Best 266 quotes in «cartoon quotes» category

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    Hold on, Nobita-kun, I'll come rescue you.

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    I don’t think so. Beth didn’t get any presents.

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    I was also sick of my neighbors, as most Parisians are. I now knew every second of the morning routine of the family upstairs. At 7:00 am alarm goes off, boom, Madame gets out of bed, puts on her deep-sea divers’ boots, and stomps across my ceiling to megaphone the kids awake. The kids drop bags of cannonballs onto the floor, then, apparently dragging several sledgehammers each, stampede into the kitchen. They grab their chunks of baguette and go and sit in front of the TV, which is always showing a cartoon about people who do nothing but scream at each other and explode. Every minute, one of the kids cartwheels (while bouncing cannonballs) back into the kitchen for seconds, then returns (bringing with it a family of excitable kangaroos) to the TV. Meanwhile the toilet is flushed, on average, fifty times per drop of urine expelled. Finally, there is a ten-minute period of intensive yelling, and at 8:15 on the dot they all howl and crash their way out of the apartment to school.” (p.137)

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    He sank back into his black-and-white world, his immobile world of inanimate drawings that had been granted the secret of motion, his death-world with its hidden gift of life. But that life was a deeply ambiguous life, a conjurer's trick, a crafty illusion based on an accidental property of the retina, which retained an image for a fraction of a second after the image was no longer present. On this frail fact was erected the entire structure of the cinema, that colossal confidence game. The animated cartoon was a far more honest expression of the cinematic illusion than the so-called realistic film, because the cartoon reveled in its own illusory nature, exulted in the impossible--indeed it claimed the impossible as its own, exalted it as its own highest end, found in impossibility, in the negation of the actual, its profoundest reason for being. The animated cartoon was nothing but the poetry of the impossible--therein lay its exhilaration and its secret melancholy. For this willful violation of the actual, while it was an intoxicating release from the constriction of things, was at the same time nothing but a delusion, an attempt to outwit mortality. As such it was doomed to failure. And yet it was desperately important to smash through the constriction of the actual, to unhinge the universe and let the impossible stream in, because otherwise--well, otherwise the world was nothing but an editorial cartoon.

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    Hi Wankershim! Are you going to doodie? WHOAAAA!

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    Put a little fence around it!

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    Pony Lords, jump for your lives—AAH!

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    Throw a blanket over it!

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    The thing about being a screenwriter, scriptwriter, or scenarist, You get to have multiple personalities and not be charged!

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    Welcome to Hell. Here's your accordion.

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    Why would you do that?

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    Yeah! Everything is okay!

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    Yeah but I don’t know how to make myself go there. Maybe it might never happen again. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!

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    You can't tell what's in a person's heart until you truly Know them.

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    100% of the people who get the magazine say they read the cartoons first - and the other 2% are lying.100

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    A cartoon character isn't a specific person. It isn't Tom Cruise or George Clooney playing the part, it's a character that could be you. It's easier for you to get drawn into it in a special way.

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    'Adult Swim' on the Cartoon Network is unbelievable. And 'South Park' continues to do great stuff. And 'Family Guy' and the various other Seth MacFarlane projects are amazing.

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    After I had done a handful of cartoons I was satisfied with, I started submitting them to the magazines.

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    A good cartoon, what it does, is sum up a situation, very neatly, as opposed to reading a lot of articles and so on.

    • cartoon quotes
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    All cartoon characters and fables must be exaggeration, caricatures. It is the very nature of fantasy and fable.

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    All kids draw some kind of cartoon characters. They just grow out of them, and I didn't

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    A lot of my cartoon voices are basically just variations on my natural voice.

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    A lot of people feel that there is less artistry involved in cartoon making unless they have painstaking control of each frame.

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    A lot of the issues I faced in junior high was what got me into animation. It was easier to sit on the side and draw cartoons than to engage with people.

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    Amazingly, much of the best cartoon work was done early on in the medium's history. The early cartoonists, with no path before them, produced work of such sophistication, wit, and beauty that it increasingly seems to me that cartoon evolution is working backward. Comic strips are moving toward a primordial goo rather than away from it . . . Not only can comics be more than we're getting today. but the comics already have been more than we're getting today.

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    American eroticism has always been of a different provenance and complexion than the European variety, an enjoyment both furtive and bland that is closer to a blushing cartoon than a sensual celebration.

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    Animation is different from other parts. Its language is the language of caricature. Our most difficult job was to develop the cartoon's unnatural but seemingly natural anatomy for humans and animals.

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    Animation wasn't my love, but drawing was. I loved drawing, and when it came time to graduate from high school, I looked around and it was like, "Wow, I don't really want to study math. I don't really want to study science. I don't really want to study literature. Is there a place where I can go and draw cartoons?

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    Anorexia is a response to cultural images of the female body - waiflike, angular - that both capitulates to the ideal and also mocks it, strips away all the ancillary signs of sexuality, strips away breasts and hips and butt and leaves in their place a garish caricature, a cruel cartoon of flesh and bone.

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    A normal day in my life - well right now it's kinda just like hang out and be lazy .I'm just kinda like enjoying my break, basic, what everybody does. Hang out in my pajamas and eat cereal and watch cartoons.

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    Apart from the seemingly magical Internet, life in broad material terms isn't so different from what it was in 1953... The wonders portrayed in 'The Jetsons,' the space-age television cartoon from the 1960s, have not come to pass... Life is better and we have more stuff, but the pace of change has slowed down.

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    As soon as I found out how compartmentalized the industry was, I realized, Well, no wonder the cartoons are so bad.

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    And, uh, I've got about six thousand cartoons up there, also books and papers.

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    You can make it if you try. Don't give up or quit the fight. If you believe, you will see, you can do it.

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    At one time Tribune Syndicate emptied out their storeroom. They put tables full of original cartoons down in the lobby and said take one if you want one. The comics were simply a burden to them.

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    Blows the lid off a decades-long conspiracy to secretly educate cartoon viewers

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    At the time, liberals didn't understand that they had First Amendment rights. So, I was doing cartoons in this narrative cartoon form about subject surrounding that and as I was turned down by editor after editor at each publishing house, I began to notice on their desks this new newspaper called The Village Voice, which I then went and picked up and thought, well my god, these editors that were turning me down all, whom tell me how much they like my stuff, but they don't know how to market it because nobody knows who I am. If I got into this paper, they would know who I am.

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    But by us doing a lot on the road, we were able to afford things like videos on the tours, cartoons that we'd open up the shows with. We were doing that way back when and now it's the hippest thing to do. We're just coming back around, I guess trying to play catch-up.

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    Cartoons are windows into the human condition.

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    Cartoons are like fruit flies. Biologists use fruit flies because their large chromosomes and short life cycle make them ideal for studying hereditary changes.

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    Cartoons, often, that you do for the New Yorker don't appear for months afterwards, and the record for that is a cartoon that was bought by James Stevenson in 1987 and didn't appear until 2000.

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    (Cartoon caption:) I never really rallied after the birth of my first child.

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    Cartoons are not real drawings, because they are drawings intended to be read.

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    Cartoons have always been an enjoyment to me... a relaxation... I get my ideas from everyday events.

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    CGI is to me like watching a cartoon. It can be effective, if it's done well. A lot of times you don't feel any real risk. You're watching a bunch of computer-generated graphics.

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    Children have always responded to me because I have that cartoon-character look.

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    Cincinnati at that time was also beginning to realize it had major cartooning talent in Jim Borgman, at the city's other paper, and I didn't benefit from the comparison.His footsteps seemed like good ones to follow, so I cultivated an interest in politics, and Borgman helped me a lot in learning how to construct an editorial cartoon. Neither of us dreamed I'd end up in the same town on the opposite paper.

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    Because good writing in a TV cartoon is so rare, I think the animation on The Simpsons is often overlooked.

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    Courage is a muscle that develops through use. It's no use waiting for some inner fire to conveniently become apparent at the moment of crisis - that's cartoon stuff.

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    Disneyland is like Alice stepping through the Looking Glass; to step through the portals of Disneyland will be like entering another world.