Best 626 quotes in «reality of life quotes» category

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    In the end, every man's life is but a tale told to him that's lived it, and to him alone.

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    In writing the short novel Fahrenheit 451 I thought I was describing a world that might evolve in four or five decades. But only a few weeks ago, in Beverly Hills one night, a husband and wife passed me, walking their dog. I stood staring after them, absolutely stunned. The woman held in one hand a small cigarette-package-sized radio, its antenna quivering. From this sprang tiny copper wires which ended in a dainty cone plugged into her right ear. There she was, oblivious to man and dog, listening to far winds and whispers and soap-opera cries, sleep-walking, helped up and down curbs by a husband who might just as well not have been there. This was not fiction.

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    It causes us to focus our attention on ourselves and draws us away from God

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    I often hear or read: “Time is money.” If that would be true, everyone would have exactly the same amount of money. As the pointer on the clock is ticking the same for everyone.

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    It does not how tall you are,You cannot be taller than a box you live within

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    It does not matter how tall you are,You cannot be taller than a box you live within

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    I only come out for food.

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    It is difficult to make the right choices in life, so it’s better to take it one step at a time”.

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    It is better to be the weird one than the one people say negative things about.

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    It is dangerous to become useless to God

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    It is difficult for a man laden with riches to climb the steep path, that leads to bliss

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    It is morally acceptable in life for one to make mistakes; it only enables you to go back to your drawing board and review your steps”.

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    It is very easy for us to make choices in life but the most difficult part is to follow those choices through “.

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    It is easy to love God when you do not even have a cent in your pocket and you are totally dependent on Him

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    It only takes luck to make the right choices in life”.

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    It is wise for people to learn how to control their emotions instead of allowing it to overwhelm them and making them behaves irrational.

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    It is useless to cry over a thing which is not belong to you....

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    It’s a matter of dignity when one accepts reality, 'cause at a certain point, that’s all you have left.

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    It's all about money, not freedom. You think you're free? Try going somewhere without money.

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    It pays to do what is always considered right.

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    It's a matter of dishonour, and when it gets out, which it's bound to, this will be the one act you'll be remembered for. Everything else you achieved will be irrelevant. Your reputation will rest only on this, because ultimately reality is social, it's among others that we have to live and their judgements matter. - Pg. 198

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    It's difficult to be honest with others when you continue lying to yourself.

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    It seemed that balance was necessary. The old and the new needed to be combined, the traditions adapted. That was the way forward. Without balance change could not occur.

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    Its just human nature. People forget past and only care about their present and don't think what will happen in future...

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    It's life's failure and its deficiencies that make someone a daydreamer. I don't understand why prophets and philosophers didn't see the significance in that. I think imagination is at the heart of reality, or at least, is the immediate definition and interpretation of reality.

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    It's always amazing how when we're sure we've lost something for good, it winds up finding us.

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    It’s never too late to start all over again.

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    It's not becoming hell but it's already been hell, I just couldn't see it.

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    It’s not mine, it’s not yours Though imperfect, but it’s ours. We gotta breathe We gotta sleep We gotta laugh We gotta live. Can you hear me? This story belongs to us.

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    It’s not reality that creates your beliefs, it’s your beliefs that create reality.

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    It would be perfect if everyone who makes love, is in love, but this is simply an unrealistic expectation. I'd say 75 percent of the population of people who make love, are not in love, this is simply the reality of the human race, and to be idealistic about this is to wait for the stars to aline and Jupiter to change color; for the Heavens to etch your names together in the sky before you make love to someone. But idealism is immaturity, and as a matter of fact, the stars may never aline, Jupiter may never change color, and the Heavens may never ever etch your names together in the sky for you to have the never-ending permission to make endless love to one another. And so the bottom line is, there really is no difference between doing something today, and doing something tomorrow, because today is what you have, and tomorrow may not turn out the way you expect it to. At the end of the day, sex is an animalistic, humanistic, passionate desire.

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    It's sad and sickening that a diseases & natural disaster is less discriminating, racist, egotistical and evil than humanity. at least their plight doesn't depends upon your religion, cast or the party you are associated with. they just get you and kill you.

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    It's the geek who gets the girl, not the jock.

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    I wonder how much the general population of this country know that the legal system has far more to do with playing a good hand of poker than it does with justice.

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    Keep your eyes and your mind open. Don’t be blinded by filters like fear, uncertainty, pessimism and negativity.

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    Just call deep sleep reality and be free.

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    Let go of your PAST. …live in the NOW!

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    Learning is a great experience of life”.

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    I will never understand the determination behind a fake personality

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    Let’s face it. It’s already hard being yourself, so why do we insist on adding pressure trying to please others.

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    Learn to love God with all your heart

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    Life cannot impose on you that which you aren't willing to accept. Don't let your emotions/feelings push you towards accepting less than you truly deserve. Believe in yourself, be confident and stay focused. The best lies before and within is all a matter of your choice. Choose wisely!

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    Life is all about what you make of you”.

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    Life is full of risks. But only takes a great mind to make the right decisions”.

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    Life is beautiful and weird.

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    Life is like a video game; sometimes you win, sometimes you lose”.

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    Life is a game of choice”.

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    Life is your teacher. How can you learn to understand your truth, if you deny your reality?

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    Life is an illusion of the reality which we want or wish

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    Life isn’t about been brave but doing what you have to do to survive”.

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