Best 458 quotes in «resistance quotes» category

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    Love the world and yourself in it, move through it as though it offers no resistance, as though the world is your natural element.

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    Manga is virtual. Manga is sentiment. Manga is resistance. Manga is bizarre. Manga is pathos. Manga is destruction. Manga is arrogance. Manga is love. Manga is kitsch. Manga is sense of wonder. Manga is … there is no conclusion yet.

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    Never settle for the path of least resistance

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    Nothing troubles me. I offer no resistance to trouble - therefore it does not stay with me. On your side there is so much trouble. On mine there is no trouble at all. Come to my side.

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    Nobody likes to change. There will always be resistance to change, and there always will be change. And the quicker you get to that, the easier it is. It's not such a difficult thing. If you entrench yourself and go, "By God, I will not change. I will not have this." Then, you're a dead man. We're great at adaptability. It's our strongest suit.

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    Nothing so aggravates an earnest person as a passive resistance.

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    Of course Mahatma Gandhi you might say did not have so much physical vigor but he certainly seemed to have extraordinary resistance, which perhaps is rather different from physical vigor.

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    Our cruel and unrelenting enemy leaves us only the choice of brave resistance, or the most abject submission. We have, therefore, to resolve to conquer or die.

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    One of the ordinary modes, by which tyrants accomplish their purposes without resistance, is, by disarming the people, and making it an offense to keep arms.

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    Only love can penetrate all your karmas and resistances and set your heart on fire with the awareness of its true nature.

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    On the other side of resistance is the flow of real life.

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    Reading is an act of resistance in a landscape of distraction.

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    ... resistance to tyranny is man's highest ideal.

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    Resistance keeps you stuck. Surrender immediately opens you to the greater intelligence that is vaster than the human mind, and it can then express itself through you. So through surrender often you find circumstances changing.

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    Resistance - that is the distinction of the slave. Let your distinction be obedience. Let your commanding itself be obeying!

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    Resistance is the secret of joy!

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    Resistance is weakness and fear masquerading as strength. What the ego sees as weakness is your Being in its purity, innocence, and power. What it sees as strength is weakness.

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    Rule of thumb: The more important a call or action is to our soul's evolution, the Resistance we will feel toward pursuing it.

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    Remarkable visions and genuine insights are always met with resistance.

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    Satan stations more devils on monastery walls than in the dens of iniquity, for the latter offer no resistance.

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    Satyagraha, of which civil resistance is but a part, is to me the universal law of life.

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    Silence can be intimidating, sometimes provocative, sometimes a form of resistance because it dislocates.

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    Often, the greater our ignorance about something, the greater our resistance to change.

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    Solidarity is an attitude of resistance, I suppose, or it should be.

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    Some of the strongest resistance to necessary change is the result of what Jim O'Toole has so aptly characterized as "the ideology of comfort and the tyranny of custom.

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    That's exactly how it is in yoga. The places where you have the most resistance are actually the places that are going to be the areas of the greatest liberation.

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    Surrender is the inner transition from resistance to acceptance, from no to yes.

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    Sweet Spirit, grant us the faith to resist our resistance to Thee!

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    The act of civil disobedience is the act of taking our anger and turning it into sacred rage. It is a personal and collective gesture of resistance and insistance.

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    The big dividing line is not and has never been between those who advocate more or less militant forms of resistance, or between mainstream and grassroots activists. The dividing line is between those who do something and those who do nothing.

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    The chief pang of most trials is not so much the actual suffering itself as our own spirit of resistance to it.

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    That which offers no resistance can enter where there is no space.

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    That which offers no resistance, overcomes the hardest substances.

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    The more closely [the German army] converged on [Stalingrad], the narrower became their scope for tactical manoeuvre as a lever in loosening resistance. By contrast, the narrowing of the frontage made it easier for the defender to switch his local reserves to any threatened point on the defensive arc.

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    The only reason we stress is something is happening that we decided should not be happening. It is not the circumstance that is the problem. It is our resistance to it.

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    The more opposition there is, the better. Does a river acquire velocity unless there is resistance? The newer and better a thing is, the more opposition I will meet with at the outset. It is opposition which foretells success. Where there is no opposition there is no success either.

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    The most powerful state for a human to be in is the state of embracing completely the reality of what is - Now. It is to say "Yes" to life, which is now and always now. There is a vast power in that "Yes," that state of inner non-resistance to what is.

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    The path of least resistance and least trouble is a mental rut already made. It requires troublesome work to undertake the alternation of old beliefs.

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    The natural tendency of all human behavior is toward the path of least resistance. When you resist this tendency, you become stronger and more powerful.

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    The real resistance now is to an art which forces its audience to recognize and accept imaginatively, in their nerve ends, not the facts of life but the facts of death and violence: absurd, random, gratuitous, unjustified, and inescapably part of the society we have created.

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    The present moment is a conspiracy of the total universe. To resist it is to resist the universe. Let go and flow.

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    There is a rule of Sharia: If the enemy wants to suppress you, you are supposed to put up a strong resistance.

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    There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence. It overcomes all resistance.

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    The NGO-ization of politics threatens to turn resistance into a well-mannered, reasonable, salaried, 9-to-5 job. With a few perks thrown in. Real resistance has real consequences. And no salary.

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    There is a spirit of resistance implanted by the Deity in the breast of man, proportioned to the size of the wrongs he is destined to endure.

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    There is resistance to change. There's a resistance to ideas.

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    The religion most prevalent in our northern colonies is a refinement on the principles of resistance: it is the dissidence of dissent, and the protestantism of the Protestant religion.

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    The repeated announcements that the Russian resistance was definitely broken have been proved to be untrue.

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    There's the most resistance to an actor singing. It's like I'm being disloyal to my industry.

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    The simplest truths often meet the sternest resistance and are slowest in getting general acceptance.