Best 94 quotes in «supportive quotes» category

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    My dads great. Hes an amazing artist. A sculptor. Hes wonderful and supportive. I love going to museums with him - we talk about... everything.

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    My job as majority leader is be supportive of our troops, try to have input as decisions are made and to look at those decisions after they're made ... not to march in lock step with everything the president decides to do.

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    My friend is having his period," I told the pizza guy, and handed him his tip. "He needs Britney and extra cheese to get him through it. I'm trying to be supportive.

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    My mother is the most supportive mother in the world, she's magical.

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    My family was loving... they were very supportive and very affectionate, and basically I could do what I wanted, and basically it wasn't anything dangerous, thank God.

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    My mom. She really encouraged me. That's the trouble with education: Unless you have a really supportive parent, you get left behind.

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    My parents were supportive of my creativity but did not have a lot of patience for whimsy with zero production value. They had stuff to do.

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    My mother was supportive without knowing it. Deep down she wanted all the right things, she just didn't see the world like I did, and she's not supposed to.

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    My parents are both definitely supportive of my career.They are both big fans of rap. They are really what influenced me.

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    Of all mushrooms commonly consumed, oyster mushrooms in the genus Pleurotus stand out as exceptional allies for improving human and environmental health. These mushrooms enjoy a terrific reputation as the easiest to cultivate, richly nutritious and medicinally supportive.

    • supportive quotes
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    No matter how much it's growing, the Internet still is a pretty specific demographic. It doesn't necessarily represent the general populace. There is stuff that is blown up on the Internet that isn't hugely successful with the entire world, and vice versa. I don't put a tremendous amount of stock in it, but at the same time, you always want people to like what you're doing. Certainly, to have come from an Internet background, we want to stay faithful and have people be supportive and happy with what we're doing.

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    Our true friends are those who are with us when the good things happen. They cheer us on and are pleased by our triumphs.

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    Not hippie - my parents were not hippies - but they were very supportive and encouraging, and that does a lot for someone, and it gives them a lot of confidence.

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    Richard [Ayoade] likes working with people that he knows. So, I already knew all of the crew and practically everyone and we all felt comfortable. It's nice to be able to go into somewhere where there's no pressure, and where people are supportive and believe in you.

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    The limits of sensory evolution in fish are defined very largely by their habitat. Water is physically supportive, carries some kinds of odour well, and is kind to sound - letting it travel several times faster than air will allow, but it inhibits other more personal kinds of communication.

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    The 'Degrassi' producers were very supportive. They sent me flowers when I got 'The Vampire Diaries,' and then as soon as it premiered and got the great numbers that it did, I got another large bouquet of flowers from them. Every time I go back to Toronto, I see them and hang out with them.

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    Seeks to grow and improve oneself through creative activity, freely expressing one’s exuberant vitality, and through warm, supportive encouragement of others.

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    The majority of my fans have been amazing & supportive. But I am in shock and ashamed of many of my 'fans' who are standing firm in their stance that I am 'less than' them because of my sexual orientation. To those who feel this way: I gladly show you the door and wish you well on your journey.

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    To pursue success effectively, you must build supportive relationships that will help you work toward your goals. To build those relationships, you need to trust others; and to earn their trust, you in turn must learn to be trustworthy.

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    There is a big age gap between my sisters Janice and Irma and myself so I didn't know them that well when I was younger although they have been very supportive in later life.

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    We just want government to be a smart, supportive, reliable partner to the forces that are working for good in this country.

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    This is life. Our bodies change. Our minds change. Our hearts change. Things are always evolving. I hope we can be supportive of each other and try to really have each other's backs, especially when we don't know the whole story.

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    We're defining the competitive landscape... of who can provide the most supportive services that make life easier, keep track of things, that complement human memory in a way that helps us get things done.

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    We should be supportive of the president and supportive of rights of all in a pluralistic democracy that we're called to love. And we live our faith; we don't legislate our faith.

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    When I was 12, I got a manager, but my mom was against it. It took a lot of convincing. But when I got a job at Manhattan Theatre Club, I think she saw how passionate I was about it and that I worked really hard - and now she's super supportive.

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    Well, of course it was a very trying time for me, and fortunately I had a lot of people who were supportive. A lot of people who were writing and calling and saying they were praying for me. Some people sent me Scripture, and that helped.

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    When we begin to know ourselves in an open and self-supportive way, we take the first step to encourage our children to know themselves

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    When you are doing what you really love and creating the life that you really want it will be easier to create a healthy personal relationship with someone that will be supportive of what you want too.

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    anytime you enjoy the sweet fruits of the tree, remember the dirty roots of the tree

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    When you're out there in Vancouver doing your thing, and then you come down and you see how positive people are - people who are so jazzed and so supportive.

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    When you talk about a 'broad-based business tax,' that's a pretty broad term. I don't know what that means. But it's not something I would be supportive of.

    • supportive quotes
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    Be supportive of others the way you would want them to be supportive of you.

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    Check your environment and be sure that it is supportive. Some environments do not support progress. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are not fertile lands for a farmer’s dream seeds. Change location.

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    Chi Fu was right," she said wretchedly. "This is all my fault." "Don't listen to that catfish," Mushu said. "Chin up. You're strong, and you're smart. Heck, you defeated an army of Huns. You'll get the captain through this." "I hope so." "Keep talking to him," Mushu suggested. "Make your voice soothing, like a good cup of tea." Mulan rolled her eyes, but she desperately wanted to believe the dragon's words. "You can make it, Shang," she said to the captain. She touched his arm, then clasped his hand, warming his cold fingers with her own. "Whatever battle you're fighting in there, I'm going to help you." "That's it," Mushu encouraged. "Keep going. Maybe you should give him a little kiss." "Mushu!" The dragon shrugged. "Hey, it works in all those folktales.

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    You try to get out there and live. I've always had good friends who've been very supportive and help make me feel good and grounded because I've never felt attached to the film industry.

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    Every body should be given the chance and the necessary support to unearth their full potential.

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    God may create us but we Define

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    If you are in support of tension you really don't know what tension actually is

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    It is a tragedy, at rate at which EBOLA VIRUS is spreading in West Africa. It is a fatal disease in the history of the world. Intensive education (formal and informal approaches) of the citizens of African can help prevent the spread. International cooperation is urgently needed to combat the EBOLA virus.

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    I was never able to accept anyone else’s support but my own –

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    It is better to be supportive than be superior.

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    Many a man does not have a girlfriend, yet a girlfriend has him.

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    My family and I have always supported Asian and Asian Americans, especially our fellow authors and artists. I just found out my Crazy Rich Asian cousin bought out some theaters to support the Crazy Rich Asians film. Talk about crazy! - The Asian American Experience Anthology by Kailin Gow

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    My challenge to you today is to observe your thoughts and internal dialogue and recognize if and when you speak poorly to yourself. We all have moments of self-deprecation and very often we are too hard on ourselves. Today, start to be caring and supportive of yourself. Observe that little voice in your head and say something positive to yourself instead!

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    Sometimes when we feel lost, the universe sends a little help. Something or someone to guide us on our path.” She chuckles, her eyes gleaming. “And that can come in the most unexpected form.

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    Support what is good and spit out what is bad. Get off of your knees and reject the role of slave to the culture of violence.

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    I know it doesn't seem like much now, but sometimes the biggest problems are solved in bits and spurts. Solutions from the universe aren't always detailed, or direct for that matter.

    • supportive quotes
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    That what keeps us supported is dharma (religion).

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    Through career fumbles and life changes, she supported me. Through shattered dreams and hopes almost-realized, she supported me too.

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    There is no greater power and support you can give someone than to look them in the eye, and with sincerity/conviction say, 'I believe in you.