Best 1228 quotes in «luck quotes» category

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    As it is there isn't a single thing isn't an opportunity for some 'alert' person, including practically everybody by the 'greed', that, they are 'alive', therefore. Etc. That, in fact, there are 'conditions'. Gravelly Hill or any sort of situation for improvement, when the Earth was properly regarded as a 'garden tenement messuage orchard and if this is nostalgia let you take a breath of April showers let's us reason how is the dampness in your nasal passage -- but I have had lunch in this 'pasture' (B. Ellery to George Girdler Smith 'gentleman' 1799, for £150) overlooking 'the town' sitting there like the Memphite lord of all Creation with my back -- with Dogtown over the Crown of gravelly hill It is not bad to be pissed off

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    As regards the extraordinary prizes, the element of luck is the determining factor.

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    A strong man can make his own luck.

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    At forty two years, Sona Kilroy stood tall and strapping, a powerful figure. Rising to the rank of Admiral in the Corsair fleet was no easy feat. It took intelligence, talent, determination, resilience, creative thinking, brute force, and sheer cunning to achieve – and perhaps also a large slice of luck.

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    Athletes train 15 years for 15 seconds of performance. Ask them if they got lucky. Ask an athlete how he feels after a good workout. He will tell you that he feels spent. If he doesn't feel that way, it means he hasn't worked out to his maximum ability. Losers think life is unfair. They think only of their bad breaks. They don't consider that the person who is prepared and playing well still got the same bad breaks but overcame them. That is the difference. His threshold for tolerating pain becomes higher because in the end he is not training so much for the game but for his character. Alexander Graham Bell was desperately trying to invent a hearing aid for his partially deaf wife. He failed at inventing a hearing aid but in the process discovered the principles of the telephone. You wouldn't call someone like that lucky, would you?Good luck is when opportunity meets preparation. Without effort and preparation, lucky coincidences don't happen.

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    At first I was for taking him back to you, myself. But my wife doesn't want me to. So, as usual, we've compromised by doing what she wants. She wants him to stay right here. Next time, his crazy luck might land him in dog heaven instead of here at Sunnybank. She says she'd rather have a live chum than a dead champion. Maybe she's right. I find she's apt to be.

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    At some point, you just gotta forgive the past, your happiness hinges on it.

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    …a woman's always safe and comfortable when a fellow's down on his luck.

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    Bad health is bad luck. Everything else is good luck.

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    Bad luck is what results when bad things happen to you unprepared, or when you neglect to do what you have to do when you are supposed to do it.

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    Bad luck was a fact of life and one dealt with it or not. Good luck, on the other hand, was something one created.

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    Be a team player, not a bandwagon jumper.

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    A statement about luck is a statement about the mind, not about the world... We find what seems to have been the lucky break or the big mistake, and so we thank our lucky stars that we took the road less traveled or curse the fates that sent that little wavelet that flipped us on our backs. With hindsight, we seem to see that everything preceding the pivotal point was leading up to it, tending toward it, and that everything following it grew from it. To any observer outside the lucky one himself, however, luck is simply chance. Chance is neutral.

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    A strategic victory seen as luck by laymen.

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    Becoming more than you are in life takes diligence and practice and yes a little bit of luck.

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    Be careful how you think, everything starts from your choice, think tripple before you do something... Triple is sign for luck....

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    Be bold. Be brave. Don't thank your lucky stars. The stars can't hear you.

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    Believe in Luck only when yo can direct it into a possible outcome

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    Being lucky in love might be less a matter of luck and more a matter of paying attention.

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    Be satisfied. You don't know how lucky you are.

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    BLESSINGS ARE IMMEASURABLE You can Lose a child Or a parent, The love of your life, A good job, A game, A deal, A bet, An idea, Your favorite thing, Money, Your best friend, A moment, An opportunity, A chance, Your keys, Your mind, Your health, Your identity, Your virginity, Your religion, Your shirt, Your license, ID or Passport, Phone or phone number, Hope, Faith, Luck, Your pride, Or your house, And feel like You've lost everything, And keep on losing. Stop Counting losses And start counting your blessings. Only then, Will you discover that losses Are easier to point out And count Than blessings, And that blessings Outnumber your losses For they are truly Immeasurable. It is only normal that People count losses with Their minds, And ignore To count blessings With the graciousness Of their hearts.

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    Beware what you wish for, unless you have the grace to hope that your luck can be shared.

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    Busy in a bus or lacking luck you poke to pluck a pick-up truck. Utterly shocked you choke in the lock and check if you chuck a buck or if you are stuck in the muck. So you should lurk in a day like this in such a murky lucky way. In a day when you don't know if you laugh or cry... Errands wait for those who are late in the busiest day. Such day that defies all your senses and makes you want to fly... To fly away!

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    Being lucky, doesn't always make you happy, though, does it? Especially if people keep telling you how lucky you are, telling you to count your blessings.

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    Breaking down a closed door is quicker than waiting for someone to answer it.

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    Building bridges is the best defence against ignorance.

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    But Gemma, you could change the world." "That should take far more than my power," I say. "True. But change needn't happen all at once. It can be small gestures." "Moments. Do you understand?" He's looking at me differently now, though I cannot say how. I only know I need to look away... We pass by the pools, where the mud larks sift. And for only a few seconds, I let the magic loose again. "Oi! By all the saints!" a boy cries from the river. "Gone off the dock?" an old woman calls. The mud larks break into cackles. "'S not a rock!" he shouts. He races out of the fog, cradling something in his palm. Curiosity gets the better of the others. They crowd about trying to see. In his palm is a smattering of rubies. "We're rich mates! It's a hot bath and a full belly for every one of us!" Kartik eyes me suspiciously. "That was a strange stroke of good fortune." "Yes it was." "I don't suppose that was your doing." "I'm not sure I don't know what you mean," I say. And that is how change happens. One gesture. One person. One moment at a time.

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    But bad luck makes good stories.

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    But I don’t believe in luck. I believe that love creates good fortune and builds empires, and it’s doubt and envy that destroy both.

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    But despite what you may think, good luck is more dangerous than bad luck. Bad luck teaches valuable lessons about patience,m timing, and the need to be prepared for the worst; good luck deludes you into the opposite lesson, making you think your brilliance will carry you through. Your fortune will inevitably turn, and when it does you will be completely unprepared.

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    But, he thought, I keep them with precision. Only I have no luck any more. But who knows? Maybe today. Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready.

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    But sometimes it is just when everything seems to be lost that we experience a presentiment that may save us; one has knocked on all the doors which lead nowhere, and then, unwittingly, one pushes against the only one through which one may enter and for which one would have searched in vain for a hundred years, and it opens.

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    But is not an event in fact more significant and noteworthy the greater the number of fortuities necessary to bring it about? Chance and chance alone has a message for us. everything that occurs out of necessity, everything expected, repeated day in and day out, is mute. Only chance can speak to us.

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    But what was fortune? She had come to believe it was being exactly the same on the inside as on the outside. What was misfortune but the quality of existing as something, or someone else, inside?

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    But this? Pure serendipity. And maybe that made it the most precious thing of all because it could so easily not have happened. Maybe, once chance plays so big a part in your life, you realize more is out of your control that you'd like to think.

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    By that thinking, surely she was not bad Luck, but Good, undefined.

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    Can't abide adventure. 'Adventure' is a word people use to put a shine on lack of preparation and surviving through dumb luck.

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    ...but I like who I became just fine. That's the way life is. We all try to make something out of our lives, and some of us are just luckier than others.

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    By priming your subconscious mind you are allowing it to run in the background, and that way you are actually sending out positive thoughtforms from your subconscious in the waking state!

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    Chance is providence in a cloak.

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    Chance is when you look at the world through humanity’s eyes; providence is when you look at the world through God's eyes.

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    Change brings faster results than chance.

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    circumstances and destiny together play role to our foundation

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    Changing the spelling of one's name to ensure success, performing rituals for good luck, wearing colored gem stones for success in business – all these fall into the same category of psychological reinforcement.

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    Come on! Think of Miandad hitting that six off Sharma. If he could do that, you can do this.

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    Conquerors live in dread of the day when they are show to be, not superior, but simply lucky.

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    - Cucini bene, tu, - disse Yuki ammirata. - Non sono un grande cuoco, ma cucino con amore e attenzione. E' questo che fa la differenza. E' una questione di atteggiamento. Se si fanno le cose mettendoci amore, quell'amore ti ritorna. Se hai un atteggiamento positivo verso la vita, la tua vita sarà più piacevole. - Di più non si può? - Di più non possiamo. Poi entra in gioco la fortuna, - dissi.

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    Data that comes subliminally and is acted upon will look like luck or inspiration.

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    Dad's death didn't hollow me out the way Helen's had. After all, everyone had assumed Dad was a goner back when he got kicked in the head as a child. Instead, he had cheated death and, despite his gimp and speech impediment, lived a long life doing pretty much what he wanted. He hadn't drawn the best of cards, but he'd played his hand darned well, so what was there to grieve over?

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    Descubrir el poder del azar es descubrir que somos terriblemente frágiles y vulnerables, que dependemos de la casualidad, que una coincidencia estúpida puede destrozarnos en un segundo. Que una palabra estúpida oída por casualidad también puede fulminarnos. Recordar que las personas son terriblemente frágiles es una obligación moral: Paul Auster dice que es cazador de coincidencias por obligación moral.