Best 109 quotes in «forbidden love quotes» category

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    And most of all...I learned that even in the darkest of nights, the stars will always shine. ~ Lynn

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    And what do you know of love?" "That it must be a choice." "Oh, my naive thief. " I pause briefly to meet his gaze. "Love is rarely a choice.

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    Are we star-crossed?" I asked quietly, a whisper. "Yes," he said. "But I would fight against the stars for you.

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    All my most unreachable dreams were suddenly, so unbelievably, about to come true. But they were forbidden. The right thing to do would be to pull away, turn from him, run back to the house. My head screamed at me to flee, but my heart begged me to stay.

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    Anything forbidden takes on a significance that draws us into its embrace.

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    At places where protruding rocks blocked its flow, the river hissed, eddying in ripples and foams, and then wrested its way forward with renewed rigor. For a while Bumbutai stood still, enchanted by the struggling brook, her spirits lifted and were imbued with a refreshing sense of hope. Mother Earth's healing hand could always do wonders to a world-wearied soul.

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    As soon as I saw her, I knew I had to stay far away from her. Being with her makes me feel like I’ve been starving for so long. Sofia has given me a taste of something I didn’t know I wanted. Something I am now desperate for. Her.

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    Because that was the problem with society. It cared too much about who you fell in love with but never about why. The why matters.

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    Broken hearts made faults and fools of us all.

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    Are you all right? With your Guild, I mean?" Alain considered the question. "They suspect me of being attracted to a Mechanic. They are right, but so far lack proof. They do not suspect that I love you, or who you are, but I have no doubt of what they will do if they discover either of those things." "Oh, blazes." Mari lowered her head to rest her brow against the cool stone of the fortification. "I have ruined your life." "You have given me back my life.

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    beauty has been known to drive men wild, like the sirens did. Man’s challenge is to steer clear from it.” - Salvadore about temptation

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    Be careful who you allow into your bed, and more importantly your heart.

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    Because think how we'll feel in the morning. Think how much worse it will be pretending that we don't mean anything to each other in front of everyone else after we've spent the night together, even if all we do is sleep. It's like having just a little bit of a drug - it only makes you want more.

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    Before Jaylee, I was always under the impression that people cheated on their spouses because they were seeking something outside of the marriage that was missing. I’m not sure if anything was lacking in my marriage to Robert. I wasn’t looking; Jaylee just happened. Now I fear that I will never again experience the heights of desire that I feel when I’m with him and I’m mourning it before it’s even gone.

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    Don't bow your head! It gets even harder... Look at me and say that, what was incomplete. Think of forbidden and dream, as I do. ...

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    Devia la mia mano, quando tento una carezza sulla sua guancia arrossata. «Poche regole, Allison.» Ricerco gli occhi con due dita sotto il mento. Evita di guardarmi solo per farmi ammattire, ormai lo so. «Pretendo che siano rispettate. Se scopro che spalanchi le gambe a quel figlio di papà, puoi dire addio a tutto.»

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    Don’t you want a relationship like your parents have? They look at each other with love and heart, not just as an asset.” - Salvatore from The Tutor by Kailin Gow.

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    Even though we were never supposed to be together…I can’t be with anyone else, no matter the consequences.

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    Fate’s funny like that, sticking her hand into places that at the time you want to curse her for—then, years later, you just want to nod and wink at her as you move into that sweet spot you’ve been hoping for all those years.

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    Fate was cruel to play this trick on her, although if she were honest she knew she only had herself to blame. She had taken the chance and now she had to pay the price.

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    For me… it was excruciating.” He closed his eyes for a moment then focused on her. “It is so painful to truly love someone so much and not have them. For years I practiced tolerating that pain. Around the time I was sixteen I could finally stand to look at you. So, I did, all the damn time. I watched you so carefully. I captured every smile, every frown, every tear from you. I wanted you… but I couldn’t have you. Then one day we became friends and the pain came back, but I didn’t care because you were my friend, my best friend. But when you kissed me, I realized the feeling I had before was nothing compared to what I felt when we kissed. I felt alive… and guilty and betrayed, because it’s not fair. It’s not fair for me to go through that… to want to kiss you every day, every hour, every minute for the rest of my miserable life, but I want to. I’m afraid that it will get to a point where I need to. I have been in love with you since I was eight years old. I have hated the way my father has treated me, but nothing has hurt me as much as the pain of my mother’s death except seeing you and my brother in bliss. What I want is for you to stay in this room with me. I want to feel how you feel, taste how you taste, and completely fall in you because I’m just… tired of always wanting what I can’t have. I want to make you smile, make you happy… I want to be inside you… I want to give you pleasure in every way… mind, body, and soul… I am completely, madly… and utterly in love with you… and it hurts… because I can’t have you. And it hurts because if there is a chance that I can then it is possible that it will turn out to be my tragedy and misfortune. And all I can say to that … I accept my tragedy… but I don’t wish it.

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    Fine. Stay. I don’t care,” I rolled onto my side and closed my eyes. “But don’t think I’m going to share the bed!” ~Touching Smoke

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    Have you noticed how the boy looks at you?” Russell asked. Charles chortled. “For the love of God, how should he look at me?” “I’m serious. I’ve been noticing it for a while now. Don’t tell me you haven’t noticed.” Silence. Dorian held his breath, ears divided between the sounds in the undergrowth and the words that would follow. “What are you talking about?” Charles’s voice sounded lower and more sullen than before, as if the marquess were struggling to contain some type of uneasiness. Russell’s reply was bone-chilling: “He looks at you the way a woman would.

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    Having something forbidden is exciting, don't you agree?

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    Do people always fall in love with things they can't have?' 'Always,' Carol said, smiling, too.

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    Gavin thought of Adante and how she was like a blue flame, so mesmerizing, so beautiful and as much as he wanted to touch her, he knew it would only hurt them both in the end.

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    He'd now officially become his brother's bastard child who impregnated his stepsister.

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    He embraced me, and said into my ear, 'I'm going to fuck the shit out of you.' I lost my breath. It was crude, it was unexpected, and it set me on fucking fire.

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    He felt torn. He wanted her to feel safe with him, but he also wanted her to feel the sort of heady excitement that any young girl should feel when they fall in love. He wanted to give her everything she craved, and he was not quite sure he could do it.

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    Have you ever experienced a beauty of soul, an esthetic grace, that was so intense it made you want to cry?" From Central Park Song ( A Screenplay )

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    He was sorry, genuinely sorry, for the pain she was in. Yet the revelation had caused certain other feelings—feelings he usually kept under tight rein, considering them both misguided and dangerous—to flex inside him, to test their strength against their restraining bonds.

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    He was fast becoming the excitement of a tomorrow I never used to look forward to.

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    He moved, so quick, it was as if I blinked and he vanished from the window and reappeared in front of me. I jumped in surprise, hitting the door with a dull thud. I may have breathed his name, but I couldn’t be sure of anything except his swelling scent and the heat wafting off his body. The dreamy sensation pulsed in my skull, filling me with an airy sensation that sucked the breath from my lungs. The current washed through me, carrying away all reasoning, all doubts. It was just me and him and the pounding electricity between us. “I—I didn’t come for this.” yet, my hands reached for him, fisting in his hair and curling around his shoulder. “I should… go…” I pulled him to me.

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    He touched me. He… he whispered things in my ear, things I never would’ve expected to affect me the way they did. I feel like I lose control when I’m near him. I’m like a leaf fluttering in the wind—when he zigs, I zag. He talks and I jump. He walks and I turn into a blithering idiot. I admit it, I’m clumsy, but when I find myself near him…” He didn’t have the courage to finish the sentence. With a sudden lump in his throat, he added: “I don’t want to hope, and I certainly don’t want to delude myself. Damn it, the thought of deluding myself terrifies me!” “I think I know what your problem is.” “And what would that be?” He sat up, offering a sly smile. “You’re hopelessly in love with him.

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    He was desire, and I was his prisoner, chained up by his kisses. Submissive to his touch.

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    He clung to her more tightly, knotting his hands in her hair, trying to tell her, with the press of his mouth on hers, all the things he could never say out loud: I love you; I love you and I don’t care that you’re my sister; don’t be with him, don’t want him, don’t go with him. Be with me. Want me. Stay with me. I don’t know how to be without you.

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    He was my addiction and once I got that taste of him I wouldn’t want to stop even if I was getting eaten alive with guilt for doing it. - Taylor First, The Tutor by Kailin Gow

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    His blue eyes slice through me and make me wish I hadn't come.

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    I couldn't shake this feeling that I had uncovered more than something ordinary.

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    I don’t know how to dance!” she said. His arms tightened around her when she tried to pull away. “Then just let me hold you.

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    Hopes were high. But just like a balloon pushed past its breaking point, hope is fragile. One lungful of air too many and the balloon bursts leaving ugly, shriveled fragments behind, impossible to piece back together.

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    If you think you can stand looking and not touching for eight months, you're welcome to try." "Try' being the operative word," he said, sighing. "No, I can't. And I don't want to try.

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    I haven't known you for long, I don't even know what your favorite color is or your favorite song, but…I know every detail and curve of your face and the way your eyes sparkle when you smile. I know that you put your hands to your chest when you laugh and the adorable way you fiddle with your fingers when you're nervous. I think of you every minute of every day. I've realized I can't live my life without you in it. I want you. Only you.

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    I drag my eyes away from his sexy hands and my gaze collides with his. His penetrating blue gaze holds mine. He knows. He knows what I am thinking. He knows that I would rather have him fucking me senseless than sitting in the midst of everyone trying to make small talk, pretending that his mere presence hasn’t almost driven me to my wits’ end. Feeling overwhelmingly aroused, heat creeps up my neck and into my cheeks. My pulse is racing. My heart is pounding so hard. Awareness crackles between us. His eyes hold mine with a frightening intensity like he can devour me with one touch.

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    I’ll teach you not to look at me like that,” Charles snarled through his hair before pushing it off his face. “Do you think I didn’t notice? The way you look at me when you think I’m not watching?” Oh, God! He had to get out of there. Slip out of his grip as soon as possible, before he lost control of his body. He was already feeling it in his groin—the fire Rochester had lit was already making his balls throb. His reply was desperate, a whisper, a tiny, brazen lie: “You’re mistaken.” “Oh, that’s how it is, then? You have the nerve to tell me it’s not true?” The next moment he felt something firm pressing against his buttocks. Something hot and shameless. Charles’s rock-hard erection. Dorian’s lips parted in a surprised moan. The air escaped his lungs and treacherous arousal rose all the way to his throat, breaking his voice and his willpower. “No…” I don’t know. “I didn’t mean to. I wasn’t spying on you on purpose.” “But you did. You always do.

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    I’m a virgin Mr Cohen,” Carrie said, “I’ve never been with a man before.

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    I'm dangerous for you, Abby - Benjamin Blake

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    I'm dangerous for you, Abby.

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    I think I like you," I muttered, pressing my face to his muscled torso in a hug. I felt his heartbeat under my ear. "I think I like you back.

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    I needed him like I needed air to breathe.