Best 1423 quotes in «moral quotes» category

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    Modern civilization depends on science … James Smithson was well aware that knowledge should not be viewed as existing in isolated parts, but as a whole, each portion of which throws light on all the other, and that the tendency of all is to improve the human mind, and give it new sources of power and enjoyment … narrow minds think nothing of importance but their own favorite pursuit, but liberal views exclude no branch of science or literature, for they all contribute to sweeten, to adorn, and to embellish life … science is the pursuit above all which impresses us with the capacity of man for intellectual and moral progress and awakens the human intellect to aspiration for a higher condition of humanity. [Joseph Henry was the first Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, named after its benefactor, James Smithson.]

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    Moral bankruptcy occurs when development supersedes the cultural practices of a great nation of people.

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    Morality does not come to this mortal world from some imaginary paradise. It rises from the neurons of mortal humans.

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    Moral philosophers say things like, ‘What is actually wrong with cannibalism?’ There are two ways of responding to that: one is to shrink back in horror and say, ‘Cannibalism! Cannibalism! We can’t talk about cannibalism!’ The other is to say, ‘Well, actually, what is wrong with cannibalism?’ Then you work it out and you tease it out and you decide yes, actually, cannibalism is wrong, but for the following reasons. So I’d like to think that my moral values at least partly come from reasoning. Trying to suppress the gut reaction as much as possible. ["Is Richard Dawkins destroying his reputation?", The Guardian, 9 June 2015]

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    Moral education, ought never, in any circumstances, to be rational.

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    Moralini yüksek tutarsan her şeyi yüksek tutarsın! Ve moralini yüksek tutmak için doğanın enerjisinden faydalanmaya çalış! Ve doğanın enerjisinden faydalanmak için doğayı en gözde limanın yap!

    • moral quotes
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    Moral’ means one is free to enjoy only the things that belong to him and those he receives naturally and spontaneously. That is the ultimate meaning of morality.

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    Moral values are changing with a change in social outlook. We are frustrated today because we use old definitions of morality for the modern world. We want people to be moral as well as modern which is a difficult goal to achieve in practice. The loss of old standards of morality is the price we have to pay to achieve more freedom, more equality and more material prosperity.

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    Moral war für ihn [..] das unendliche Ganze der Möglichkeiten zu leben.

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    Most priests wish they were as righteous as they seem to most members of their congregations.

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    Netiquette: The social code of network communication. Internet code of conduct based on the Golden Rule. Ethical philosophy of common rules.

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    Ni en el mundo, ni, en general, tampoco fuera del mundo, es posible pensar nada que pueda considerarse como bueno sin restricción, a no ser tan sólo una buena voluntad.

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    No real excellence, personal or social, artistic, philosophical, scientific, or moral, can arise without solitude.

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    Movie Cliche #12: The Moral. A character states the obvious and everybody gets the point.

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    Now I don’t see anything evil in a desire to make money. But money is only a means to some end. If a man wants it for a personal purpose—to invest in his industry, to create, to study, to travel, to enjoy luxury—he’s completely moral. But the men who place money first go much beyond that. Personal luxury is a limited endeavor. What they want is ostentation: to show, to stun, to entertain, to impress others. They’re second-handers.

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    Obra siempre por tal máxima, que puedas querer al mismo tiempo que su universalidad sea ley

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    One day in my pharmacology class, we were discussing the possibility of legalizing marijuana. The class was pretty evenly divided between those that advocated legalizing marijuana and those that did not. The professor said he wanted to hear from a few people on both sides of the argument. A couple students had the opportunity to stand in front of the class and present their arguments. One student got up and spoke about how any kind of marijuana use was morally wrong and how nobody in the class could give him any example of someone who needed marijuana. A small girl in the back of the classroom raised her hand and said that she didn’t want to get up, but just wanted to comment that there are SOME situations in which people might need marijuana. The same boy from before spoke up and said that she needed to back up her statements and that he still stood by the fact that there wasn’t anyone who truly needed marijuana. The same girl in the back of the classroom slowly stood up. As she raised her head to look at the boy, I could physically see her calling on every drop of confidence in her body. She told us that her husband had cancer. She started to tear up, as she related how he couldn’t take any of the painkillers to deal with the radiation and chemotherapy treatments. His body was allergic and would have violent reactions to them. She told us how he had finally given in and tried marijuana. Not only did it help him to feel better, but it allowed him to have enough of an appetite to get the nutrients he so desperately needed. She started to sob as she told us that for the past month she had to meet with drug dealers to buy her husband the only medicine that would take the pain away. She struggled every day because according to society, she was a criminal, but she was willing to do anything she could to help her sick husband. Sobbing uncontrollably now, she ran out of the classroom. The whole classroom sat there in silence for a few minutes. Eventually, my professor asked, “Is there anyone that thinks this girl is doing something wrong?” Not one person raised their hand.

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    Mrk pogled na licu protivan je prirodi, a kad postane uobičajenim, izražajnost počinje umirati ili je već konačno ugasla i ne može je se više užgati. Pokušavaj poštivati tu prosudbu- da je to nešto protivno razumu. U polju moralna ponašanja, ako nestane čak i svijest o pogrešnome, ostaje li za život još imalo razuma?

    • moral quotes
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    Not until "human nature" itself progresses morally will the majority of people prefer peaceful and boring market relations to the violent and exciting relations between coercer and coerced, predator and victim.

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    O abade expressou outro temor a respeito do dano potencial à Igreja Católica em consequência da posição por ela adotada no caso Mortara. Se a Igreja reivindicava o direito de capturar crianças judias nas terras sob seu governo, não estaria encorajando aqueles estados em que outras religiões eram dominantes a usar a força para converter seus próprios cidadãos católicos? O que aconteceria aos católicos que viviam nos países muçulmanos, ou entre os "cismáticos" na Grécia, ou entre os luteranos na Suíça?

    • moral quotes
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    People always live badly today; they only live well tomorrow. For the sake of ambition they strive against each other with evil deeds, but the path to glory would be easier to tread by doing good to one another. Although they always speak evil, they hope to be well spoken of themselves; although they do evil, they hope to receive good. We proclaim that we are the authors of good, but that God is the author of evil.

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    People do not glorify the humble because he is different but glorify morality which is fixed!

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    One of the main arguments that I make is that although almost everyone accepts that it is morally wrong to inflict “unnecessary” suffering and death on animals, 99% of the suffering and death that we inflict on animals can be justified only by our pleasure, amusement, or convenience. For example, the best justification that we have for killing the billions of nonhumans that we eat every year is that we enjoy the taste of animal flesh and animal products. This is not an acceptable justification if we take seriously, as we purport to, that it is wrong to inflict unnecessary suffering or death on animals, and it illustrates the confused thinking that I characterize as our “moral schizophrenia” when it comes to nonhumans. A follow-up question that I often get is: “What about vivisection? Surely that use of animals is not merely for our pleasure, is it?” Vivisection, Part One: The “Necessity” of Vivisection | Animal Rights: The Abolitionist Approach

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    Pure analysis puts at our disposal a multitude of procedures whose infallibility it guarantees; it opens to us a thousand different ways on which we can embark in all confidence; we are assured of meeting there no obstacles; but of all these ways, which will lead us most promptly to our goal? Who shall tell us which to choose? We need a faculty which makes us see the end from afar, and intuition is this faculty. It is necessary to the explorer for choosing his route; it is not less so to the one following his trail who wants to know why he chose it.

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    Pure pleasure lies in praying.

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    —¿Que si creo en un anciano de barba blanca que vive en las nubes y juzga a los mortales con un código moral de diez mandamientos? ¡Cielo santo, querida Elly, claro que no! Me habría expulsado de esta vida hace años por mi alocada historia. ¿Que si creo en un misterio, en el inexplicable fenómeno que constituye la vida misma? ¿Que si creo en algo más grande que nosotros y que ilumina la inconsecuencia de nuestras vidas? ¿En algo que nos da una razón por la que luchar y la humildad para purificarnos y empezar de nuevo? Entonces sí, sí que creo en él. Es la fuente del arte, de la belleza, del amor, y ofrece la bondad suprema a la humanidad. Esto es Dios para mí. Esto es la vida, y es en esto en lo que creo.

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    Przytacza (profesor psychologii Krystyna Skarżyńska) badania Janusza Grzelaka i Bogdana Wojciszke, że Polacy traktują narodowe cierpienia jako rodzaj specjalnego wkładu czy inwestycji, za które należy im się od świata więcej niż innym. "Uważamy się za wyjątkowych, przypisujemy sobie moralne zasługi i szczególny wkład w losy świata. Badania wykazują, że ludzie tak myślący szczególnie łatwo akceptują zabijanie niewinnych".

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    Quant aux événements privés qui passent généralement pour être les causes prochaines du suicide, ils n'ont d'autre action que celle que leur prêtent les dispositions morales de la victime, écho de l'état moral de la société.

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    Rejecting people for who and what they are will not make you a better, more 'righteous' or more 'moral' person - than the other person, or even in your own right - in fact, if that's why you're doing it, it is far more likely to do the opposite.

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    Remember that no matter how great a leader you become, you could lose everything that you've gained due to a lack of character.

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    Rumours should be juicy and gossips must be mouth-watering, since they have to uplift and make people feel better. Tittle-tattle can have a swift ripple effect and when the ball is rolling very fast, it kick-starts a flood of moral destruction. “Schadenfreude” can, then, be fully enjoyed. (“Juicy rumours”)

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    Sell your materials but save your morals.

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    People who wouldn't dream of drowning a puppy in a barrel full of water think nothing of killing a fish the same slow way.

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    Sometimes you have to risk life, in order to live, and gamble death, to sacrifice life.

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    The belief that ignites hope in the heart of a person to survive is the same belief that boosts the ego of the person and deters his progress by clouding his judgments.

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    Something is significantly wrong with the creature that sacrifices its children's lives in order to settle its differences.

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    The best comedy on earth shows up when an immoral person talks about the morals!

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    Social constantly exerts pressure on individuals to conform to the moral code of conduct and the individual always tries to free himself from the shackles of morality. Astrong person redefines the morality of society while a weak person is crushed by the society’s moral pressure.

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    The character of Jesus is the character of God. God would never do something Jesus would find morally reprehensible, so if you can’t find it in Jesus, then you really ought to think twice before you claim you’ve found it in God.

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    The dominant philosophy in today’s public university is called relativism, which categorically denies the existence of truth or moral absolutes. Those who are foolish enough to believe in such archaic notions as biblical authority or the claims of Christ are to be pitied—or bullied.

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    The horse had a fly-net over its head and ears. It looked down on the paving-stones with the empty disappointed expression of an old moral theologian. Whenever the guide spat between his shoes, the horse shook his head in disapproval.

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    The knife will only hurt for a moment. Then your choice will be made, and it will all be over.

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    The existence of strict moral principles has invariably signified that the biological, and specifically the sexual needs of man were not being satisfied. Every moral regulation is in itself sex-negating, and all compulsory morality is life-negating.

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    The man who pursues moral ends with unmoral means is involved in a contradiction of motives, and nullifies the object at which he aims, since he denies it by his actions.

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    the passage on dignity is an addendum to the formula of autonomy: ‘act only so that the will could regard itself as at the same time giving universal law through its maxim’ (G IV 434). Kant raises the question of why a morally good being abides by this formula. His answer (in brief) is because morality has an elevated worth (i.e. only moral dictates are categorical).

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    The pity is that the public will demand and find a moral in my book, or worse they may take it in some serious way, and on the honour of a gentleman, there is not one single serious word in it.

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    The fact that we can never have complete, perfect knowledge does not absolve us of the moral duty to judge and to take a stand against evil.

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    The moral purpose of every human life should be to attain happiness through service to humanity.

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    The only thing more powerful than words - is the Author who chooses them.