Best 943 quotes in «love story quotes» category

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    God made (human beings) because he loves stories.

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    Harold and Maude' was a seminal movie for me because it's not only a beautiful love story, but it's also about the moment when misfits find each other.

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    I am, at the end of the day, a guy who loves story.

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    I love stories about misfits and underdogs.

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    I'd never done nudity in a movie; I've never sort of condoned it for myself, but David Lynch wanted it, and I was completely comfortable with it because that love story was so protected. There's never a moment where you feel anything is exploited.

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    I hope to be remembered as an author who defined and exemplified excellence in crafting the modern love story.

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    I love storytelling. I love stories, and I love the way in which we connect through stories.

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    I love storytelling so for me to get behind a story and get in there early in its infancy and kind of develop it in the early stages was something I really wanted to be a part of.

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    I think women love to read love stories.

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    I'm always a sucker for a love story.

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    I'm working on a second cookbook and am working on my love story, 'Black Heels to Tractor Wheels.

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    In course of time my first novel appeared. It was a love story.

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    I wanted to make a love story without being nerdy.

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    It's a love story, baby, just say, Yes.

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    Love stories always seem to be a spark.

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    Just finished 'Secrecy' - truly enthralling both as a love story and as a tale of suspense - but much more than both.

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    'Love Story' is actually about a guy that I almost dated. But when I introduced him to my family and my friends, they all said they didn't like him. All of them!

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    I think above all else [The Social Network] is a love story. And something of a tragic one, I suppose.

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    Parineeta is a classic love story.

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    My favorite movie is Closer and Love Story.

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    No love story worth telling is easy. The hills and valleys that make a relationship, in my opinion, is really a dynamic worth watching.

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    Much as I love stories, I think I'll only be satisfied with myself as a writer if I'm able to produce a novel that feels publishable. The books that truly take me away - for weeks at a time - are all novels.

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    Russian law on banning nontraditional relationships basically says you cannot have any portrayal, neutral or positive, of homosexual relationships or nontraditional families, period. And you also cannot have negative portrayals of heterosexual relationships. So along the way, the law completely quashes any kind of public discussion on domestic violence. No discussion of relationships at all, unless you want to showcase a heterosexual love story, that preferably involves reproduction.

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    Sherlock and Watson are a love story

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    ACTS OF LOVE Love is not a word Or a thought. It is the name for An action That breathes from its light. What do you DO In Love's name? And is it only done Outside In the light? Or with an inner Flame Illuminating Love's TRUE Name? I want to know. Are your actions Done by remote Or with SOUL? And when you say You love someone, Does a light go off Inside at all? What have YOU Done In the Name of LOVE? Because, Really, I want to know.

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    My favorite movies are love stories.

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    The romantics would call this a love story, the cynics would call it a tragedy.

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    We are the protagonists of our love story, not the spectators.

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    You have to just look at it like Titanic: I know the ship sinks, but this is a love story

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    A bedroom is not necessary for me to demonstrate my womanliness!

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    Absence is more, thorny on the soul, than however dulcet, presence can be. Apparently, I have missed you, more than, I have ever loved you.

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    A disastrous flaw in our design is that the heart always defies the brain.

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    A Dom intent on developing a relationship will approach you on a personal level first.

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    After all, the only thing harder than allowing yourself to care is pretending that you don't.

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    After lunch four of us have our picture taken. Regn, myself, Fernus, and Sharon. I grip my brown lunch bag in hand, Fernus holds her soda can, Regn makes a funny expression. But what strikes me about this photograph is the shadow. We are standing in Group Reservations, the sun streaming in from above, through the skylight, and directly behind my head a giant starred reflection is cast on the wall. It is cast there as a pointed halo of sorts. I am next to Regn, she wears her sunglasses though we are still indoors. My face looks so young, my eyes do not betray any weariness. The pain is gradual. The pain is two years and more ahead. Is the star the crest of my youth? Does it suggest what I’ve always known—that something more, something far greater was in store for me? Looking back and all that’s come to pass, I can tell you yes. With a full and tired heart, I can tell you yes. I am not inclined to whimsy or overly-superstitious; however, there are signs and sometimes they must be noticed or you are a fool to dismiss them. I knew from an early age I was different. I saw the world from a distance. I was born to suffer and endure, but in so doing, if I succeeded, I was born for distinction. It was not conceit, but the knowing of Self and sometimes the frustration, the tedious ache of patience, rendered me doubtful.

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    The most heartbreakingly poignant modern love story ever written.

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    "The Notebook" is one of my favorite love stories.

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    The point is the love story. We live in a love story in the midst of war.

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    The weirdest love stories are always the best.

    • love story quotes
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    About their wedding on a beach of Nantucket, after nearly 50 years together as a couple: "After years of being who we truly were only in the privacy of our homes or with a few friends, we were out in the world, under the sky, no longer pretending.” - Norman Sunshine, co-author, Double Life

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    A demon is made of dark matter. They have no light inside them, no soul.” She stepped away and opened her arms. “For everything that exists there needs to be balance. That is the essence of the universe. Think about it. Black and white, light and dark, hot and cold, male and female, even Heaven and Hell. God created humans and Satan created demons. That is the balance, but their darkness is beginning to seep into our world. That is what you’re feeling.

    • love story quotes
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    A feeling struck me one fine day that people call ‘love’, Before that my life was empty, all I had was loneliness and sorrow… I loved the way it felt being with him, for I felt up above, Now everything was complete and nothing remained hollow… That person who cupid made me fall for, was a God descended from heavens, I loved him with all I had, a true heart and a pure soul… I thought I achieved the meaning of life, never did I felt so glad, But when he left me amidst a chaos, I had no one with me to console… I cried, it hurt, I wept and screamed, everyone called me ‘mad’, And still I wonder if in my life, that actually was his role… But a string still binds me to my past of untold vow, Some unsaid promises that linger between us even now, Although I don’t know where he went after that fateful day… I still try to convince myself every day, I know how, Each moment has been tough, each day a new challenge… Each hour passed as if it was my heart that always allowed, One more day to live without him, one more day to cherish… One more day to spend without the love of my life somehow, But he doesn’t know that one day, the girl herself would perish… Who loved him and lived each day of her life in his wait, For the man who never returned, for the man who wasn’t in her fate…

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    After 50 years together as a couple: "Look how fast the leaves are falling now," Alan says. "The trees will be bare in a couple of days. Do you realize that we have watched the leaves fall together for more than fifty autumns?" I stand quietly, looking at Alan, letting his words sink in. I am suddenly so moved.

    • love story quotes
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    After listening and getting to know more about you. Also, feeling a deep connection between us that goes beyond physical attraction. I'm beginning to feel for, so much more than the friendship that I waited to grow with you. I'm not going to try and rush things. However, I don't want to wait until it's to late.

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    ...Aku ingin kau tahu, diam-diam, aku selalu menitipkan harapan yang sama ke dalam beribu-ribu rintik hujan: aku ingin hari depanku selalu bersamamu...

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    All family stories are important, just as all people are important, and they deserve to be passed along.

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    All I could think about while driving after you was how it was about to happen all over again and that I would never be able to feel your warm skin under my hands or look into your beautiful blue eyes, or tell you how much I love you.

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    All I wanted was to merge with the same person who had broken me, thinking that he was the only one who could fill in all the little crevices making me feel whole again.

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    All this while I kept thinking where did I go wrong, all this while he wasn't mine to lose.

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    All the universe could go to blasted space, for all I cared, as long as he was next to me.