Best 4069 quotes in «fiction quotes» category

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    Even people that were never interested in science fiction are interested in STAR TREK.

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    Even though I always claimed that I didn't want to write about something - once I wasn't writing fiction, anyway; I think for me the change from fiction to poetry was that in fiction I was writing about something, in poetry I was writing something.

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    Even though what I enjoy most is literature, I would not want to live only in a world of fiction, cut off from the rest of life. No - I want to always have a foot in the street, to be inmersed in the activities of my contemporaries, in the times, in the place where I live.

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    Every day, I read books on philosophy and science fiction and human consciousness.

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    Even when it comes to writing fiction, how do you encompass all this stuff that's right on the tip of your tongue? You have to fold that into what you're working on.

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    Everyone is isolated from everyone else. The concept of society is like a cushion to protect us from the knowledge of that isolation. A fiction that serves as an anesthetic.

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    everyone knows, at some level, that the sharp line between "good weather" and "bad weather" is a fiction, that we need rain as surely as we need sun.

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    Every novel is a debtor to Homer.

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    Every fiction since Homer has taught friendship, patriotism, generosity, contempt of death. These are the highest virtues; and the fictions which taught them were therefore of the highest, though not of unmixed, utility.

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    Everything I had read in the fields of fiction and science led me to a single, dark conclusion. Humans are screwed, and so is our planet.

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    Everyone knows that a lot of memoirs have made-up scenes; it's obvious. And everyone knows that half the time at least fictions contain literal autobiographical truths. So how do we decide what's what, and does it even matter?

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    Everyone who works in the domain of fiction is a bit crazy. The problem is to render this craziness interesting.

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    Every vampire fiction reinvents vampires to its own needs. You take what you want.

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    Everything I've made - it doesn't mean they've all been good - but everything I've made so far, big or little, fiction or documentary, has been something that I've been really enthusiastic about.

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    Everything of this life as a mortal is fiction. It seems real, but...

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    Fact and fiction carry the same intrinsic weight in the marketplace of ideas. Fortunately, reality has no advertising budget.

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    Experiments with the "as if" of fiction are often more lively in poetry and criticism and other modes of writing than in weak short stories or novels.

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    Fact is only what you believe and fact and fiction work as a team.

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    Fact is often stranger than fiction because most writers of fiction try to make their stories plausible.

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    Fact is stranger than fiction. You see people walking down the street that would never be allowed on television. You have to tone it down.

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    Fact-checking is so boring compared to writing fiction.

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    Fact is stranger than fiction.

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    Fantasies are things that can't happen, and science fiction is about things that can happen.

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    Fantasy fiction is essentially about the concept of power; great fantasy fiction is about people who find it at great cost or lose it tragically; mediocre fantasy fiction is about people who have it and never lose it but simply wield it.

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    Expectation is a statistical fiction, like having 2.5 children.

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    Farscape is not what you call hard science fiction.

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    Fantasy and science fiction are where my brain lives.

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    Fantasy deals with the immeasurable while science-fiction deals with the measurable.

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    Far more unwaveringly, the neurotic keeps before his eye his God, his idol, his ideal of personality and clings to his guiding principle, losing sight in the meanwhile of reality, whereas the normal person is always ready to dispense with this crutch, this aid, and reckon unhampered with reality.

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    Fantasy is an area where it is possible to talk about right and wrong, good and evil, with a straight face. In mainstream fiction and even in a good deal of mystery, these things are presented as simply two sides of the same coin. Never really more than a matter of where you happen to be standing.

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    Fiction and essays can create empathy for the theoretical stranger.

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    Fantasy is not antirational, but pararational; not realistic but surrealistic, a heightening of reality. In Freud's terminology, it employs primary not secondary process thinking. It employs archetypes which, as Jung warned us, are dangerous things. Fantasy is nearer to poetry, to mysticism, and to insanity than naturalistic fiction is. It is a wilderness, and those who go there should not feel too safe.

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    Fantasy is the impossible made probable. Science Fiction is the improbable made possible.

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    Fiction comes in all shapes and sizes. Secrets,lies,stories. We all tell them. Sometimes,because we hope to entertain. Sometimes,because we need to distract. And sometimes, because we have to.

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    Fiction begins with the senses, and the senses go to work in a place.

    • fiction quotes
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    fiction happens in the belly, it doesn't happen in the brain.

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    Fiction has to be plausible. All history has to do is happen.

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    Fiction is about stuff that's screwed up.

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    Fiction is an improvement on life

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    Fiction can serve in a non-threatening way to open minds and, I hope, hearts to the Word of God.

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    Fiction gives us a second chance that life denies us.

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    Fiction is about feeling, which is to say that short stories are about all of us.

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    Fantasy involves that which general opinion regards as impossible; science fiction involves that which general opinion regards as possible under the right circumstances. This is in essence a judgment call, since what is possible and what is not cannot be objectively known but is, rather, a subjective belief on the part of the reader.

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    Fantasy is the oldest form of literature and science fiction is just a new twist on it.

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    Fiction is always a utopian task, in that there's an ideal you hold in your head as you write which inevitably fails in the moment of creation, in the insufficiency of words to convey meaning, or in the way the work is completed in the reader's head.

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    Fiction is not photography, it's oil painting.

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    Fiction and poetry expose intimate things from a person's life every bit as much as memoir does, and sometimes more. I don't quite see or live the distinction you are making about the forms.

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    Fiction basically is a form of gossip where you want to enter other people's lives, the lives of people you don't know, and you want to know what's going to happen to them.

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    Fiction becomes a weird way to countenance yourself and to tell the truth instead of being a way to escape yourself or present yourself in a way you figure you will be maximally likable.

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    Fiction doesn't appeal to me because it can describe physical appearances exhaustively or because it can offer access to the inner depths of an array of human characters - neither that kind of "realism" of bodily surfaces nor of individual psychologies seems particularly realistic to me.