Best 225 quotes in «introvert quotes» category

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    I've seen women-and men too, sometimes-as canna bear the sound of their own thoughts, and they maybe dinna make such good matches with those who can.

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    I was a shy girl, but when I read, I was adventurous. Books made me bolder.

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    I was beginning to realize that what I wanted was the noise of people living near me, but not near enough to cause any inaudible noises to show up because I knew that those sorts of noises often shift into inaudible minor chords and I am unable to deal with that shift.

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    Mais, j’aurai beau supplier, j’aurai beau me révolter, il n’y aura plus rien pour moi ; je ne serai, désormais, ni heureux, ni malheureux. Je ne peux pas ressusciter. Je vieillirai aussi tranquille que je le suis aujourd’hui dans cette chambre où tant d’êtres ont laissé leur trace, où aucun être n’a laissé la sienne. Cette chambre, on la retrouve à chaque pas. C’est la chambre de tout le monde. On croit qu’elle est fermée, non : elle est ouverte aux quatre vents de l’espace. Elle est perdue au milieu des chambres semblables, comme de la lumière dans le ciel, comme un jour dans les jours, comme moi partout. Moi, moi ! Je ne vois plus maintenant que la pâleur de ma figure, aux orbites profondes, enterrée dans le soir, et ma bouche pleine d’un silence qui doucement, mais sûrement, m’étouffe et m’anéantit. Je me soulève sur mon coude comme sur un moignon d’aile. Je voudrais qu’il m’arrivât quelque chose d’infini !

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    Luna was glad Amy wasn’t one to pry. She knew that if she wanted to talk about it, she would. More people needed to be like her.

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    I walked to my window. It's pirch-dark outside. For the most part, I've always preffered night to day. At night, it's okay to be hunkered down in your house. During the day, people expect you to be out and about. You can start to feel pretty guilty about wasting so much time indoors.

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    Memilih untuk hidup sendiri, berarti memilih jauh dari yang namanya komunikasi.

    • introvert quotes
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    Many introverts don't feel as if they know enough about a subject until they know almost everything.

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    Many shy people turn inward, partly as a refuge from the socializing that causes them such anxiety. And many introverts are shy, partly as a result of receiving the message that there’s something wrong with their preference for reflection, and partly because their physiologies, as we’ll see, compel them to withdraw from high-stimulation environments.

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    Much of life must go by without comment.

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    My husband says this longing for isolation is not a good quality, that if I wanted to be a hermit I should have moved to the West Coast and adopted a lot of cats, not gotten married and had children that demand to be fed several times a day.

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    My thoughts gravitate to whatever’s missing, whatever’s lost or broken or painful. My heart worries and fears. There is plenty to be thankful for but those are not the scenes I stay stuck in.

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    Nothing is as irritating to a shy man as a confident girl.

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    Odd how six people could be a crowd when she lived daily among millions.

    • introvert quotes
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    Once I did find my voice, I saw that it was necessary to speak up in order to be as effective as possible in my role. Yet, many of the women around me still fell into the trap of being seen as ineffective or weak because they never took a vocal stand. No matter how brilliant and impressive these women may have been in one-on-one discussions, not speaking up in meetings hurt their chances of succeeding professionally. When women don't share their ideas with a large number of people, their contributions are easily over looked , and it's difficult for them to be seen as leaders. People naturally want to follow people who take a stand and voice their opinions with confidence.

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    Most things look better from a distance...And as a matter of fact, so do most people. - The Spook, pg 435

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    Most people are just filler- like extras in the background of movies exist to make the scene appear fuller- they exist only to make earth appear fuller. But, really they are vapid, substanceless, in fact I avoid most people like the plague

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    One thing I’ve learned: people love a camera, and when I’m filming, they see it, not me, so whenever I need to, I can quietly disappear behind my trusty shield.

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    People in large quantities are terrible.

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    Poor Zora – she lived through footnotes.

    • introvert quotes
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    People can't stand to be alone with themselves, so they bother me when I'm trying to be alone with myself.

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    Say “Hi” first. If there’s anything I’ve learned, it’s that if you want to talk to someone, talk to them. go out on a limb. Do not wait for them to talk to you first because, odds are, they’re waiting for the same thing.

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    She didn't realize she was in a prison until she collided with the bars.

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    Professor Jenson had one goal in life: to be left alone.

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    Shrinking in a corner, pressed into the wall; do they know I'm present, am I here at all? Is there a written rule book, that tells you how to be— all the right things to talk about— that everyone has but me? Slowly I am withering— a flowered deprived of sun; longing to belong to— somewhere or someone.

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    Perhaps a seemingly dull, boring person is not a person who lacks personality, but rather a person with so much personality most other things bore them.

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    Shyness is cute in children, but disgusting in adults.

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    Sitting in the brightly lit library, surrounded by books, in total silence, that was ma personal zenith.

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    Sitting in a corner, I live like a toad Oh! How I love my room: my tiny abode! Here I wake up; and I sleep in here The world far away; yet virtually near Not that I'm jailed in this place of grace Just don't want to face another face

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    Silence might be a shout for the truth. It might be the speech that someday, in its truest, most uncontaminated, unadulterated state, all will be revealed.

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    Some people are extroverts only when they are drunk.

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    Society is commonly too cheap. We meet at very short intervals, not having had time to acquire any new value for each other.We meet at meals three times a day, and give each other a new taste of that musty old cheese that we are. We have had to agree on a certain set of rules, called etiquette and politeness, to make this frequent meeting tolerable and that we need not come to open war. We meet at the post office, and at the sociable, and at the fireside every night; we live thick and are in each other's way, and stumble over one another, and I think that we thus lose some respect for one another.

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    Sometimes i don't have enough soul in my cheeks to show my face to the world.

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    Sometimes I think that my own company is more suitable for me than if I were around others. Because of the person that I am.

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    Strong introverts crave alone time (I-time) as if it were oxygen in the lungs for survival. I can become short of breath from inadequate alone time. I-time is non-negotiable for a high-functioning introvert. Without I-time, an introvert can suffer from distraction, imbalance, exhaustion, and irritability.

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    Sometimes I wonder if being an introvert is a curse. On one hand you find solace in your own company and never feel sad about being alone. And on the other hand, you are afraid to even express your feeling to one you love until there is nothing but regret is left.

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    The adult I am today has learned that forgetting childhood was not the answer; making peace with it is. The person I am today doesn’t want to fast forward any part of life. On the contrary, I want to revel in it.

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    Some people think the real them is whoever they are when they're not around other people.

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    That was the problem with the outside world, the human world. The whole thing was made up puzzles, of a language she didn't quite speak.

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    The highest men are calm, silent and unknown...The true masters seldom reveal themselves, except in the vibrations the leave behind, and upon which the lesser gurus build their doctrines.

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    The idea that you are not good enough and that people will not like you is something that has been ingrained into your mind over many years. You have hundreds of experiences that you can call up as evidence of the fact that people will not like you -- and that things will not turn out well. These ideas are incredibly convincing. They compel us to hesitate, to shy away, and to avoid the situations -- and people -- that we find frightening. This sets up a reinforcing cycle, where we avoid reaching out, don't get good responses from others as a result, and then gain further evidence that we are not worthy. In order to truly overcome your social anxiety at a deep, gut level, you must repeatedly take bold action. It is only through trying something new, and with a different perspective, that you learn to see the world and the people around you in a different light.

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    The introvert's dilemma is that we might not get a lot of invitations for the kind of socializing we like best--small, mellow gatherings. In other words, the kind of socializing other introverts like to do. Because, let's face it: We're introverts. We're all at home waiting to be invited to do introvert things. Which means, of course, that none of us are getting the invitations we crave. It's an introvert standoff.

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    The introvert's anthem for not wanting to hang out is 'It's not you; it's me.

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    The internet is where some people go to show their true intelligence; others, their hidden stupidity.

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    The life of the party is actually an introverted recluse. She knows the difference between being alone and being lonely. The latter is a feeling she has yet to experience. If she invites you into her world, she plans on keeping you.

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    The more I let people into my life, The more trouble, I bring upon myself.

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    The ones who stay unnoticed often see the most. They live out other people's lives, since their own are so unremarkable...

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    The one who would understand me is equally shy to start a conversation.

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    The healthy introvert understands that their personality is not a deterministic, fixed reality that they are powerless against. Being an introvert is never an excuse to shirk responsibility or to justify bad habits.

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    There is a certain delightful sort of hope which the introvert can receive only by having company over...the hope that they will leave soon.