Best 659 quotes in «planning quotes» category

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    It has been said that if you aim at nothing in life, you are likely to hit nothing! I have never had anyone come to me and say, 'Venita, I plan to fail.' Yet I have observed many who failed to plan and who unfortunately met with the same dismal results.

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    I think by planning an exercise regime, your diet follows to some extent.

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    It is all very well planning what you will do in six months, what you will do in a year, but it’s no good at all if you don’t have a plan for tomorrow.

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    It is impossible for the nation to develop unless states develop, the process of policy planning also has to change from 'top to bottom' to 'bottom to top

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    Its been a strange day - a day when I thought I was on top of the world, planning my life. I planned all of my courses for the rest of the semester at Smith, and talked to my advisor about honoring in History.

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    It's been five years worth of planning and negotiating to bring this to a reality.

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    I want to open my own yoga studio. Planning construction and looking at properties is fun.

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    I was always into staying busy, into my goals, into making notes and planning. I'm not one who truly lives in the past.

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    It takes time to save time.

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    I trust to luck. I am planning to be a millionaire before I die but I don't have a plan as to how that will happen.

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    I was never planning on being a musician. It's basically a hobby that sprawled out of control.

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    I wonder if we climb to heaven over the ruins of many cherished schemes.

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    I was planning on going to Yale to theater school.

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    Lack of planning is the cause of most failures.

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    Let no one consider themselves to be the 'armour' of God while planning and carrying out acts of violence and oppression!

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    Long-term planning is often undervalued by our indefinite short-term world.

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    I was planning on this being something worth mentioning, energy invested in someone I saw potential in

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    I was planning to be a baseball player until I ran into something called a curveball. And that set me back.

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    Just to deliver one high-quality 45 minute lesson requires many hours of planning in advance.

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    Larry wanted us to reposition the tower. We wouldn't, and won't. He's been holding back our fees. We want to get paid. And that's it. It'll get solved and we'll carry on with planning Ground Zero.

    • planning quotes
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    Make time for planning: Wars are won in the general's tent.

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    Magnificently unprepared for the long littleness of life.

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    Making a movie is a weird combination of planning and the absolutely unexpected.

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    Make your mold. The best flux in the world will not make a usable shape unless you have a mold to pour it in.

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    Many of the received models of modern architecture and planning owe their ultimate origin to the building code and public health reform movements of the second half of the 19th century.

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    Meekness: Uncommon patience in planning a revenge that is worth while.

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    Managers who extensively plan the future get the timing wrong.

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    Luck is the residue of good planning.

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    Most of the people who will walk after me will be children, so make the beat keep time with short steps.

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    Meticulous planning will enable everything a man does to appear spontaneous.

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    My assistants and I often would spend more time planning a practice than the actual practice itself

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    Modernist architecture and town planning is inimical to human beings ... based on the Darwinian concept that evolution is open ended, that there must always be something new and better.

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    Nature is the greatest teacher and I learn from her best when others are asleep. In the still dark hours before sunrise God tells me of the plans I am to fulfill.

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    Most people spend more time planning a one-week vacation than they spend planning their life.

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    Nobody’s ever been arrested for a murder; they have only ever been arrested for not planning it properly.

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    My experiences thus far had me planning to throttle the first Tudor historian I met upon my return for gross dereliction of duty.

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    No matter how sad we might be, the universe is still planning our happiness.

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    Not as much as I used to, but I use the Internet for everything. I use it for information. Like if I'm planning a trip or something, I'll check out the place I'm going to.

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    Not that I'd really been planning on keeping the attack secret; it had just been an option I'd wanted to keep open if I could.

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    Now I realized that me and him were just alike. We were both born to win. And, when we were not winning, it was OK 'cause we were busy planning to win.

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    No more Dane,” he eventually said with unnerving finality. I tried to be funny. “I can't decide if that means you don't want me to see him again or if you're planning to kill him.” “It means if the first thing happens, the second thing is likely to follow.

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    None of my books has been ever in my head; after they're finished, they go. It's like being a sort of medium; you just grab it when it's there then just release it when it's time to go. There's a lot of instinct, not planning.

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    O for the gentleness of old Romance, the simple planning of a minstrel's song!

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    Off-the-rack solutions, like bargain basement dresses, never fit anymore.

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    Now there are reports that Osama bin Laden would like to commit suicide on television. This is the kind of lead-in I have been praying for every since I came to CBS. Bin Laden is planning a televised suicide or, as I call it, hosting the Academy Awards.

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    Planned Parenthood has a right to operate. Planned Parenthood has a right to provide family planning services. Planned parenthood has a right to perform abortions.

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    One of the easiest ways to be irresponsible about power is to forget you have it.

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    Planning is actually incompatible with an entrepreneurial society and economy. Planning is the kiss of death of entrepreneurship.

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    Packing is chiefly planning -- if it is

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    Planning allows you to mentally create a model of your future.