Best 1027 quotes in «results quotes» category

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    I'm drinking away the exam results that don't take me anywhere.

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    I'm not a speed writer. I write slowly and revise obsessively. The end result tends to be good. That's where my strength is.

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    Importantly, in the 1930s, in the Great Depression, the Federal Reserve, despite its mandate, was quite passive and, as a result, financial crisis became very severe, lasted essentially from 1929 to 1933.

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    I'm not really interested in making money. That's always come as the result of success, but it's not been my goal.

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    In a good meeting there is a momentum that comes from the spontaneous exchange of fresh ideas and produces extraordinary results. That momentum depends on the freedom permitted the participants.

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    In Architecture there is a part that is the result of Logical Reasoning and a part that is created through the Senses. There is always a point where they Clash. I don't think Architecture can be created without that Collision.

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    I'm not going to work so that Pena Nieto is the best known or most recognized in the world. I'm going to work so that Mexico has results.

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    Inaction that results from indulgence is Procrastination. Inaction that results from intention is Patience.

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    In a word, most bad attitudes are the result of selfishness.

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    In business, people are held accountable. In Washington, nobody is held accountable. In business, people are judged on results. In Washington, people are measured by their ability to get reelected.

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    In business or in football, it takes a lot of unspectacular preparation to produce spectacular results.

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    In conclusion, I submit that, far from science having buried God, not only do the results of science point towards his existence, but the scientific enterprise itself is validated by his existence.

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    Increasing food production to feed an increased population results in yet another increase in population.

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    Indeed optimists rather than defeatists have produced the results for which serious genealogical research is best known.

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    Indefinite plans get dubious results.

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    Injustice results as much from treating unequals equally as from treating equals unequally.

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    Infinite Patience brings Immediate Results.

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    In our own days we have seen no princes accomplish great results save those who have been accounted miserly.

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    In my job you can't just put your head in the sand and throw partisan bombshells. You have to get results.

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    In popular government results worth while can only be achieved by men who combine worthy ideals with practical good sense.

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    In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results.

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    Insecurity is the result of trying to be secure.

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    Intervention giving is emotional and the results are measurable.

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    In the final analysis, you always get paid for your results.

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    In the end, your creativity -- perhaps even your outrageousness -- will determine the final result.

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    In the market economy the price that is offered is counted upon to produce the result that is sought.

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    In my personal experience I have hardly come to know the wretchedness of mankind better than as a result of the general theory of relativity and everything connected to it. But it doesn't bother me.

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    In performing experiments, it is necessary... that they be simplified as much as possible, and that every circumstance that could complicate the results should be completely removed.

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    In the revolt against idealism, the ambiguities of the word experience have been perceived, with the result that realists have more and more avoided the word.

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    I pray for miracles. I have always found prayer to bring quick results.

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    I place this day, my life, my loved ones, my work in the Lord's hands. There is no harm in the Lord's hands, only good. Whatever happens, whatever results, if I am in the Lord's hands it is the Lord's will and it is good.

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    I shall try to tell the truth, but the result will be fiction.

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    I simply don't become attached to the outer world or to anything. I work for God. I do the very best I can, and then I give the results to Him.

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    In war, important events result from trivial causes.

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    Islamic State is mainly a direct result of the failure in Syria. That's where IS has grown. That's where IS spread from.

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    Isn't hate merely the result of wounded love?

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    I suspect that I am the result of particularly weak conception on the part of my father. His sperm was probably emitted in a rather offhand manner.

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    I started working out with a trainer and I immediately saw results.

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    I spent an awful lot of my life underestimating myself and, as a result, not exceeding my own expectations.

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    I think the ultimate result of it is you can get inside the record.

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    It is also a good rule not to put overmuch confidence in the observational results that are put forward until they are confirmed by theory.

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    I thought that I had found something new. But then I convinced myself that the Abbot Gregor Mendel in Brünn, had, during the sixties, not only obtained the same result through extensive experiments with peas, which lasted for many years, as did de Vries and I, but had also given exactly the same explanation, as far as that was possible in 1866.

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    I think Frank Mir was 100 percent underestimated and I'm really happy to see the result because I think we needed it in the heavyweight division.

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    It is great to be introspective, self analysis can be useful, but only if it results in action.

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    It is for us to do those things which the Lord requires at our hands, and leave the result with him.

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    It is pretty hard to find the right result to a controversial issue.

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    It is prima facie highly implausible that life as we know it is the result of a sequence of physical accidents together with the mechanism of natural selection.

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    It is the certainty that you are about to recover, that brings results, not the hope.

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    It is the marketplace that calls most clearly for men to be softer, more narcissistic and receptive, and the new man is the result.

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    It is tribute to how far we have come in theoretical physics that it now takes enormous machines and a great deal of money to perform experiments whose results we can not predict.

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