Best 54 quotes in «eclipse quotes» category

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    No one could look at the beautiful young man now. They dropped their eyes from the scalding sight. From the eclipse. As all that love turned into hate.

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    Solar Eclipse Each morning I wake invisible. I make a needle from a porcupine quill, sew feet to legs, lift spine onto my thighs. I put on my rib and collarbone. I pin an ear to my head, hear the waxwing's yellow cry. I open my mouth for purple berries, stick on periwinkle eyes. I almost know what it is to be seen. My throat enlarges from anger. I make a hand to hold my pain. My heart a hole the size of the sun's eclipse. I push through the dark circle's tattered edge of light. All day I struggle with one hair after another until the moon moves from the face of the sun and there is a strange light as though from a kerosene lamp in a cabin. I pun on a dress, a shawl over my shoulders. My threads knotted and scissors gleaming. Now I know I am seen. I have a shadow. I extend my arms, dance and chant in the sun's new light. I put a hat and coat on my shadow, another larger dress. I put on more shawls and blouses and underskirts until even the shadow has substance

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    The clouds I can handle, but I can't fight with an eclipse.

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    Some women wear a miniskirt to reveal their thighs; some wear one to conceal their age.

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    The fire within her, and her soul, were eclipsing my own.

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    The shadowwolf had stared at her long and mute, and Mia had thought she'd refuse. But as the girl had looked down at the darkness beneath her feet, it had grown darker still. Dark enough for three.

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    You know how the Eclipse of the sun shows it? Christ's strength eclipses your powerlessness in God's likeness, and there is total darkness on your weakness.

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    The notion that writings created at a time when men huddled in superstitious terror from an eclipse can possibly be a credible representation of the Creator (whatever that word means to each person) is so absurd as to border on delusional.

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    You are the only one who has ever touched my heart. It will always be yours.

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    No need to look to see if your former home has vanished yet into the humdrum gray behind you; you'll be able to feel it, the sudden eclipse of the tractor beam the house puts out. Of its forcefield of sadness.

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    Well, it's nice to get something right for a change. You don't know how irritating it is - missing things the way I have been. I feel so useless. So . . . normal." She cringed in horror of the word. "I can't imagine how awful that must feel. Being normal? Ugh.

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    comparing what you see during an eclipse to the darkness at night is like comparing an ocean to a teardrop.

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    If war is glorified, it tends to eclipse the policies it is meant to serve.

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    Dim eclipse, disastrous twilight.

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    Do you ever think that your life might be easier if you weren't in love with me?" — Edward Cullen

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    He who does something at the head of one Regiment, will eclipse him who does nothing at the head of a hundred.

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    And it's best if you know a good thing is going to happen, like an eclipse or getting a microscope for Christmas. And it's bad if you know a bad thing is going to happen, like having a filling or going to France. But I think it is worst if you don't know whether it is a good thing or a bad thing which is going to happen.

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    I am told so many ill things of a man, and I see so few in him, that I begin to suspect he has a real but troublesome merit, as being likely to eclipse that of others.

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    I'm really glad Edward didn't kill you. Everything's so much more fun with you around." — Emmett Cullen

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    I miss you when you’re not there. When you’re happy, it makes me happy. But I could say the same thing about Charlie, Jacob. You’re family. I love you, but I’m not in love with you.

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    If we had happy endings, we’d all be under gravestones now.

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    Interceded? You threw me to the sharks!

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    I was all braced for the wrath that was going to put grizzlies to shame, and this is what I get? I should infuriate you more often.

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    Kiss me, Jacob. Kiss me, and then come back.

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    Integrity eclipses image.

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    Newton did not know what happened to the apple, and I can prove this when the next eclipse comes.

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    . . .nothing could eclipse the stain of his dirty, mortal mediocrity.

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    I’ve chosen my life — now I want to start living it.

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    Not wanting to see, not wanting to be in touch with one's experience is something akin to cognitive laziness, an eclipse of the experiencer or inner witnessing in the person.

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    Sun is very distinct through the eclipse. You go from bright sunlight to twilight in a matter of 10 seconds. And everybody around you will start screaming like the home team just made a touchdown at the Super Bowl. It will be unmistakable when it's safe. Plus, if you're looking through the eclipse glasses, the crescent sun will get thinner and thinner and thinner, and then it will vanish. Then it's totality, and it's safe to look.

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    Rudeness is better than any argument; it totally eclipses intellect.

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    The crowd did not dream when they laid down their money that they would see a total eclipse of the Sonny!

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    The pupil will eclipse his tutor, I warrant.

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    The outside world holds no interest for me without you." -Edward

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    The Venus transit is not a spectacle the way a total solar eclipse is a spectacle.

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    The longer an event is anticipated-a milestone birthday, an eclipse, a new millennium-the more likely it is to be an anti-climax.

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    When the moon covers the sun, we have a solar eclipse. What do you call it when birds do that?

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    When he left, you spent all your energy holding on to him. You could be happy if you let go.

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    When I left you, Bella, I left you bleeding. Jacob was the one to stitch you back up again. That was bound to leave its mark - on both of you.

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    You think I should be as forgiving as you are? We can’t all be saints and martyrs.

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    Yeah, I get to fight in 'Eclipse.' My trainer is teaching me MMA right now. So. Cool.

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    And so the lion fell in love with the lamb." - Edward Cullen, Twilight

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    Would you please tell me what you are thinking? Before I go mad?

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    Do not let your dogma to become your spiritual eclipse.

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    Darkness is more than a shade of nightfall. It is a feeling as though there has been an eclipse not only within what should be a vibrant life inside you but in all that is good around you.

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    Edward: “After a few decades, everyone you know will be dead. Problem solved.

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    Edward," I said, managing to speak more clearly with a little effort, "there's no point to forever without you. I wouldn't want one day without you.

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    At birth and at dawn for each and every day it triumphs over the eclipse. It is the very first thing that you see. Its power is blinding at first, anon it opens our eyes to the allure of the world. Each moment it breathes life into us, warms our souls and colors our skin. At gloaming it seems to wane, while it privily awaits a time to give birth to a new circle of life.

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    Edward: Bella, please stop taking your clothes off! Bella: Why? Did you wanna do that part?

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    I can see only three planets in the entire universe, namely Heaven, Earth and Me! Heaven shines its glory on Earth and the rays keep falling on Me! I have a call!