Best 1022 quotes in «dresses quotes» category

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    It's more fun to look at an old picture of me than it is to look at a new one sometimes. Although, I still wear a dress pretty well.

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    It's not what you spend but how you wear it that counts. The key is often to dress up inexpensive basics with accessories. Something like a beautiful designer bag or belt can make everything else look richer and more luxurious.

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    It’s not about the dress you wear, but it’s about the life you lead in the dress.

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    It’s okay to struggle to find our place in this world and the person who will take us for who and what we are. Sometimes we dress ourselves in layers that only get peeled away in the end, to leave us as we should be.

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    Itʹs not just the dress or the hair. Itʹs you. Youʹre beautiful. So beautiful, it hurts me.ʺ

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    It’s time to burn the beret and bury the blue dress.

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    It's no wonder we know how to dress; we've spent centuries in closets.

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    It was growing late, and though one might stand on the brink of a deep chasm of disaster, one was still obliged to dress for dinner.

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    It's what I say all the time to my girls in the office here: The more they dress for sex, the less they will have love or sex.

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    It's what I've trained for, from the first sketch to the fabric. Making dresses that are different from the usual style, and a lot of fun to wear.

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    I used to dress up as a model for Halloween, like every year.

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    It's so cliche to say florals for spring. I really like a vintage-like dress that's floral. You can belt it; I like belts. I like wearing pretty dresses that are really comfortable, that you can spend the day in but also feel girly.

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    I used to collect vintage clothing - exquisite lace dresses, embroidered shawls and ornate jewelry - but that's just not me any more.

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    I used to love to play dress-up, where you get your mother's or your grandmother's dresses and high heels.

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    It would be a lovely place if we didn't necessarily judge or jump to conclusions because someone wants to wear a dress or because someone wants to wear pants.

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    I used to work for a management consulting company, so I dressed differently - business casual, probably a lot of things from Banana Republic. My wardrobe now is definitely more expensive, but I always dress for the occasion.

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    I usually dress very casual. Whenever I go out with my friends, I'm always like, 'Can't I just wear sweatpants?'

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    I use my dress to wipe up my drink, I care less and less what people think.

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    I used to have a silk dressing gown an uncle bought in Japan and when I came downstairs in it, my dad used to call me Davinia. There was never embarrassment about that kind of thing. My sister used to dress me up a lot. She thought I was a little doll.

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    I've actually rented Bjork's swan dress. I know that's kind of recycling, but I saw An Inconvenient Truth.

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    I’ve always been inspired by women, and my mission was to inspire women. I always wanted to become a certain kind of woman and I became that woman through fashion. It was a dialogue. I would see that the wrap dress made those women confident, and made them act with confidence.

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    I've always admired a woman who can dress for all occasions-someo ne who's not fashion crazy,but you always want to look like her.

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    I've always loved to dress up a bit and show off.

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    I’ve found that people tend to trust other people who dress like them.

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    I've got my ideal job. I like to sing, I like to dance, I like to bang drums and dress up, and someone pays me - it's incredible.

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    I usually just dress myself. I typically make something or buy something and fix it up. I really like to spend my money on accessories like bags, shoes, belts. I don't really spend on things I can make.

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    I've been designing since I was 8. I started sketching dresses I could wear when skating. I was always involved in all aspects of skating, not just the technique, the choreography, the music, but the visual aspects, too - what I should wear.

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    I've never had paparazzi follow me and I rarely get recognised. I dress like a tramp when I'm not working. My hairdresser calls me the Romanian window cleaner. That's just the way I am.

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    I've come to realize that the difference in success or failure is not how you look, how you dress, or how you're educated. It's how you think !

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    I've had diseases that lasted longer than my marriages. You know you are in a bad marriage if you walk down the aisle thinking, 'Is this dress right?

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    I've worn a dress at my wedding. I've worn 6-inch Louboutins. I've got no fear and no shame.

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    Ive never really been the type to dress up like the other girls do. Im more of a casual, relaxed kind of girl. More athletic.

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    I've never understood this puritanical idea that feminism has to be a cult. You know, we all have to think alike or dress alike or have a similar ideology.

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    I wanted to be an actor to act, and now, being an actor, you have to dress up, you have to be nice, you have to be smart, you have to be sexy, you have to be ready.

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    I wanted to be considered a good craftsman. I wanted my dresses to be constructed like buildings, molded to the curves of the female form, stylizing its shape.

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    I wake up every morning thinking...this is my last day. And I jam everything into it. There's no time for mediocrity. This is no damned dress rehearsal.

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    I want my handbags and my shoes to be stylish but I want to make sure that they're versatile. I travel and I have to make sure the pieces I put into my bag can go with a dress or with shorts or jeans.

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    I want people to be afraid of the women I dress.

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    I want to be so famous that drag queens will dress like me in parades when I'm dead.

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    I want to be pure in heart -- but I like to wear my purple dress.

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    I want to find a way to reach young women emotionally and also to start providing clothing for them so that they can wear the same things their thin friends can wear. I really want to do evening wear and prom dresses for these girls.

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    I want to say to anyone who works in a drone workplace, raise the bar! There's no reason why you have to dress to the lowest common denominator.

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    I want to have fun. Life ain't no dress rehearsal. I want to have fun. I'm a comedian; I ain't no politician. So everything I do is with humor, with love.

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    I was a bit of a show-off in school and loved playing dress-up, and my passion for it just grew as I got older.

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    I was 26 when I invented the wrap dress. It was just a nothing little printed dress made out an jersey, and before I know it, I lived an American Dream making more than 25,000 dresses a week.

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    I want to show people my appeal through my simplicity rather than being 'I'm good looking; I know how to dress' that kind of way.

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    I was inspired more by early Bette Midler. I do wear a fancy dress and very high heels - and extra high hair. My goal is to obliterate all earnestness.

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    I was getting a lot of editorial, as in lots of pages in 'Vogue,' but it's far more important to get your dresses on the back of a famous person. Charlotte Rampling in Bruce Oldfield. That sells.

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    I was brought up to be a gentleman. That means you know how to walk, talk and dress the part.

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    I wear a lot of tight dresses, so I'm like, 'I need to do my sit-ups!'

    • dresses quotes