Best 603 quotes in «immigration quotes» category

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    The Obama administration will continue to fight for a comprehensive immigration solution that includes AgJobs and a stable workforce for our farms.

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    The only people benefiting from the status quo in immigration [in the USA] today are the people trafficking human beings across the border, and the people who are hiring illegal labor for cheap purposes.

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    The only sustainable way to increase demand for vacant houses is to spur the formation of new households. Admitting more skilled immigrants, who tend to earn enough to buy homes, would accomplish that while paying other dividends to the U.S. economy.

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    The people of Canada do not wish as a result of mass immigration to make a fundamental alteration in the character of our population. Large scale immigration from the Orient would change the fundamental composition of the Canadian population.

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    The politics, policies, the President [Barack Obama] and the American people are all pointing in the right direction to fix our immigration system and pass legislation this year.

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    The President would usually talk to me about matters relating to the immigration problem.

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    The problem was, and we saw some of this in the immigration-reform issues as well, was they hadn't done sufficient homework to know that I didn't have all the capacity they thought I did in order to just execute this through the stroke of a pen.

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    The pope once again ripped - I mean, really ripped - capitalism and Americans' immigration policy at the Mexican border, before he boarded the plane and returned to Italy.

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    The problem with the immigration debate, it's probably is the most poisoned and political debate of any issue, because you have this huge voting bloc that everybody says is yours

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    There are some benefits [that illegal aliens] clearly ought not have...[including] health benefits and welfare benefits and others that serve as a magnet attracting people here from other countries.

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    The ongoing migration of persons to the United States in violation of our laws is a serious national problem detrimental to the interests of the United States.

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    There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities.

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    Therefore, if we are a Nation of laws and a Nation of immigrants, immigration should occur within a legal framework, not through the machinations of illegal schemes and scams that threaten our national security.

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    There is one way, only one way to solve it, and that is through legislation. It cannot be through an unconstitutional executive order that violates the Constitution. That is, it doesn't matter here what you think about immigration: here you cannot violate the nation's Constitution, period.

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    There is another part of his policy that we`re unclear about, which is how - whether he`s going to stick to this proposal to ban Muslim immigrants. It is amazing that we`re less than 70 days away from the election and we`re all waiting with kind of baited breath to find out what is [Donald] Trump`s immigration policy, right?

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    The Republican candidates clashed on terrorism, immigration and foreign policy in their fifth debate.They all said President [Barack] Obama and Hillary Clinton have not kept America safe.

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    There is this kind of sense in the immigrant community, first we were going to do immigration reform, but then 9/11 happened.

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    There is, of course, a legitimate argument for some limitation upon immigration. We no longer need settlers for virgin lands, and our economy is expanding more slowly than in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.

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    There's definitely a huge gap between the elite and public perceptions on immigration.

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    There's a tendency for people who believe passionately in something to be so convinced of their rightness that if they just repeat themselves a lot at the person, that will convince them. And that hasn't worked on things like immigration or trade deals.

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    The Republican Party looks at massive immigration, legal and illegal, as a source of cheap labor, satisfying a very important constituency.

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    These people are out of control. It's stunning.

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    There seems to be a lot of momentum behind immigration reform.

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    There will never be a bill without a pathway to citizenship signed by the president...And in turn there will never be a pathway to citizenship without a new immigration system replacing the current one.

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    The skepticism that has grown up about elites is totally justified. Since 2008, no one has gone to jail on Wall Street for the crash and elites have not been able to fix the problem, right? We haven't managed to fix post manufacturing job growth. We haven't fixed the issues to do with immigration.

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    The states is where resistance is opposition to Obamacare is taking place. The states is where tax reform is taking place, starting. The states is where whatever opposition to the latest crisis of the day is, be it health care, immigration, or guns. The states - the majority of which have Republican governors - are where this is all being dealt with, and you're not hearing about it. They don't get a lot of press coverage, but that's where this is happening.

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    There's tremendous crime and illegal immigration is just incredible. As far as Rubio, he's very weak on immigration, you know, I have great relations with Mexico and I love the Mexican people, and the spirit of the Mexican people. These are people just pouring across the border.

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    The three-breasted woman was very much at the top of my list in [original 'Total recall']. Like I said, I was fourteen! I remember Arnold [Schwarzenegger] pulling that big tracker out of his nose and freaking out about that. I remember going through the immigration booth where their face splits open with that heavyset redheaded lady. So there were a lot of these little moments that I remember.

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    The thing is, is that every terrorist attack we've had since 9/11 has been legal immigration.

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    The United States needs serious change in its fiscal, entitlement, infrastructure, immigration, and education policies, among others. And yet a polarized and often paralyzed Washington has pushed dealing with these problems off into the future, which will only make them more difficult and expensive to solve.

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    These men of many nations must be taught American ways, the English language, and the right way to live.

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    The underpinning of immigration concerns is xenophobia and racism and nationalism.

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    The United States needs to be made more appealing to legal immigrants.

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    This election [2016], and I believe this, is our last chance to secure the border, stop illegal immigration and reform our laws to make your life better.

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    This bill [Immigration Reform and Control act of 1986] is a gamble, a riverboat gamble. There is no guarantee that employer sanctions will work or that amnesty will work. We are headed into uncharted waters.

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    Think of mass immigration into America as a global 'right of return.'

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    This isn't all going to be done in one day, either.

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    This immigration business has been going on in the UK much in advance of the European Union making an issue of it.

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    This is a serious problem of major concern, and we have got to approach it in a way that is consistent with this nation's tradition as a nation of immigrants, focusing on legal immigration, supporting that in the right way and doing everything possible consistent with the Constitution to control illegal immigration, and we will continue in those efforts.

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    To say that there should be no immigration, yes, that is definitely contrary to the best values of America that were laid out in the Declaration of Independence and since.

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    To the left, immigration is anybody who gets in, anybody who wants to come gets in. And that's not what immigration is. That's illegal immigration. And that's what is opposed.

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    Told reporters Wednesday he can support a pathway to citizenship for some of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. and that he actually prefers it to a plan that would create a second-class of citizens through alternative programs.

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    Those who have come to the United States illegally should not be given amnesty or an easier path to citizenship over those already in line.

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    Those who have left to seek entry under this new system - and it will be an efficient system - will not be awarded surplus visas, but will have to apply for entry under the immigration caps or limits that will be established in the future.

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    Undoubtedly, there are numerous problems with the immigration system here in The United States.

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    Trump's immigration positions do not deserve a response because they are so outlandish. If you force me to give you three words to describe them they would be: ludicrous, impractical and racist.

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    Waiting for a long-term solution to immigration reform will not make Americans safer.

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    We can certainly defuse the intensity of the anti-immigrant feeling if we can bring some reality to the discussion by showing that they are not using that many resources.

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    Uncontrolled, mass immigration displaces British workers, forces people onto benefits, and suppresses wages for the low-paid.

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    Unfortunately, the administration's plan is an ounce of cure for a pound of problems.