Best 660 quotes in «prison quotes» category

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    Loneliness is a kind of prison. [Vincent Van Gogh]

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    Make not thyself the judge of any man.

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    Many countries persecute their own citizens and intern them in prisons or concentration camps. Oppression is becoming more and more a part of the systems.

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    Martha Stewart is getting out of prison so today the terror alert was raised from orange to pesto.

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    Money will determine whether the accused goes to prison or walks out of the courtroom a free man.

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    Maybe then you comprehend, speaking one language only is a prison!

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    Mine is an enthusiastic and dionysian pessimism, like a flame that sets my vital exuberance ablaze, that mocks at any theoretical, scientific or moral prison.

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    More than 90 percent of all the prisoners in our American prisons have been abused as children.

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    Marriage can either be a classroom where people become wiser and better, or a prison where people become resentful; and bitter.

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    My time in prison only deepened my resolve against apartheid. Even while I was in prison, I fought against it, teaching my cellmates about white supremacy and how to fight against it.

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    My friends in prison were mostly women more like myself: not historical figures who I did not relate to as peers, but hookers and addicts.

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    Nearly a quarter of American men were in the Armed forces. The rest were in school, in prison, or were George W. Bush.

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    Nature is not slow to equip us in the prison-uniform of the party to which we adhere.

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    Nelson Mandela and Malcolm X came out of prison stronger.

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    My movies were the kind they show in prisons and airplanes, because nobody can leave.

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    Obviously this prison has been controversial ever since the first detainees arrived in Guantanamo more than 14 years ago.

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    No one is punished for free speech in Cuba. If free and inconvenient thoughts were a crime in our country, I would have been a good candidate for prison, with my advocacy for sexual self-determination. Those people are in prison because they are mercenaries paid by Washington.

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    Of all parties I now see only one party- The Anarchist- which respects human life, and loudly insists upon the abolition of capital punishment, prison torture and punishment of man by man altogether.

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    Of the three official objects of our prison system: vengeance, deterrence, and reformation of the criminal, only one is achieved; and that is the one which is nakedly abominable.

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    On a planet that increasingly resembles one huge Maximum Security prison, the only intelligent choice is to plan a jail break.

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    Not all psychopaths are in prison - some are in the boardroom.

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    One of the men attached to the prison was the occasion of great amusement on the part of the prisoners, as well as the spectators, by taking a large lump of ice to show these strangers from the tropics

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    Oh spare me, being stuck in your bedroom is not like prison. You don't have to worry about being gang-raped in your bedroom.

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    One should not be deceived: great spirits are skeptics ... Strength, FREEDOM which is born of the strength and overstrength of the spirit, proves itself by skepticism. Men of conviction are not worthy of the least consideration in fundamental questions of value and disvalue. Convictions are prisons.

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    One's ribs shouldn't be prison bars.

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    Only to those who have been in prison does freedom have such great meaning.

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    Once we are destined to live out our lives in the prison of our mind, our duty is to furnish it well.

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    One out of 100 citizens of the U.S. is going to prison, and it's not that the system is making criminals, it's that it's making criminals better criminals. We're breeding them like rats and it has to change.

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    Our prisons are full of people who think they're Napoleon..or God.

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    Our prison in Georgia is a very different place from this prison here in Berlin. The conditions there are inhuman.

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    Our prisons and our jails are now our mental health institutions.

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    Our universities should produce good criticism; they do not or, at best, they do so only as federal prisons produce counterfeit money: a few hardened prisoners are more or less surreptitiously continuing their real vocations.

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    People behave badly and people are in prison and people are on death row, and there are no excuses for everybody's behavior, but most people are coming from abuse.

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    Pardon ever follows sincere repentence.

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    Pardon is the virtue of victory.

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    Our schools are much like our prisons: they disappoint us because they only do what they're designed to do, and it annoys us that they don't do something else!

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    Prison is like high school with knives.

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    Poetry and prison have always been neighbors.

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    Prison is a Socialist paradise where equality prevails, everything is supplied, and competition is eliminated.

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    Poor people, people of color - especially are much more likely to be found in prison than in institutions of higher education.

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    Prison officials have been more concerned about sparing the sensitivities of executioners and witnesses than protecting the condemned prisoner from pain. They are more concerned with appearances than with the reality.

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    Prison always has been a good place for writers, killing, as it does, the twin demons of mobility and diversion

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    Prisons are hate factories, Pastor, and society wants more and more of them.

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    Prisons should be co-ed because separate quarters are discriminatory.

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    Prison, with its daily rhythm, with the transfer and the defense, does not leave any time; prison dissolves time: This is the principal form of punishment in a capitalist society.

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    Prisons are universities of crime, maintained by the state.

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    Prison service vans that travel 90 miles to take a prisoner 90 yards; paedophiles free to leer at children in the very parks where they have committed horrific crimes.

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    Prison Break is so far-fetched, I had to make viewers believe that Michael is capable of making the impossible possible.

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    Prison continues, on those who are entrusted to it, a work begun elsewhere, which the whole of society pursues on each individual through innumerable mechanisms of discipline.

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    Prisons are like the concentration camps of our time. So many go in and never come out, and primarily they're black and Latino.