Best 166 quotes of Coco Chanel on MyQuotes

Coco Chanel

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    Coco Chanel

    A beautiful dress may look beautiful on a hanger, but that means nothing. It must be seen on the shoulders, with the movement of the arms, the legs, and the waist.

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    Coco Chanel

    Adornment is never anything except a reflection of the heart.

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    Coco Chanel

    Adornment, what a science! Beauty, what a weapon! Modesty, what elegance!

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    Coco Chanel

    A dress made right should allow one to walk, to dance, even to ride horseback.

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    Coco Chanel

    A fashion that does not reach the streets is not a fashion

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    Coco Chanel

    After a fashion, they did, mingling the sale of perfumes with anti-Nazi propaganda. In the event, my tirelessly publicised determination to wrest back control of the business neutralised most of the adverse repercussions on me from an unwilling association with their propaganda.

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    Coco Chanel

    A major shortcoming of the Resistance is the outnumbering, before long, of the genuine warriors by camera-carrying midgets intent on leaving a record of their purported heroism.

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    Coco Chanel

    An interior is the natural projection of the soul.

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    Coco Chanel

    As a young girl, I was very proud at overcoming a reading handicap whilst other girls of my age read abundantly.

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    Coco Chanel

    As extended as you know most males are like young children, you understand all the things.

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    Coco Chanel

    As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!

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    Coco Chanel

    As soon as you set foot on a yacht you belong to some man, not to yourself, and you die of boredom.

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    Coco Chanel

    A style does not go out of style as long as it adapts itself to its period

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    Coco Chanel

    A style does not go out of style as long as it adapts itself to its period. When there is an incompatibility between the style and a certain state of mind, it is never the style that triumphs.

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    Coco Chanel

    A well dressed man is a best accessory a woman can have

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman can be over dressed but never over elegant.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman has the age she deserves.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman in love is helpless.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman is closest to being naked when she is well-dressed.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman needs independence, not equality. In most cases, equality is a step down.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman's education consists of two lessons: never leave the house without stocking, never go out without a hat.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman who cuts her hair is about to change her life.

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    Coco Chanel

    A woman with good shoes i never ugly!

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    Coco Chanel

    A women who doesn't wear perfume has no future.

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    Coco Chanel

    A young lady ought to be two things: tasteful and breathtaking.

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    Coco Chanel

    Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

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    Coco Chanel

    Beauty comes when fashion succeeds

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    Coco Chanel

    Beauty Should Begin in the Heart and Soul, otherwise cosmetics are useless.

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    Coco Chanel

    Before you leave the house, look in the mirror and remove one accessory.

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    Coco Chanel

    Beware originality. In women fashion originality can lead to carnival.

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    Coco Chanel

    Caring about beauty, it is necessary to start with the heart and soul, otherwise no makeup will not help.

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    Coco Chanel

    Chanel is above all a style. Fashion passes, style remains.

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    Coco Chanel

    Creativity is the art of concealing your sources.

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    Coco Chanel

    Clothes by a man who doesn't know women, never had one, and dreams of being one!

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    Coco Chanel

    Coquetry, it's a triumph of the spirit over the senses.

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    Coco Chanel

    Costume jewelry is not made to give women an aura of wealth, but to make them beautifu

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    Coco Chanel

    Disregarding the fact that I am old enough to be [Walter] Schellenberg's mother, I would feel nauseated to be coupled with a man whose ideology has debased our hearts.

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    Coco Chanel

    Elegance is when the inside is as beautiful as the outside.

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    Coco Chanel

    Early happiness handicaps people. I do not regret having been profoundly unhappy.

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    Coco Chanel

    Eat less than you think you want, eat with your intelligence, not your stomach. Never get up from the table with an inward, silent apology for being a pig.

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    Coco Chanel

    Elegance comes from being as beautiful inside as outside.

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    Coco Chanel

    Elegance does not consist in putting on a new dress.

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    Coco Chanel

    Elegance is not the prerogative of those who have just escaped from adolescence, but of those who have already taken possession of their future.

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    Coco Chanel

    Elegance means being beautiful both on the inside and out.

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    Coco Chanel

    Everyday is a fashion show and the world is the runway

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    Coco Chanel

    Fashion: a beautiful thing that becomes ugly. Art: an ugly thing that becomes beautiful.

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    Coco Chanel

    Fashion has become a joke. The designers have forgotten that there are women inside the dresses.

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    Coco Chanel

    Fashion comes and goes but style lasts forever

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    Coco Chanel

    Fashion has become a joke. The designers have forgotten that there are women inside the dresses. Most women dress for men and want to be admired. But they must also be able to move, to get into a car without bursting their seams! Clothes must have a natural shape.

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    Coco Chanel

    Fashion has two purposes: comfort and love. Beauty comes when fashion succeeds.