Best 24 quotes in «stalker quotes» category

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    Minds that have withered into psychosis are far more terrifying than any character of fiction.

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    For a guy who claimed not to be a stalker he sure knows the tricks of the trade. Give up the Ghost

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    He gazed into eyes the color of a summer morning sky and sighed. It felt as if his soul had just come home.

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    I don't believe outstandingly beautiful and charismatic women create obsession in what would otherwise be normal men, but rather they attract the weirdos and the stalkers; flames in the darkness that these disturbing people inhabit, unwittingly drawing them closer until they extinguish the very flame they were drawn to.

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    I know you’re afraid of getting hurt, again,” Rick said as he gently took Angela’s hands in his. “I can’t predict your future. I’m just asking you if I can be a part of it.

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    I sneaked out to his house a couple times in the middle of the night to watch over him while he slept, just in case, I don't know, his comic book collection decided to spontaneously combust. This was dumb and admittedly creepy in an Edward Cullen kind of way.

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    I’ve been trying to take things slowly because I didn’t want to scare you with the intensity of how I feel.

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    Are you sure? Because it looks bad. And you’re pale. You’re never pale.” “I’ve seen him look much worse,” Dell said. “Like last year, when I signed him up for this online dating thing. He got all scared. He was pretty pale then.” “Because I was stalked,” Adam said. “By a crazy person.” “Aw, she wasn’t that bad. And she bought you that teddy bear, remember? Because you were her cuddle umpkins. How scary can a woman who says ‘cuddle umpkins’ be?

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    Come out, come out, wherever you are... come out, come out, or you'll end up in the tar...

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    He had to get inside. It was essential that he know everything, the routes she took, her schedule, and the lay of the land. The silver moon glowed overhead, mocking him. Somewhere in the trees an owl hooted its laughter at his failure. Randy--from Spring Cleaning--Coming Summer 2012

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    I calli it viewing from afar, they call it stalking.

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    I turned to him and he reached for my hand. It would have been easier to walk away. But the wind still blew around us and the house still stood.

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    Look beyond the talker, and uncover the stalker. If the mind is darkened with character disEASE, the behavior will symptomatically follow...those whose mentality becomes infected by their obvious blight, easily become the host targets of their contagion.

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    Mom was silent for a moment. “I’m sorry, Melissa, but can you blame me for worrying? In less than an hour I found out you’re being stalked by a killer, sleeping with a stranger, and hiding with him in an empty apartment. You have to admit that sounds…unsettling.

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    Stalker. Dokładnie tak ich sobie wyobrażał – z opowiadań ojczyma i historyjek straganiarzy. Poplamiony i miejscami osmalony skafander ochronny, długa ciężka kamizelka kuloodporna, potężne bary, na prawym ramieniu niedbale zarzucona potężna bryła erkaemu, z lewej, na podobieństwo bandoletu, zwisa pobłyskująca smarem taśma z nabojami. Masywne sznurowane buty, wpuszczone do środka spodnie, na plecach przepastny płócienny plecak. Stalker zdjął okrągły hełm specnazu, ściągnął gumową maskę przeciwgazową i, zaczerwieniony, mokry, rozmawiał o czymś z dowódcą posterunku.

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    The dark sky seemed to swallow the moon, as Samantha stood alone on the deserted highway.

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    Would've been useful when I was about eight," I said. "I used to have wicked nightmares." I did, too: stupid dreams about being chased by Elmo. A psycho Elmo with eyes like that Chucky doll. I'd wake up screaming and Vicky would come running in and ask what the nightmare was about. I never told her. I was too embarrassed.

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    Sometimes a night of over-eating leaves you hungry for something you can't name. An emptiness haunted me. An emptiness I didn't have a name for until I met Jeb. Now, I' m starving.

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    Stalker put his hands on my shoulders - and for a moment, his pale eyes blazed with the power of what he felt for me. The reflected head warmed me where I hadn't even know I was cold. Then his golden, spiky lashes swept down, veiling his thoughts. I shouldn't let this boy comfort me when I'd rejected him. Weakness made me selfish, but I didn't resist when he pulled me against him.

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    Terri had already gotten her panties into a bunch just from one little phone call, so he knew coming at her too much too fast would be more trouble than it was worth. He couldn’t exactly beat her into submission, not right away anyway. Although he did enjoy seeing her get all riled up. Nothing tugged at a man’s heartstrings like a pair of mascara smeared eyes. Randy from Spring Cleaning-- Coming Summer 2012

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    These were the things we would never notice were missing.

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    Would it discourage a stalker from stalking if he knew that they knew?

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    Wszystkie oczy były skierowane na żelazne drzwi na zasuwę. Teraz były otwarte, a w prześwicie stał wysoki człowiek, widząc którego Artem też zapomniał po co tu przyszedł. Stalker. Dokładnie tak ich sobie wyobrażał – z opowiadań ojczyma i historyjek straganiarzy. Poplamiony i miejscami osmalony skafander ochronny, długa ciężka kamizelka kuloodporna, potężne bary, na prawym ramieniu niedbale zarzucona potężna bryła erkaemu, z lewej, na podobieństwo bandoletu, zwisa pobłyskująca smarem taśma z nabojami. Masywne sznurowane buty, wpuszczone do środka spodnie, na plecach przepastny płócienny plecak. Stalker zdjął okrągły hełm specnazu, ściągnął gumową maskę przeciwgazową i, zaczerwieniony, mokry, rozmawiał o czymś z dowódcą posterunku. Był już niemłody, Artem widział siwy zarost na jego policzkach i brodzie i srebrne nitki wśród krótkich, czarnych włosów. Ale biło od niego siłą, pewnością siebie, cały był spięty, czujny, jakby nawet tu, na cichej, jasnej stacji był gotów w każdej chwili stawić czoła niebezpieczeństwu i nie dać mu się zaskoczyć.

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    You were spying on me?" I repeated, this time my tone was stern. "Nonsense! I was making sure you were safe." He answered, fluttering his wings and landing in front of me. "That's what friends do.