Best 1297 quotes in «gold quotes» category

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    What motivates most gold purchasers is their belief that the ranks of the fearful will grow. During the past decade that belief has proved correct. Beyond that, the rising price has on its own generated additional buying enthusiasm, attracting purchasers who see the rise as validating an investment thesis. As 'bandwagon' investors join any party, they create their own truth - for a while.

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    What opened up the American West was the fact that you owned the real estate. You owned the gold mines, the oil wells. The creation of these, back then, million dollar industries drove the railroads and eventually the airlines to provide this kind of transportation.

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    What the two hands of the labourer can achieve, the capitalist will never get with all his gold and silver.

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    What well-advised ear regards What earth can say? Thy words are gold, but thy rewards Are painted clay.

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    When everyone is looking for gold, it's a good time to be in the pick and shovel business.

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    When hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world went to the Yukon to look for gold, the original prospectors had already claimed most of it.

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    When interest rates are low we have conditions for asset bubbles to develop, and they are developing at the moment. The ultimate asset bubble is gold.

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    When I started Fool's Gold and producing consistent records that were like electro beats with rapping on it that was experimental and weird. I made a mixtape called Dirty South Dance where I put rap vocals over dance music. That was literally an experiment. Now all these rappers are rapping on dance music. This is something I've been trying to build for a while.

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    When it's raining gold, reach for a bucket, not a thimble.

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    When not only gold but all commodities are available for the redemption of the paper currency, its volume is limited only by the value of all the wealth of the country, and it can never become insecure up to this limit.

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    When people are collecting gold they aren't doing business. ... Gold is constipation: even bankruptcy is more fluid. Gold isn't wealth: positions in markets are wealth.

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    When we are victorious on a world scale I think we shall use gold for the purpose of building public lavatories in the streets of some of the largest cities of the world.

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    What nature wants, commodious gold bestows; 'Tis thus we cut the bread another sows.

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    What treasures here do Mammon's sons behold! Yet know that all that which glitters is not gold.

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    When a child is born, it's born with a heart of gold, but the way of this world can turn that heart cold. I'm still a good person, and I thank God for that - He's working with me on it.

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    When goods are exchanged between countries, they must be paid for by commodities or gold. They cannot be paid for by the notes, certificates, and checks of the purchaser's country, since these are of value only in the country of issue.

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    When I can see my face in it [the liquid gold in the crucible] then it is pure.

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    When is your birthday?” (…) Wide silver-gold eyes swung to him. “You don’t know?” “No.” Pouting, she twirled a strand of her hair. “How can you not know?” “Do you know mine?” he asked. “Of course I do. It’s the day you met me.

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    When I was going through my transition of being famous, I tried to ask God, why was I here? What was my purpose? Surely, it wasn't just to win three gold medals. There has to be more to this life than that.

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    When I was little, I would always lie about the stupidest things. In kindergarten or first grade, I would tell people I had tigers living in my attic and a room full of gold.

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    When the U.S. government stops wasting our resources by trying to maintain the price of gold, its price will sink to...$6 an ounce rather than the current $35 an ounce.

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    When your throat is parched with thirst, do you desire a cup of gold?

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    When you're expected to win and you have the press saying that you are going to win the Olympic gold medal, and you're the only sure thing in the Olympics, it can undermine your confidence.

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    Wherever love comes from, whatever is its genesis, it isn’t like a quantity of gold or diamonds, even water in the earth-a fixed quantity, Fos thought. You can’t use up love, deplete it at its source. Love exists beyond fixed limits. Beyond what you can see or count.

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    Whether the are splashed with gold or white, striped with chartreuse or cream, or margined in light tones, they are nature's weaklings, and nature is still a matter of survival of the fittest. The survival of variegated plants depends on human intervention.

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    What more valuable than Gold? Diamonds. Than Diamonds? Virtue.

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    Who values gold above all, considers all else as trifling.

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    Who knows when Donald Trump will have a press conference? Maybe he's just going to stay in Trump Tower and issue tweets - you know, gold-plated tweets to the American people. It's scary.

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    Who shuts his hand has lost his gold, Who opens it hath it twice told.

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    Why, a moral truth is a hollow tooth Which must be propped with gold.

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    Who can say which is the greater sign of creative power, the sun with its planet system swinging with governed impetus to some incalculable end, or the gold sallow catkin with its flashing system of little flies?

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    Who soweth good seed shall surely reap; The year grows rich as it groweth old, And life's latest sands are its sands of gold!

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    Why should the wealth of the country be stored in banks and elevators while the idle workman wanders homeless about the streets and the idle loafers who hoard the gold only to spend it on riotous living are rolling about in fine carriages from which they look out on peaceful meetings and call them riots?

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    Why should a man be in love with his fetters, though of gold?

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    Why tie to gold? Why not 1982 Bordeaux?

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    Winning a gold medal is not easy but I believed in myself, especially over the last four years.

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    Wilderness has become one of the world's fastest disappearing resources, and it is non-renewable. Yet unlike oil, gold or woodchips, it is essential to the wellbeing of humanity. We are made of it and fashioned by it...our psychological beings resonate with it.

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    Wisdom is neither gold, nor silver, nor fame, nor wealth, nor health, nor strength, nor beauty.

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    With a sigh she reached into her pocket and drew out a small velvet bag, which upended on the table. Two gold rings fell out, landing with a soft clink. Simon looked at them puzzled. "You want to get married?

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    With gold a man can do anything. It even sends souls to paradise.

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    Why do they make things so complicated?" "So that those who have the responsibility for understanding can understand.," he said. "Imagine if everyone went around transforming lead into gold. Gold would lose its value." "It's those who are persistent, and willing to study things deeply, who achieve the Master Work.

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    Winning an Olympic gold medal is like nothing else.

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    Wisdom is better than silver and gold

    • gold quotes
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    Wise kings wear shabby clothes, and leave the gold lace to the drum major.

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    With 48 million subscribers through Xbox Live (silver and gold), Microsoft has a bigger audience than DirecTV.

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    Women have the genius of charity. A man gives but his gold; a woman adds to it her sympathy.

    • gold quotes
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    With the aid of a minute correction - that of the dispersing lens - in a gold frame perched on her nose, Miranda can see into hell.

    • gold quotes
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    Worthless are those who injure others vengefully, while those who stoically endure are like stored gold. The gratification of the vengeful lasts only for a day, but the glory of the forbearing lasts until the end of time. Though unjustly aggrieved, it is best to suffer the suffering and refrain from unrighteous retaliation.

    • gold quotes
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    Xenophon wrote with a swan's quill, Plato with a pen of gold, and Thucydides with a brazen stylus.

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    You are recognized by your bat. If you are the best hitting shortstop out there, that's how you win a Gold Glove. That's the way it is. It shouldn't be-it's a defensive award.