Best 1444 quotes in «steps quotes» category

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    To accept grace is to admit failure, a step we are hesitant to take. We opt to impress God with how good we are rather than confessing how great he is.

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    To be fond of dancing was a certain step towards falling in love.

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    To be completely stripped bare of any image power or my hair. To step onstage and get the response that I got blew any problems I had about self-image out the door.

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    To be rationally minded, the mental process of the intuitive appears to work backward. His conclusions are reached before his premises. This is not because the steps which connect the two have been omitted, but because those steps are taken by the unconscious.

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    To exercise no-thought and rest in nothing is the first step toward resting in Tao. To start from nowhere and follow no road is the first step toward attaining Tao.

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    To be ashamed of one's immorality: that is a step on the staircase at whose end one is also ashamed of one's morality.

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    To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.

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    To be very honest, I cannot drape a saree myself. I have never draped one on my own, ever. But it has been done on me so many times, that now I have memorised all the steps, and if someone challenges me, I will surely be able to do it.

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    To go upstairs in the word house is to withdraw step by step; while to go down to the cellar is to dream.

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    To get more clarity, take a step in the direction of the destination.

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    To get better you have to step out of your comfort zone. You can't do the same things you've always done & improve.

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    To me it's awe-inspiring ... All those billions of little evolutionary steps leading to this sensation of being "me.

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    To me, wrestling is therapy. No matter how bad my personal situation is, when I step into the ring, all my troubles disappear. My baggage stays in the back where it belongs.

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    To my ninth decade I have totter'd on, And no soft arm bends now my steps to steady; She, who once led me where she would, is gone, So when he calls me, Death shall find me ready.

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    To speak practically and as a citizen, unlike those who call themselves no-government men, I ask for, not at once no government, but at once a better government. Let every man make known what kind of government would command his respect, and that will be one step toward obtaining it.

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    To teach that a comparatively few men are responsible for the greatest forward steps of mankind is the worst sort of nonsense.

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    To step toward your destiny, you may have to step away from your security.

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    To tell an adult exactly what steps to take towards his salvation was apt to weaken him. It deprived him of his inalienable right to trial and error which was tonic to the character.

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    To please people is a great step towards persuading them.

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    To the guests that must go, bid God's speed and brush away all traces of their steps.

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    To walk through walls go two steps slower in the vast conspiracy of ignorace.

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    Towards sunset we had cleared down to the level of the 12th step, which was sufficient to expose a large part of the upper portion of a plastered and sealed doorway.

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    True #leadership isn't the bastion of a few who sit at the top ... We all need to step up, take the risk and put our interests second-not always-but when it counts.

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    Trust is built step by step, commitment by commitment, on every level.

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    Trends become more apparent as you step further away from the chart.

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    Trouble comes not because we have taken any wrong step but because we are in a complex and contradictory world.

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    Trying is the first step toward failure.

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    Tune out the naysayers, tune into your own courage, and take a bold step toward the passion-filled life you really want.

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    Ultimately, every great endeavor consists of many little steps.

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    Two steps behind her, I say her name. "Skye.

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    Understanding the diversity of our gifts enables us to begin taking the crucial step of trusting each other.

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    Trust you? Rue--trust you? You counterfeited your own death rather than wed me. You told me you'd rather die than stay in Darkfrith. I can't--I don't know how to fix that. I don't know how to mend it. Tell me." He took a step toward her. "Tell me, and I'll do it.

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    Unlike puppets we have the possibility of stopping in our movements, looking up and perceiving the machinery by which we have been moved. In this act lies the first steps towards freedom.

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    Unless we take that first step into the unknown, we will never know our own potential.

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    Unless an action is rightly thought out and its steps rightly planned, every stage of its performance will probably remain vague and therefore unsatisfactory for the doer and all those concerned.

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    Until you take the first step forward, failure remains reassuringly impossible.

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    Venice was always one step removed from what was going on. If you were in Turin or in Milan or one of the industrial centers, you would have had a much more active political constituency. Venice essentially lived for itself.

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    Video games are one step before a whole other virtual universe.

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    Very often, you know, you stop walking because you say, 'Well, I'm tired of climbing this hill. I'm never going to get to the top.' And you're only two steps from the top.

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    Virginia Woolf said that writers must be androgynous. I'll go a step further. You must be bisexual.

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    Unfortunately, I was not wise enough to listen to her advice, and hastily married. In a few weeks, I had occasion to repent of the step I had taken, as the report proved true - a report which I thought justified, and indeed required, our separation.

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    Walking down Belmotte was the oddest sensation-- every step took us deeper into the mist until at last it closed over our heads. It was like being drowned in the ghost of water.

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    Wafted up, The stealing cloud with soft grey blinds the sky And in its vapory mantle onward steps The summer shower.

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    Walk that walk and go forward all the time. Don't just talk that talk, walk it and go forward. Also, the walk didn't have to be long strides; baby steps counted too. Go forward.

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    We already have a federation. The 11, soon to be 12, member States adopting the euro have already given up part of their sovereignty, monetary sovereignty, and formed a monetary union, and that is the first step towards a federation.

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    We are already seeing a degree of instability in the world because Obama seems to have consciously wanted to step back. Donald Trump is going to be "Obama squared," a more extreme version of the same thing.

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    Video games are engineered now, but the step I am trying to take, no one can engineer.

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    we are always slow in admitting any great change of which we do not see the intermediate steps

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    We are always being pushed and squeezed down one road or another. We have no choice but to step forward, and then step forward again, and then step forward again; suddenly we find ourselves on a road we haven't chosen at all.

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    We are entering a new world in which we can choose to follow our own steps, not those that society forces us to take.