones without national healthcare. Can't go to a hospital and not worry about falling into bankruptcy. They go to university free. We're killing our students with debt. That scares me.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I'm very musically curious and I love new experience. I'm an adventurer. Some people want to sort of stay in a safe zone and repeat the same things and give them more depth, and I want to do new things all the time

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    Tavis Smiley

    [In a blogosphere] everybody has an opinion now, but I don't really freaking care about - all opinions ain't created equal, because everybody can go out there and express themselves and hide behind some character we don't know who you really are, a bunch of cowards.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I still think in this country, and this might surprise you, the one thing that George Bush said as president that I do agree with, I love that phrase, "the soft bigotry of low expectations.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I think a lot of people who go to drama school have this ease with the text and they all have five monologues that they know by heart, and I never had that. I've done Chekov and I've done Moliere and I've done classic stuff

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    Tavis Smiley

    I think, for most of us is that once you get to a certain place in your career you're not having to elbow and knock people around and audition for parts.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I think that what started out as a European Union originally was probably a really wonderful and world-changing idea, the idea of a kind of cooperation and interdependence between countries. But the idea that individualization would work on common ground, not on conflict, not against each other, but to find how each benefitted from the other I thought was an incredibly hopeful and positive possibility.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I think the issue of women's choice is essential for a woman being able to have their lives - if they cannot control their own bodies by choosing if or when to have a child, then they cannot control their working life or anything around them.

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    Tavis Smiley

    It's hard these days to have a conversation, at least it is for me, about [Truman]Capote without "Good Night, and Good Luck" coming up in the same conversation.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I use the phrase "fellow citizen" all the time when referring to the - people always say, "The American people, the American people." I prefer the phrase fellow citizen because there's a power in that, there's a responsibility, there's a duty in using that phrase fellow citizen.

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    Tavis Smiley

    I wanted to be a theater actress, and initially, I wanted to work in musical theater

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    Tavis Smiley

    Jamestown changed the world in many ways, but perhaps it shaped our nation most profoundly the day Africans arrived. I can't think of a more relevant place to talk about the issues facing our community today than the place where African culture became American culture.

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    Tavis Smiley

    [John Carlos] has spent much of his life since that time as a dedicated human rights advocate and public speaker, and he is out now with a wonderful new text; a memoir, in fact.

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    Tavis Smiley

    John Carlos provided the world with one of the most iconic images of the 1960s with his Black Power salute after a medal-winning performance at the 1968 summer games.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Life is about committing ourselves on a daily basis to the best in us. Freedom is a state of mind. Freedom is an attitude. Freedom is a spirit. You may be behind bars, but you still have the capacity to be free. I've visited some people behind bars who are freer than Negroes I see running around every day. Being in jail, or poor, or uneducated doesn't determine how free you can be. There are really only two types of people. Either you're running scared or you're running free. I choose to run free, and you can, too, no matter what your circumstances in life.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Losing teaches you something

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    Tavis Smiley

    Music is the soundtrack of our lives, it's essential for our lives.

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    Tavis Smiley

    My acting gives me my self-worth

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    Tavis Smiley

    My personal assessment is that Dr. King is the greatest American we have ever produced. I can argue for Lincoln, I can argue for FDR, but for my money, King is the greatest American we have ever produced. His only weapon was love. He transforms a nation, transforms the world with one weapon and that of course being again the weapon of love. So that for me, King is the quintessential example of everything that I could ever want to be in my lifetime.

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    Tavis Smiley

    My role on television is one of helping people reexamine the assumptions that they hold. I regard Dr. King. You would never hear me get up and speak without in some way, shape or form, referencing, Dr. King.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Poverty and wealth inequality are a form of instability into the future.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Regardless of your race, religion or political affiliation, never hesitate to question those in authority.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Sometimes even your friends don't understand your calling, your purpose, your vocation. But you have to stand in your truth anyway, and they will eventually come around to understanding you, if you do it lovingly.

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    Tavis Smiley

    Sometimes rejection in life is really redirection.