Best 91 quotes in «eternal love quotes» category

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    It was a popular theory at the time that death didn't automatically end a marriage because the spouses would eventually be reunited in heaven. The most pragmatic reason for the Church's view was that England was a land-based society and property was inherited upon the death of a spouse, so a remarriage threatened the inheritance of any issue from the previous union.

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    I've never feared death before. I’ve always been willing to die. Sometimes I even welcomed it, wishing for this all to be over and finally find peace in an endless sleep. But when I look at you, I see possibility, and I start to do what I know better than to do—I wonder

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    I've played Romeo for Juliet (But in depth) It's vignettes of silhouettes (And then read) And watched Russian roulette, yeah red Soviet Yet doing it simultaneously While dropping down shed oubliettes Turned around and took truth to the head that Love is the ugliest thing too beautiful for death

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    I want you to send a hundred red balloons up into the sky every Fourth of July and make everyone who sees them wonder what the story behind them is all about. Let me live on inside of a made up story, Callum Andrew

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    I will keep on loving you until eternity comes to make me love you more

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    I will love you like the desert burns along the sun when they are together, and when you will be gone, just like every one else, I will cry for you like the snow that melts at the first hint of summer... and hoping that you'll be back I will miss you like the clouds lose themselves when it rains...

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    Just remember, though you may have an ample set of well-wishers who would pray for you, there would always be an extra set of prayer called out for you in some part of the world.

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    Loss pushes us to difficult places where we have not been before. We often question whether or not we have the courage and stamina to survive the pain. However, we often are given gifts that tell us that we are not alone and that we can withstand the journey.

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    No gods or demons would stop him in his quest of being reunited with her.

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    René Char dans "Eloge d'une soupçonnée" écris le suivant: "Dans les rues de la ville il y a mon amour. Peu importe où il va dans le temps divisé. Il n'est plus mon amour, chacun peut lui parler. Il ne se souvient plus; qui au juste l'aima? Il cherche son pareil dans le voeu des regards. L'espace qu'il parcourt est ma fidélité." René Char, poète français du XXe siècle et membre de la Résistance française, parle de l’Amour en termes de résistance contre l’absence, non pas sous sa forme laborieuse, mais sous la forme la plus simple qu’une résistance aie jamais prise. Pour Char, la présence du bien-aimé n'est plus une condition préalable à l'épanouissement de l’amour et en aucun cas la cause d’un probable fanement. Le bien-aimé est là, dans l'espace qu'il remplit, dans l'espace qu'il décore; à sa guise et avec qui il veut. Le bien-aimé tient le temps aussi ainsi que les clés de l’absence. Mais l'amour de Char, l’amour avec un A majuscule, “résiste" si facilement.

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    Love couldn’t be moved by circumstance, poor choices, or even blatant lies—skewed and damaged, yes, but the heart couldn’t deny what it wanted most once the desire was planted. Whether in bliss or affliction, love owned you all the same.

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    Love is a powerful force. There is nothing in this world, no other energy, as powerful as the force of genuine, unconditional love.

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    Love is eternally present as a frequency of life. How and why we focus or forget this energy is our choice. You are presence, you are life. You are love. (This is a text excerpt from my upcoming third book. It shares ideas and insight about love, consciousness and how we interrelate with both. I have also shared many of my poems. The book offers the reader an opportunity to observe him or herself and his or her relationship with love and consciously living.)

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    Love is not eternal only for You and Me.

    • eternal love quotes
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    Love knows no barriers, no distance. It makes you dance as if in a trance, And catches you up when you are down. It makes you draw a smile from a frown, And embarks you in a river when you fall, And most of its grace, it embraces us all!

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    May you know always that you are never alone, that life and love are eternal, and that you are extraordinary.

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    Minutes may pass into hours, and hours may pass into days, and days may pass into months and months may pass into years but my heart will keep on falling in love with you every moment!

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    Music is the song of eternal love which touches the soul and fills us with joy.

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    My heart is dark and evil for a girl with a heart as light like you, You are too bright, you glow like moon, Woods are not a place for girls like you, You’ve stolen what was left of my heart, I have been cursed and in the shadows my whole life, But now my heart belong to you, It forever will do, I keep howling your name, marching towards the stars, the full moon cannot tear us apart, I’ve crossed the border between the seen and unseen but out here it is more like a graveyard. Century after century we will find each other, like magnets, conquering all, falling in love again and again, Even lost in the darkness, my heart will find you.

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    My Heart May Change Over Time (Boyhood->Manhood->Old) But The Love It Carries, Will Remain The Same....

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    My job is to radiate love. My job is to radiate peace. My job is to connect every heart with the eternal source of peace, bliss, love and tranquility.

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    No. I don't want the love at first sight That sears my heart Like a bolt of lightning And disappears in the blink of an eye Leaving me burned and scarred for life I want a steady mutual liking Which brings respect and equality, compassion and compatibility acknowledgement and appreciation A strong friendship Which makes us both want to put in efforts To stick to each other Through thick and thin Not because we have to but because we want to

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    Only by renunciation of the desire to manipulate and control will the ego melt into the Universal Self of Infinite, Eternal Love.

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    She was smiling as she imagined herself as one more star in the sea of millions, and her body decided it had had enough, and she felt the exact moment when her power source gave up and the hum of electricity extinguished. But she was already vast and bright and endless.

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    She was my religion. My north and south, my heaven and earth, the axis of rightness around which everything had suddenly aligned. For the first time in mi life, all my polarized parts worked as one, humming happily along in harmony with the univers, finally understanding their place.

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    The Call Out of the nothingness of sleep, The slow dreams of Eternity, There was a thunder on the deep: I came, because you called to me. I broke the Night's primeval bars, I dared the old abysmal curse, And flashed through ranks of frightened stars Suddenly on the universe! The eternal silences were broken; Hell became Heaven as I passed. -- What shall I give you as a token, A sign that we have met, at last? I'll break and forge the stars anew, Shatter the heavens with a song; Immortal in my love for you, Because I love you, very strong. Your mouth shall mock the old and wise, Your laugh shall fill the world with flame, I'll write upon the shrinking skies The scarlet splendour of your name, Till Heaven cracks, and Hell thereunder Dies in her ultimate mad fire, And darkness falls, with scornful thunder, On dreams of men and men's desire. Then only in the empty spaces, Death, walking very silently, Shall fear the glory of our faces Through all the dark infinity. So, clothed about with perfect love, The eternal end shall find us one, Alone above the Night, above The dust of the dead gods, alone.

    • eternal love quotes
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    There is an old phrase, ‘hiding in plain sight.’ This is where we find the loved one we miss so much. All we need to do is open our eyes, our minds, and our hearts.

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    The sky is falling. The sky is falling. And I fear you won’t believe it until you’re covered in stars

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    They say love is eternal...They say love is enduring. It always protects,always trust,always hopes,always perseveres.Love never fails...It is one of my favorite passages in the bible...There is a quality about that kind of love that transcends our mortal understanding.

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    This is a story of eternal love, which is born among the ices but which is soon mixed with dreams of death and of a new dawn. The first heroes were those who surrendered themselves to the holocaust of love. As they died, they caught a last glimpse of the City of Dawn and felt for the last time the milky lightning of the moon.

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    This life has no meaning to me now. Do not grieve for me, my dear. Up until the moment I lost her, I had a wonderful life. These moments now are the ones that are hard. I’m eager to depart this world and rejoin her in the next. Then, and only then, will I finally be at peace.

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    Kau adalah imigran gelap yang menjelajah khayalku tanpa permisi, lalu singgah di ujung mimpi. Mantra apa yang kau taburkan sehingga aku menggilaimu seperti ini? Senjata apa yang kau pakai sehingga tamengku tidak sekuat dulu? Haruskah aku menyerah di hadapanmu? Atau perlukah aku berpura-pura tangguh? Apa mesti kau kuusir? Atau kubiarkan saja kau menetap?

    • eternal love quotes
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    Sometimes it’s what you can’t have that you desire the most,

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    We all need hope. As souls, we journey in physical bodies, traversing a life that is dually lived. We experience safety through attachment to the physical world, but we also are comforted and cared for by a trust in the non-physical, spiritual part of our reality. Two different roads, available for us and from which we choose, moment by moment.

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    We don't need love to be eternal, only to be in our lives here and now.

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    We are a puzzle meant to be arranged

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    What is hope? Like love, it is hard to define, but easy to recognize, a state of being that compels us to go on. It is a feeling that we have what we need to continue our journey to the next moment.

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    We may be just a drop in the ocean, but even the ocean envies the depth of our love.

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    We would have met again some other time or in some other place,' he said. 'We would have been given other chances. Life recognizes the unpredictability of our movements in any given life. Somehow we would have met, Jane. We were determined that it would be so before we entered this life.

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    When I am with you, I am invincible. When I am with you, your kind and loving presence strengthen me down to my very core. When I am with you, I finally know what heaven on earth feels like. For when I am with you, I am the best I could be. I'd rather walk through the burning coals of hell than enjoy comfort and luxury with someone else. For life without you, is not life at all. I love you.

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    When we lose someone we love the pang we experience seems irresistible at first; but gradually it dies out. This is an undeniable fact. Yet, this does not mean that our love object has vanished into thin air; no, it is simply instilled and integrated into our being. Thus two have become one!” By T. Afsin Ilgar - Ted`s Tale

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    When they kissed, there wasn’t a millimetre between them; they were made for each other. His strengths were her weaknesses and vice versa, and like a dovetail joint, the strongest of all joints, they slotted together to form an attractive, neat fix that would hold together for a lifetime.

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    When we learn to attribute meaning to the events in our lives, we connect with our Higher Purpose, Higher Wisdom, or Source; we become Master of the Self. A gradual process, this is often tied to loss and to love.

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    When we understand the illusory nature of life and the profound power of eternal love, which enables us to create miracles and experience the presence of our deceased loved ones, we find ourselves living with joy, hope and peace.

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    You and I," I intertwined my fingers with his, "are one." "Until the day I die," he promised, "And even after that." "For the eternity?" I whispered on his lips. "Evermore.

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    You made me feel worthwhile…. like for once it mattered if I was here or not because I actually meant something to someone…. because I meant something to you. I miss that feeling.

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    Why do you speak like we won’t meet again for such a long time?” “Because we didn’t, for such a long time,

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    You might never comprehend my madness. But it stands behind my undying love for you. You're the object of my everything. I’m sorry I’ve been stupid lately.

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    Every natural longing has its natural satisfaction. If we thirst, God has created liquids to gratify thirst. If we are susceptible of attachment, there are beings to gratify that love. If we thirst for life and love eternal, it is likely that there are an eternal life and an eternal love to satisfy that craving.

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    A comfortable old age is the reward of a well-spent youth. Instead of its bringing sad and melancholy prospects of decay, it would give us hopes of eternal youth in a better world.