Best 930 quotes in «madness quotes» category

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    Be wise to-day; 't is madness to defer.

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    Books were my passion and my escape from madness.

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    But i think it would drive me more crazy to just go do a movie that I didn't believe in, you know?

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    But my doubt would not be overcome. Kierkegaard had declared that it was only to the consciousness of sin that Christianity was not horror or madness. For me it was sometimes both.

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    ...but somehow the madness around me and the turmoil I carried within myself acted as counterweights, and I survived in the centre.

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    Can a moment of madness make up for an age of consent?

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    Caesar was Rome's escape from communism. I expect no Caesar; I find on our map no Rubicon. But then I expect to see communistic madness rebuked and ended.

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    But I like my madness. There is a thrill in it unknown to such sanity as yours. ~ Book 1, Chapter 9.

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    Composing is not a profession. It is a maniaa harmless madness.

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    Cruelty, if we consider it as a crime, is the greatest of all; if we consider it as a madness, we are equally justifiable in applying to it the readiest and the surest means of oppression.

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    Confronted with this double madness of the labourers killing themselves with over-production and vegetating in abstinence, the great problem of capitalist production is no longer to find producers and to multiply their powers but to discover consumers, to excite their appetites and create in them fictitious needs.

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    Death is part of who we are. It guides us. It shapes us. It drives us to madness. Can you still be human if you have no mortal end

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    Culture is perishing in overproduction, in an avalanche of words, in the madness of quantity.

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    Chance is the nature of our universe. [...] madness represents a chaotic reservoir of surprises. Some surprises can be valuable.

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    Drunkenness is nothing but voluntary madness.

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    Democritus maintains that there can be no great poet without a spite of madness.

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    Every great genius has an admixture of madness.

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    Deep connection is the antidote to madness.

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    Every time I stepped into madness of the crowds, I longed for the wisdom of the loneliness.

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    Every age is blind to its own worst madness.

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    Evil is whatever distracts.

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    Familiarity breeds contempt. By bringing them in close, they realize that you’re just as human as they are. That’s when the madness sets in. They can’t understand why you have more than they do when you’re just a regular human being the same as them. Then they hate you for it. (Leta)

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    For disorder obstructs: besides, it doth disgust life, distract the appetities, and yield no true relish to the senses.

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    Every thinking person fears nuclear war, and every technological state plans for it. Everyone knows it is madness, and every nation has an excuse

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    Fear not, dear cousin. In madness there is great power

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    For me personally, I love art and artists of all mediums and we've seen madness is more often than not present in the greatest painters, poets, writers, and songwriters in history.

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    For it is the working people who have their hands on the machinery. And only by stopping the machinery of destruction can we ever hope to stop this madness.

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    For madness must be punished in a world in which mere sanity is prized. The revenge of the ordinary upon the gifted.

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    gardening is a madness and a rapture.

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    [Friedrich] Nietzsche said something marvellous, he said "Madness is not a consequence of uncertainty but of certainty", and this is fanaticism.

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    Girls were always my biggest distraction in school.

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    Government is either organized benevolence or organized madness; its peculiar magnitude permits no shading.

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    From the alienated starting point of our pseudo-sanity, everything is equivocal. Our sanity is not "true" sanity. Their madness is not "true" madness. The madness of our patients is an artifact of the destruction wreaked on them by us, and by them on themselves.

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    God, here and there, makes madness a calling.

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    Grant me the treasure of sublime poverty.

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    Great talent has always a little madness mixed up with it.

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    Go! you may call it madness, folly; You shall not chase my gloom away! There 's such a charm in melancholy I would not if I could be gay.

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    Great wits are sure to madness near allied, and thin partitions do their bounds divide.

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    Granted that every war is madness-civil war, fratricide, is the worst of all; it reaches deeper into ugliness, cruelty and absurdity.

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    He was so tenacious he defied the distraction of women by refusing to have them in his presence, just as later in life he denied his blindness by calling for more and more candles.

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    Hatred is the madness of the heart.

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    Heretics were most often bitterly persecuted for the their least deviation from accepted belief. It was precisely their obstinacy about trifles that irritated the righteous to madness.

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    I don't necessarily find superheroes in general, for me, that appealing. I'd much prefer to play, if I was to be cast in a superhero film, I'd prefer to play the villain because there's a reason, there's a motive behind their madness.

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    I'd distract myself until finally it was a combination of things. The show was over and I had time on my hands. I had taken time and played and just relaxed.

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    I am madness maddened when it comes to books, writers, and the great granary silos where their wits are stored.

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    If angels stoop from visions of more than earthly beauty to spells of less than earthly worth, they are but fallen angels, mingling divine utterances with the babblings of madness, and the madness is not the divineness.

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    If outrageous imagination is the wine of madness, then come fill my cup.

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    If I were to say you are crazy, what part of that would you find unacceptable?

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    I find it so easy to get distracted - I try not to do more than one thing at any one time.

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    If you commit a big crime then you are crazy, and the more heinous the crime the crazier you must be. Therefore you are not responsible, and nothing is your fault.