Best 400 quotes in «redemption quotes» category

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    People wanted to be redeemed, she thought. Everyone did. We're only human.

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    Real insights are more than a shelter to all the children of the world. My real insights are more than one song of redemption!

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    Personal redemption cannot take place apart from the redemption of our social structures.

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    Purification and redemption are such recurrent themes in ritual because there is a clear and ubiquitous need for them: we all do regrettable things as a result of our own circumstances, and new rituals are frequently invented in response to new circumstances.

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    Redeem every minute of your life and convert it into greatness.

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    Redemption in Christ Jesus is the grace rebirth.

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    Redemption precedes morality, and not the other way around.

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    Redemption is participatory, not imitative.

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    Redemption didn't always lie in the forgiveness and approval of others. Sometimes, it had to be born inside ourselves, nurtured into bloom by conviction. Still. Forgiveness was nice.

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    Redemptive suffering is an essential part of our master story. This is what it means for us to bear the image and likeness of God. By the power of the Holy Spirit, our suffering refines our charity, just as our charity transforms our suffering into a living sacrifice that allows God to have his way into our lives.

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    Redemption is a funny thing. Even if we don’t ask for it—even if we don’t think we want it—sometimes we seek it out. In our words and our actions. Because something drives us to make right the things that we did. It’s what allows us to keep living with ourselves.

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    Redemption was asking too much, but he could hope. Something told him he’d still be seeking absolution when he took his last breath on some distant day.

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    Redemption encompasses both of these scenes: God's full and complete entry into the conditions of a world suffering in sin and death and God's resurrection of Jesus to new life, as the firstborn of the new creation.

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    Redemption is as comprehensive as creation or fall.

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    Redemption. What a laughable concept. When he looked over his life, he couldn't see where he had first stepped off the righteous path. More important, had he even ever laid a single foot on that path?

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    Relinquishing resentment is redemption

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    Remembering is redemption.

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    Redemption shouldn't feel like a born need.

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    Renunciation isn't a moral imperative or a form of self-denial. It's simply cooperation with the way things are: for moments do pass away, one after the other. Resisting this natural unfolding doesn't change it; resistance only makes it painful. So we renounce our resistance, our noncooperation, our stubborn refusal to enter life as it is. We renounce our fantasy of a beautiful past and an exciting future we can cherish and hold on to. Life just isn't like this. Life, time, is letting go, moment after moment. Life and time redeem themselves constantly, heal themselves constantly, only we don't know this, and much as we long to be healed and redeemed, we refuse to recognize this truth. This is why the sirens' songs are so attractive and so deadly. They propose a world of indulgence and wishful thinking, an unreal world that is seductive and destructive. (142)

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    Rejection is life’s way of telling you that you suck, redemption is your way of telling life to suck it.

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    Sometimes, most times, when I think back to the people that I loved, the person that I was... I feel like I'm reading the pages of a book written about someone else's life. I can't believe that was me. I can't believe that was you. I can't believe there was an us. It's not that I regret it. It just doesn't feel like it happened to me and yet, I can't forget it. I feel like it's still refracting and reflecting back on me, haunting me. Jesus intercepted my mind, my thoughts, my mistakes, my shame. He's changed me from the inside out. But I'm afraid you still see the stain. Lord, let them see my heart, look at You and Your still-in-progress work of art. Help us all to look beyond our burned bridges, charred reputations, scattered shards of memories, and gaze at the One who took on the weight of all the hate to find the freedom in redemption that we all crave.

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    She has committed great sins, but they've been forgiven, and that's why she loves so deeply.

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    Some of the simplest of truths are also some of the most difficult of truths, but such is Christianity: 'If it's not about Christ, it's not about life.

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    Sinners, your dear Lord Jesus, the great peacemaker, is now an important suitor to your perishing souls--namely, an inviting, knocking, waiting, promising Christ (Prov. 1:22; 9:4; Isa. 65:2; Matt. 11:28; Rev. 3:20; Song 5:2; John 6:37). The treasures of grace are opened and offered for sale on easy terms without money and without price (Isa. 55:1; Rev. 3:18). Oh make speed and come. Make the purchase. Buy the pearl of price that is better than rubies, and you will have treasure in heaven. The favor of God, precious blood, white raiment, tried gold, and the eternal life of your never-dying souls are worth the having. Consider also that now the Holy Spirit calls and offers His assistance to close the bargain, to tie the marriage knot between Christ and your souls (Hebrews 3). If you lose this opportunity, you may never have the like. "The Spirit and the bride say, Come" (Rev. 22:17).

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    Tell me that you’re happy with your life that you don’t crave my touch, my kisses, the way I used to whisper in your ear. Tell me that when you see me, your heart doesn’t race, that butterflies don’t flutter in your stomach, that the moment you see me, your world isn’t right. Because every time I see you, everything is right in my world. I crave you, I need you, and I’ll die proving to you that I’m a man that deserves you. When things went to hell for me, you were the only thing that kept me alive. Your memory kept me sane and has driven me to become a man. This time, Julia, I’m not letting you walk away and I’ll fight for us. Even if I have to fight for the both of us, I’ll fight till my dying breath to show you I deserve you.

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    That had day changed him. It had changed the entire village. Shaken by the death of a boy they had loved, each person found ways to be more worthy of the sacrifice he had made. They had become kinder, more careful, more attentive to one another.

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    Suddenly, I viddied what I had to do, and that was to do myself in; to snuff it, to blast off forever out of this wicked, cruel world. One moment of pain perhaps and, then, sleep forever, and ever and ever.

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    Stained-glass windows glowed faintly in the moonlight streaming through, illuminating the sculpture of Christ on the cross that hung above the altar. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Then the sculpture seemed to move, and Christ’s body twisted on the cross to look directly at him. ...Jesus, the son of God and his saviour, seemed be smiling at him.

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    The deaf who deny they are deaf will never hear; the sinners who deny there is sin deny thereby the remedy of sin, and thus cut themselves off forever from Him Who came to redeem.

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    The Amida Buddha delivers those who recognize their own weakness and cowardice... Those who admit their own faults and above all, those who believe... A wholehearted trust in Amida Buddha gives peace of mind to those who've known despair. Even the most vicious and evil of sinners will attain salvation and be reborn in paradise... Even a piece of shit like me!

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    The couple trapped behind the glass could fool anyone. They looked content with each other; they looked happy. Their embrace looked warm, subtle and safe. But anybody outside the mirror world could see the truth.

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    ..the death of Christ, commemorated in the Lords Supper, is the point in which the leading doctrines of redemption concentrate their rays, & where they shine with united lustre.- Dr. Mason, via David King, in "The Lord's Supper

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    The Father is about total restoration. A complete returning to son-ship. An heir with all rights and privileges thereof. Maybe you're the prodigal. Surrounded by pigs and staring at the pods. Let me say this to you--I don't care what you've done, where you've gone, where you are, or who you've become, the truth is this: the sanctifying, redeeming, justifying, snatching-back-out-of-the-hand-of-the-devil blood of Jesus reaches to the far ends of the earth.

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    The fragility of our era is this, too: we don’t believe that there is a chance for redemption; for a hand to raise you up; for an embrace to save you, forgive you, pick you up, flood you with infinite, patient, indulgent love; to put you back on your feet. We need mercy.

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    The gentle waters poured from the heavens, baptizing the two angels in a healing shower that washed away their differences, lifting the veil from their sight, and they knew they were the same.

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    The glory of the cross is bound up with the effectiveness of its accomplishment.

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    The grace of redemption is the gift of a RIghteous God.

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    The grace of redemption is better than riches.

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    The greatest Comfort in life is Christ On the Move For Our Redemption Timelessly! HS (EL)

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    The machines of this place are failing, and the woman and I are here all alone. The perpetual motion engine, as brilliant and beautiful as it is, is running down—nothing lasts forever. But before this little world falls out of the sky there still might be time enough for redemption. There is still time for me to say the words that I should have had the courage to say at the beginning. There is still time, perhaps, for one more miracle. Hello, Miranda.

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    The material creation was made by God to be developed, cultivated, and cared for in an endless number of ways through human labor. But even the simplest of these ways is important. Without them all, human life cannot flourish.

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    The miracle of redemption spreads like a leaven throughout the regions of the earth if properly strategized

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    The eyes of a nation (living godly) like this shall see the King of kings and the Lord of lords in all his beauty. Meaning salvation and redemption shall be readily available in abundance for the people of that land.

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    Then it happened. One of those rare moments when your faith in the Almighty is reaffirmed and you realize that a chapter in a person’s life has just been punctuated with a comma instead of a period.

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    The more He loved those for whom He was the ransom, the more His anguish would increase, as it is the faults of friends rather than enemies which most disturb hearts!

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    Then the pulse. Then a pause. Then twilight in a box. Dusk underfoot. Then generations. — Then the same war by a different name. Wine splashing in the bucket. The erection, the era. Then exit Reason. Then sadness without reason. Then the removal of the ceiling by hand. — Then pages & pages of numbers. Then the page with the faint green stain. Then the page on which Prince Theodore, gravely wounded, is thrown onto a wagon. Then the page on which Masha weds somebody else. Then the page that turns to the story of somebody else. Then the page scribbled in dactyls. Then the page which begins Exit Angel. Then the page wrapped around a dead fish. Then the page where the serfs reach the ocean. Then a nap. Then the peg. Then the page with the curious helmet. Then the page on which millet is ground. Then the death of Ursula. Then the stone page they raised over her head. Then the page made of grass which goes on. — Exit Beauty. — Then the page someone folded to mark her place. Then the page on which nothing happens. The page after this page. Then the transcript. Knocking within. Interpretation, then harvest. — Exit Want. Then a love story. Then a trip to the ruins. Then & only then the violet agenda. Then hope without reason. Then the construction of an underground passage between us. Srikanth Reddy, "Burial Practice" from Facts for Visitors. Copyright © 2004 by the Regents of the University of California. Reprinted by permission of The University of California Press. Source: Facts for Visitors (University of California Press, 2004)

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    The old woman with the shimmering hair knew her time was ending as well; she felt it in the unsteady thump that her heart now made, in the way that her eyes no longer wanted to open in the mornings, in the labored breath she had while doing nothing more than sipping her buttercream coffee. Her life had been a series of hazardous mistakes and misfortunes, bad choices and even worse men. She thought that if she could just make one right choice, one last ditch effort at redemption, to choose the way she left this world, to transform herself, if only for a day, then maybe it would make up for all the lost years and loneliness she had felt. -The Girl with Dragonfly Wings

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    The older we get, the bigger the catalog of failures Satan can throw in our faces. You may think, ‘I don’t have anything to offer.’ But you can teach out of your failures as well as your successes (p. 223).

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    ....[T]he night terrors were no match for the glory of waking up to a new day in the Land of Israel. In every conscious moment, Yael was aware that she was living through times that would form the legends and myths of future generations. Just as her generation told and retold the story of the Exodus from Egypt—the event that changed the nature of Israel forever—so would her people hundreds of years from now tell of the end of the Great Exile and the return to this land. The wonder of it touched everything around her, casting a golden glow over even the most mundane events. Nothing seemed impossible, and nothing seemed entirely real.

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    The only cure for suffering is to face it head on, grasp it round the neck and use it.