Best 109 quotes in «forbidden love quotes» category

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    If you come away with me, I can promise you pain and disgrace,” I said. “But I will love you like no other can.

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    If you think you can stand looking and not touching for eight months, you're welcome to try." "Try' being the operative word," he said, sighing. "No, I can't. And I don't want to try.

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    I’m a virgin Mr Cohen,” Carrie said, “I’ve never been with a man before.

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    I’ll teach you not to look at me like that,” Charles snarled through his hair before pushing it off his face. “Do you think I didn’t notice? The way you look at me when you think I’m not watching?” Oh, God! He had to get out of there. Slip out of his grip as soon as possible, before he lost control of his body. He was already feeling it in his groin—the fire Rochester had lit was already making his balls throb. His reply was desperate, a whisper, a tiny, brazen lie: “You’re mistaken.” “Oh, that’s how it is, then? You have the nerve to tell me it’s not true?” The next moment he felt something firm pressing against his buttocks. Something hot and shameless. Charles’s rock-hard erection. Dorian’s lips parted in a surprised moan. The air escaped his lungs and treacherous arousal rose all the way to his throat, breaking his voice and his willpower. “No…” I don’t know. “I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t spying on you on purpose.” “But you did. You always do.

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    I haven't known you for long, I don't even know what your favorite color is or your favorite song, but…I know every detail and curve of your face and the way your eyes sparkle when you smile. I know that you put your hands to your chest when you laugh and the adorable way you fiddle with your fingers when you're nervous. I think of you every minute of every day. I've realized I can't live my life without you in it. I want you. Only you.

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    I'm dangerous for you, Abby.

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    I'm dangerous for you, Abby - Benjamin Blake

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    I think things that i shouldn't.I dream things that i shouldn't.I want things that i shouldn't and it's all because of one thing-- I do care about you.

    • forbidden love quotes
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    I needed him like I needed air to breathe.

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    It was a constant battle not to turn her head in his direction; but every time she did, he was looking over at her. Each time he’d smile, and Rylan would jerk her gaze away. She knew what that smile was capable of, and she was doing a good job avoiding it until it suddenly appeared over her shoulder.

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    I think I like you," I muttered, pressing my face to his muscled torso in a hug. I felt his heartbeat under my ear. "I think I like you back.

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    It was a sin. Kissing a guy who wasn't betrothed to her was wrong in every way. Everyone knew that. It was haram. Forbidden. You would go to hell for that...

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    I’ve never had a reason to survive—no reason to question the way things were. I lived because I was told to…now I live because I want to. I survive because I want to know what is outside the deception we’re buried in, and I want to experience it with you. You’re the only person I’ve ever trusted, and now you’re the reason I’m going to fight. I don’t know how we’re going to make it out of here, but we’ll find a way. We’ll find a better life.

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    It was too quiet for hope, and then too loud for safety. She thought of the people she had lost, of the affection, the smiles, the belonging she could never again take for granted. It was the end of a life, and as she stood there, shivering in the brief night-time chill, it dawned on her that it was the end of her childhood.

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    I want to take you under the moonlight.

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    I tilt my head slightly to one side, taking in her blue sleeveless dress which ends a few inches above her knees. She looks exquisite. Definitely perfect for dessert. “I know what I want to eat and it’s not lemon cake.” I say thickly. Heat flares up in her eyes and I know the cake has been forgotten. She wants to be dessert.

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    Love being the only flower that opens and reaches for the light. Light will always come, because it longs to be reached for, and darkness is put away.

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    Like the perfect collision of oils on a canvas. She was a walking piece of art. Words and all.

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    Love hadn’t existed in this world. Only hate, deceit and lies, but by letting him in I’d let all of that crumble. By letting me in he’d done the same, and now we were engaged in an even deadlier game than before.

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    Love is love, even if it is illicit; like light remains light even in the darkness.

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    Loving him is a sin; of that I’m fully aware. But a sinner I am.

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    Just for tonight, let's pretend I'm not a priest and you're not crazy. We're just two normal human beings having a good time. Just a man and a woman at a rip-off carnival, living in the moment.

    • forbidden love quotes
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    Lying here with him, I realize love is so much more than silly words or actions. It is all encompassing and unfathomable until experienced. It is darkness intertwined with light, good with evil.

    • forbidden love quotes
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    Make me a weapon,” I whispered as he pulled away. “Make it so I never have to dream about this again—make it so we can have this…forever.

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    «Non è possibile.» «Ti prego.» La sua supplica ha un tono seducente, avvinghia a sé ogni nervo del mio corpo. Darei il locale per risentirlo mentre è in ginocchio e mi guida dentro la sua bocca. Fisso il punto in cui i nostri corpi si toccano, prima di trascinare gli occhi nei suoi. *Concentrati, stronzo. Ti ha posto una domanda.*

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    Me limpio las mejillas y vuelvo la cabeza para mirarlo —¡No hemos hecho nada malo! ¿Cómo se le puede llamar terrible a un amor así cuando no le estamos haciendo daño a nadie? Él me mira, sus ojos brillan a la débil luz. —No sé— susurra.—¿Cómo algo tan malo puede sentirse tan bien?

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    Nothing with this woman was meant to be rushed. She was like a fine wine that only improved with age and time. Time she hadn’t been given growing up, but I’d waited close to a year. I could wait some more.

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    Our hearts have already been broken. Maybe I can help to heal hers, even if it means ripping mine to shreds when she leaves and I have to say good-bye.

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    Oh. Once again, the penny drops. Damn, there’s been an awful lot of penny-dropping, and metaphorically, it’s sending me broke.

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    She looked at me, and she saw something no one else did. Even I don't know what." -Landon

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    She loved the fact he was older than her and more experienced, he had so much to teach her and she couldn’t wait to learn.

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    She nodded, breaking every promise to herself, loving him.

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    She was left to beg for mercy only to burn in torment again the next day. She was a weed struggling through cracks of concrete, unwanted, undesired, crushed and abused under trampling feet. She would never see the sun. She would never be free. She would always be a solitary candle in the dark, cold without a flame to warm it, forever peering out at the world through a laminated sheet of glass too thick to penetrate. When she died, if she was ever allowed, no one would ever know. She would pass a faded ghost of a girl abandoned by all.

    • forbidden love quotes
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    ... Morning takes you again to the place of no return... I don’t have the time to tell you, how much I want you to be here…

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    Rachel slips off the bed and stands before him to rearrange his collar, aware that in this small gesture there is a quality acutely other than motherly, sisterly, companionable, and that, in this moment, everything ever intended for her, for them, has begun, that the beginning is in the rearrangement of his collar and not the first kiss they share now, Zach recovering his wind as quickly as he lost it, a Great Northern Diver resurfacing. Zach clasps his hands round her ears, steps into her body and breathes the very air from her lungs. His teeth scrape against hers and he rests his open mouth against her face, gasping for air, his eyes squeezed shut as in great pain. And Rachel and Zachariah are born. Now truly they are born. 'Zachariah, Zachariah,' whispers Rachel. 'My fighting man.

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    She had assumed they would see each other every day but she hadn’t really thought about the implications of having an affair with a married man. It wasn’t going to be a normal relationship.

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    She reaches out for the crumpled sheet at the end of her bed and wraps it round beneath her arms. The white material swirls around her feet, making me smile. I pull on my underwear and join her by the window, kissing her cheek. ‘I do.’ She looks at me questioningly and then down at the sheet before breaking into giggles. ‘In sickness and in health?’ she asks. ‘Till death us do part?’ I shake my head. ‘Way beyond that,’ I say. ‘For ever.

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    *Sì, Allison, lo sto pensando.* Sto pensando al motivo per il quale non porti niente sotto, se ti stai bagnando rimuginando su di me, se quel deficiente ti ha avuta, se ti ha lasciato per lo meno il reggiseno - a giudicare dalla spalla scoperta, direi di no – se mi chiederai di fotterti anche stanotte. Le domande vorticano, confondendosi e distraendomi dalla serata.

    • forbidden love quotes
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    The closer we get—the more I let you in…the more dangerous this gets. We’re just pawns in this game, and I wasn’t playing before. I was just a piece to move about the board, but I am playing now. Don’t you get it? You’re what everyone wants! But I’m not going to let them win.

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    The perfect boyfriend. Evolutionary psychologists often opine that bad boys are the ultimate alpha males—powerful, potent, lethal. These predators represent the forbidden fruit! Ergo that makes them the ultimate taboo, which makes them the ultimate aphrodisiac.

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    There is no one that can make me look into their eyes and see the rest of my life. Only you.

    • forbidden love quotes
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    There’s a reason why relationships don’t work out. It’s usually better to take a few steps back if you have any doubts before it gets complicated and you find yourself in a tangled web, not of your doing, but somehow you end up paying the price.

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    The sea loved the moon When she was supposed to love the shore. The moon knew And hence made his intentions known. That she should love the shore Who was destined for her. Yet his protests seemed weak. And even when he pushed her towards the shore- She always retreated back. To want, to need, to love the moon For all she's worth. Everyone said, it wasn't meant to happen. Yet, the Tsunami rose that night for their union.

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    The whole forbidden-romance thing . . . it's a myth. No woman ever marries the man they have to hide. The adventure, the adrenaline, those things are fun while they last. But that kind of commitment is as temporary as the heartache you feel now.

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    We can’t do this on so many levels,” she whispered. But I don’t care." Vee, The Way You Bite

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    We were doomed from the start. A lost cause. A losing battle. And yet, in that narrow instant, I didn't give a single fuck.

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    What do you want from me Duncan?” My breath caught in my throat when he licked his lips and swallowed hard. “I don’t know everything and nothing. I feel like you’re this giant flame that I can’t get away from. I fight the pull; I try as hard as I can to move in the other direction but something keeps bringing me back. I left town hoping I’d never come back here, but here I am. I guess I’m sick of fighting it. I’m willing to take the chance of burning up the question is, are you?” Duncan-The Wild Hunt

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    Whether she was engaged, married or single, nothing could or ever would come of the weakness he was forced to acknowledge that he had developed. He would re-establish the professional distance that had somehow ebbed away with her drunken confessions and the camaraderie of their trip up north, and temporarily shelve his half-acknowledged plan to end the relationship with Elin. It felt safer just now to have another woman within reach, and a beautiful one at that, whose enthusiasm and expertise in bed ought surely to compensate for an undeniable incompatibility outside it. He fell to wondering how long Robin would continue working for him after she became Mrs. Cunliffe. Matthew would surely use every ounce of his husbandly influence to pry her away from a profession as dangerous as it was poorly paid. Well, that was her lookout: her bed, and she could lie in it. Except that once you had broken up, it was much easier to do so again. He ought to know. How many times had he and Charlotte split? How many times had they tried to reassemble the wreckage? There had been more cracks than substance by the end: they had lived in a spider's web of fault lines, held together by hope, pain, and delusion. Robin and Matthew had just two months to go before the wedding. There was still time.

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    Some lines you just don't cross. Not in my business." "Your business?" Georgia rolled her eyes. "You mean the private detective business? I wasn't aware you guys had such ironclad rules about making out with clients." She ignored the choking sound he made. "Seriously, have you even seen The Maltese Falcon?" Darius' face heated. "This isn't some movie, Ms. Clare. You're not Mary Astor, and I'm sure as hell no Humphrey Bogart. Here in the real world, there are rules.

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    The fact that you can't see how much you're worth makes you worth so much more." She opened her mouth once, her brow bunched, but nothing came out. She didn't know the words to ask. I continued. "A diamond doesn't know how much it's worth; it's just beautiful because it exists.