Best 252 quotes in «introspection quotes» category

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    Așa-i de când lumea, că cine se introspectează prea mult, acela nu mai e de acord nici cu sine însuși, în cele din urmă, iar cine nu-i de acord cu sine însuși, acela nu-i capabil să ia o hotărâre.

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    As all our senses are the inlets of sin, so they are become the inlets of sorrow (99).

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    Before we come to Christ, we must come to ourselves.

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    Before speaking, recognize what motivates your words.

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    Being a good communicator Patch, begins with listening, and listening to yourself first.

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    A spiritual endeavor strives for sincere introspection and right conduct.

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    As we more easily get in touch with others, we seem to lose touch with ourselves. We can’t solve all of our problems through others; sometimes, we have to look within, rearrange, and reconsider things from a renewed perspective.

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    Becoming a genuine individual requires learning the oppositions within oneself. Those who fail or refuse to face the oppositions within have no choice but to find enemies to project upon. Enemy simply means a "not-friend;" unless a person deals with the not-friend within they require enemies around them.

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    Being happy is easy. Easy until you start believing that happiness is tied to a relationship, a job, your income, a product you buy, fame, a status, or any of a number of things that you don't currently have in your possession. Being happy is easy, as long as you understand everything you need to be happy exist in you already. You just have to stop looking out and start looking in to find it.

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    Bells ringing with no sound Laughter with no voice Happiness lost without being found Making love with no noise

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    Beyond twilight comes a beautiful night, the kind of night the weary dream of. And to all my good friends, to those who have already gone to the back side of the mirror, I bow my head.

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    Bellamy was sorry to hurt Clement's feelings, but he so intensely wanted to be alone where he could confront the awful cacophony of his own feelings.

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    Between the self and the other, between the visionary and the psychopath, between the lover and his love, between the overworld and the underworld, falls the Shadow.

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    But darling yesterday I was a different person, today I see you for what you are.

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    But as I looked into the mirror, I screamed, and my heart shuddered: for I saw not myself but the mocking, leering, face of a devil.

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    But one must remember that they were all men with systems. Freud, monumentally hipped on sex (for which he personally had little use) and almost ignorant of Nature: Adler, reducing almost everything to the will to power: and Jung, certainly the most humane and gentlest of them, and possibly the greatest, but nevertheless the descendant of parsons and professors, and himself a super-parson and a super-professor. all men of extraordinary character, and they devised systems that are forever stamped with that character.… Davey, did you ever think that these three men who were so splendid at understanding others had first to understand themselves? It was from their self-knowledge they spoke. They did not go trustingly to some doctor and follow his lead because they were too lazy or too scared to make the inward journey alone. They dared heroically. And it should never be forgotten that they made the inward journey while they were working like galley-slaves at their daily tasks, considering other people's troubles, raising families, living full lives. They were heroes, in a sense that no space-explorer can be a hero, because they went into the unknown absolutely alone. Was their heroism simply meant to raise a whole new crop of invalids? Why don't you go home and shoulder your yoke, and be a hero too?

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    But the deeper I get tangled up in this mass of dreams and memories the more I realize that emotional problems can't be solved as intellectual problems are. That's what I discovered about myself last night. I told myself I was wandering around like a lost soul, and then I saw that I was lost.

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    But this is the power of storytelling, isn’t it? To make sense of the things we can’t figure out ourselves. We make up gods and monsters and origin stories and archetypes and tell each other it’s all explainable so we don’t have to feel the weight of the unknown. That’s the theory anyway. The practice is that we’re all so much better at seeing the faults of others, at watching them make their mistakes and judging from afar, our social telescopes so much more powerful than the microscopes we forget to use on ourselves.

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    But what if hope had a threshold? What if there was a limit to it? What if each of us was only given a certain amount and mine was used up?

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    C’era qualcosa di profondamente sbagliato nell'osservare le persone quando queste non sapevano di essere viste. Non davi loro la possibilità di difendersi, non lasciavi loro il tempo di indossare una bella maschera per nascondersi: e allora tutto ciò che avevano nelle loro teste era stampato sulle loro facce, e se non provavi rimorso a invadere così a fondo l’intimità di qualcuno, potevi leggergli dentro come se fosse un libro aperto.

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    Cheating on self, is a paralysis of being.

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    But for some reason, those rocks made lonely feel good. Those clouds made you dream big. Not big like you could make a lot of money or like you could have a good job. Bigger than those things. It was complicated. I mean, big like you were part of the sky, which also made you feel small.

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    But what was excruciating at first turned cathartic the more he talked. In telling his story, he discovered that he had developed definite ideas about his own motives and decisions. These ideas seemed to have formed in the ether of emotions and dreams, that wooly fog that lay outside the footlights of the conscious mind. They were not large revelations, but were rather like the little epiphanies one suffers and enjoys over a morning cup of tea.

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    By not letting me turn you into something you're not, you've helped me be more of myself.

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    By thinking of things you could understand them.

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    By turning his gaze upwards, (he) also turned it inwards, towards his inner silence and uncovered forgotten sides. Into that universe which to me is just as mysterious as the outer space that surrounds us. One universe stretches outwards, the other inwards. To me the latter universe is of the greatest interest. For, as the poet Emily Dickinson rightly concluded, “The Brain—is wider than the Sky.

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    Change has to be hard because you're fighting against inertia.

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    Consciousness of self was an inherent function of matter once it was organized as life, and if that function was enhanced it turned against the organism that bore it, strove to fathom and explain the very phenomenon that produced it, a hope-filled and hopeless striving of life to comprehend itself, as if nature were rummaging to find itself in itself - ultimately to no avail, since nature cannot be reduced to comprehension, nor in the end can life listen to itself.

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    Curbing negativity is also about owning up to one’s responsibilities, and not passing the buck. It is a usual tendency to look at the source of failure and negativity outside of ourselves typically in the team members we work with. I can say one thing that failure has taught me is to look inward, and even if it is a team member who has failed, try and see the best in them and encourage them out of that failure.

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    Digging, one finds more rocks than gold.

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    During self-reflection, the realization came that revolution begins within.

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    El hábito de entrar en mí mismo hizo que perdiera al fin el sentimiento y casi el recuerdo de mis males, aprendí así por mi propia existencia que la fuente de la verdadera felicidad está en nosotros y que no depende de los hombres el hacer realmente miserable a quien sabe querer ser feliz.

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    Deep down I think I may be just like everyone else. And do you know what, Harry?" "No sir." "That bothers me.

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    Doesn't look like much, does he?" murmurs Frederick. "Hardly a couple of ounces of feathers and bones. But that bird can fly to Africa and back. Powered by bugs and worms and desire." The wagtail hops from twig to twig. Werner rubs his aching eyes. It's just a bird. "Ten thousand years ago," whispers Frederick, "they came through here in the millions. When this place was a garden, one endless garden from end to end.

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    Don't be fooled. Charlie remembers things exactly the way he wants to remember them. I suppose we all do...And then we spend the rest of our lives basing the way we think about our families on what we THOUGHT happened--instead of what really did.

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    Everyone in this world is Abhimanyu, the difference being that most of us are trapped in a labyrinth of our own creation. It takes a lifetime for people to realise that the way out lies in their own hands. All it requires is a little introspection.

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    Every day I wake up and ask myself, ‘How can I accept myself and others more fully?

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    Finally, she grew quiet. After that, coherent thought. With this, stalked through her a cold, bloody rage; Hours of this; a period of introspection; a space of retrospection; then a mixture of both. Out of this, an awful calm.

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    Find the light within you through meditation and introspection, and you will illuminate your life from within.

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    Era incredibile quanto poco bastasse per fuggire. La gente si affannava a correre dietro a treni e aerei, cercava di andare il più lontano possibile, ma il più delle volte finiva per portare con sé anche i propri pensieri, e allora scappare non serviva più a nulla, perché non esisteva posto al mondo abbastanza lontano per sfuggire ai pensieri. Era questo che la gente non capiva: la fuga è prima di tutto uno stato mentale. Lui era fortunato ad avere la musica, perché anche quando non c’erano altre vie d’uscita, a lui bastavano un paio di cuffie e la sua chitarra per approdare in un rifugio sicuro.

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    Face-to-face with a computer, people reflected on who they were in the mirror of the machine.

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    Get yourself outta boundaries created by your own self. Take a pause, look into yourself and start living a free life.

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    Get acquainted with your shadow, or find yourself surprised when a crisis emerges.

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    Growing a business requires that we look at ourselves and change the way we make decisions.

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    Happiness shrinks, Pain elongates. Happiness generates energy, so does pain. During happiness we are outwardly focused, expressing our feelings to the world and celebrating. Hence giving the energy a large surface area to dissipate quickly. During pain we are inwardly focused, introspecting, hence the energy dissipates slowly, elongating pain.

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    He could take on anything and everything, it seemed, rather than leave himself time to reflect on his dissatisfaction with his life and what he might do about it.

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    He had a vivid sense of roads forking, rivers branching, one of those moments where the life that follows cannot be as it might otherwise have been.

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    He had too much to think about. In the course of his long, useless marches he had sunk deeper and deeper into the tangle of his botched life as into a clump of brambles, and still he had found no meaning or consolation.

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    He was not accustomed to busying himself with introspection or self-analysis. In this way he was like most people who are rarely alone. His mind did not swing into action until some external force required it: a man or woman or some other element of his material life. He had surrendered himself to the busy current of his life, submerging himself totally in it. All he saw of himself was his reflection on the surface of the stream.

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    God wishes to see people happy.