Best 355 quotes in «demon quotes» category

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    [...] Sivesh cried one name aloud. It was the name of Azhrarn, and in that name was all the pain and loneliness and despair and accusation that any mortal throat could utter.

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    So, you want the dirt on Hell boy or not? ~ Taylor (to Erin about Veiron) Her Demonic Angel ~

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    Some people just can’t grasp how powerless they are. I like the spirited ones. Most of the time you hateful creatures throw yourselves into submission—weak-minded and feeble. Breaking the broken is no fun at all.

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    So you went bike riding, then," she said. "Just around town? Out on the forest trails somewhere?" "Yes," I said, "we went out to Forman's place." Her face twisted, eyes widening, eyebrows curling, nostrils flaring. It was her "shocked" face, with a dash of "confused." "Really?" "Of course not," I said, "but the face you just made almost makes this conversation worth it.

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    Stop blaming evil on the Devil, blame it on the Creator of everything, if you don't understand, ask Him or at least hope that someday He will reveal it to you

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    Sun and snow is an Angel’s glow, but storm and rain? That’s a Demon’s bane.

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    That demon will trick you faster than a politician with a liquor license.

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    The child might fear to be born and the mother to give birth, yet neither can choose otherwise when the time is come. Neither have I a choice. This is my only path.

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    The demons are not easily dispatched, instead attaching themselves to otherwise beautiful things, a favorite food or a love note left for you, to see how you react when they rear up.

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    The demon – what did Harry call him? Dick face? Pinprick? Pinhead! That was it.

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    Some people think the devil is one being. I think the devil is when many beings come together to do terrible things. You are looking at the Terrible.

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    Standing on the edge of that darkness, she felt the stirrings of reckless want. A wild sort of bravery beat within her, taking up the hollow space in her chest where a heart should have resided.

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    Take this message to your people, you obsequious little worm,” I murmured. “Anyone who lays a hand on Jordan Amador will have to answer to me. Now do me a favor and go to hell.” I removed my sword from his hand and then decapitated him. His severed head tumbled across the floor like a wayward bowling ball. Good riddance. I set my sword aside, found a stool in the corner, and climbed up in front of Jordan. Her handcuffs were attached to a huge meat hook bolted into the ceiling. I lifted her off of it with great care, unsure if she had the strength to stand. As soon as her arms were free, she looped them around my shoulders and pressed her face against my neck. She was trembling, but not crying. I sank to the floor and cradled her in my lap, breathing out the last of my anger now that she was safe. “‘M sorry,” she mumbled in a small voice. “I’m so sorry, Michael.” I snorted. “What the hell do you have to apologize for? You got kidnapped. Pretty sure that’s not your fault.” She shook her head, her words partially muffled as she pressed her face against my shirt. “Should’ve been stronger. I could’ve gotten you killed.” “By Heckle and Jeckle here? Not likely.” A shaky laugh rattled through her. She slid her fingers into the hairs along the nape of my neck and hugged me tighter. I knew from experience she didn’t want me to see her face because she knew she was only seconds away from breaking down. No one would ever accuse Jordan Amador of being a crybaby, not if she could help it. It was a ridiculous notion at best, but I indulged her anyway. “Thank you.” “Just doing my job. But you’re welcome.” I smoothed the sweaty hairs away from her forehead enough to kiss it. She didn’t move away. We stayed there for a while without speaking, just clinging to each other until we felt strong enough to separate.

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    Tell me… tell me you’re mine.

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    The battle of good versus evil is the oldest and most re-occurring story tale in the book of life. It never ends because no matter how you cut off the tail of evil, it will always grow back again and again. This old story will always continue into infinity until we closely examine our past errors to prevent giving the snake a new head in the future. You can destroy a demon, but a new one will always come back later in time. You can bring down a corrupt leader, but another one will rise up again with time. As long as the ego overcomes the heart of a man, evil will always exist, and the enemies of God will continue to multiply and thrive. If a tree is bearing bad fruit, you do not destroy the tree by cutting off its branches or eliminating its fruit, but by destroying its roots. I want you to look at the world as this poisoned tree. Even if we eliminate our enemies today, we will create new ones tomorrow. The forumla to cut off the head of the snake once and fall is very simple, and this basic solution is written in all your holy books — 'LOVE IS THE ANSWER'. The strongest counterspell to destroy all forces of black magic is love. Pure unconditional love. However, to be able to emit the right frequency of love, one must first succeed in their own personal battle of good versus evil: heart (conscience) vs. mind (ego). Once you learn how to use your heart to embrace all living things as you do your own reflection, and use your heart to detect truths and dictate your actions, your heart will not be fully activated to love all of mankind the right way. Where there is love, there will be truth and light. Take away the love or truth, and we will forever remain in the dark. Truth, light and love must all co-exist in perfect harmony to overcome evil on earth. And they cannot just be secluded to one part of the world, but reign as divine royalty across the entire globe.

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    The caves were pressing down on Monica. The walls were caving in. She could hear the earth rumbling, threatening to crush her. Huge boulders fell, ready to smash her flat, but she wasn't afraid. She was a demon; the earth was hers to command.

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    The demonic face stared up at him. It had horns, a Snidely Whiplash mustache and a nasty grin.

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    The demon at length fell to singing a gentle, flickering little song. It was not in any language Sophie knew - or she thought not, until she distinctly heard the word "saucepan" in it several times...

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    The fact that you are possessed by a demon does not mean you must become evil. Being evil is a choice, just as being good is a choice. If you let the demon take over, it's because you choose to.

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    The devil would be powerless if he couldn't entice people to do his work. So as long as money continues to seduce the hungry, the hopeless, the broken, the greedy, and the needy, there will always be war between brothers.

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    The main element crucial for the survival of life is also a demon in disguise; it will snatch your life away as quickly as you were given it.

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    The man flinched. Quiet! my wife!' 'Is she sleeping?' Iskaral Pust's face small face was so like a Bhok'aral's that the assassin was wondering at the man's bloodline - no, Kalam, don't be ridiculous - 'Sleeping?' the priest sputtered. 'She never sleeps! No, you fool, she hunts!' 'Hunts? What does she hunt?' 'Not what. Who. She hunts for me, of course.' His eyes glittered as he stared at Kalam. ' But has she found me? No! We've not seen each other for months! Hee he!' He jutted his head closer. 'It's a perfect marriage. I've never been happier. You should try it.

    • demon quotes
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    The gods are jealous and men are fools.

    • demon quotes
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    The one plus side to demonic infestation is that children cannot be harmed by a demon. The sanctified aura of a child somehow repels the demon and they can only oppress them if the parent makes a contract allowing them to do so. Because they can be very clever in tricking people into agreeing to additional contracts, it is important to never converse with a demon. Either call in a priest or move out as soon as possible.

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    There are very few things that live in both this world and the world of dreams. Most are gods, angels and demons. The Stone you hold was made by Vlad Valkire the son of an angel and a demon. By the divine blood that ran in his veins, Valkire could see the light and hear the song of creation -- if only as glimmerings and whispers. "Over time, he became aware of the light and the music and as he grew so did his understanding of it. At the age of twenty two, he began his greatest labor -- the making of the Wyrd Stones. In them he captured the light and song of creation and by them some of the powers of gods, angels and demons fell into the hands of elves and men. A sorcerer who knows its secret may -- like a god, angel, or demon -- stand with one foot in this world and another within the world of dreams. "Your Stone is a gateway into the world of dreams, Luthiel. When you sing, it opens and you are, in part, taken there. Others who hold a Wyrd Stone like yours may know when someone crosses into dream. When you sang, I could hear you quite clearly.

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    The real funny thing is, whether the demons exist or not at all in your life, it's nothing to do whether you believe or not to one, none nor both of them.

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    There is always a demon inside every angel. And there is an angel inside every demon. All they need is a bit of darkness and light together to see each other's face.

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    There is always a battle within you; a battle between your demons and your angels. You are always at war with yourself, to find the light while darkness encroaches on you. Unfortunately, this is a battle we all must face, to choose whether we will be good or bad. The most important step is choosing a side. You must choose to live in the light if you wish to remain there. You must tell yourself, every day that your life, your self will be good. You must tell yourself that you will find the light, the love, the beauty, and the joy. Believe you will find the light and so you will.

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    Then what’s the problem? You keep telling me she’s just a job. So, fine. The job’s done. You found her. You trained her. Now she has to do her part. She has to kill Dmitri. Whether she can survive the battle or not doesn’t matter, and it isn’t up to you to decide.” Luc got up from the swing and went to Daniel. “Listen, man, I’m trying to be a friend here. You’ve been down here so long you’re starting to think like one of them. Quit trying to grow a conscience and just finish what you started.

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    The sky inside my head never turns blue. It if forced to stay red. By the demon, who is yellow inside me.

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    The world isn’t big enough for all of us.

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    They were almost demon-like, with metallic rings around their throats that gleamed in the moonlight and more weapons than a normal human should be able to carry.

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    They weren't wearing their handy-dandy I'm an Evil Demon T-shirts; nevertheless, I could tell they were coming for me.

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    This creature was so enticing that he guessed he might be chasing after her forever if he didn’t change his approach.

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    To thine beautiful unawares beloved deity, in one’s benevolent craft, each of us must reveal our own truth.

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    Ukiwa makini, nadhani, utapata maana ya ujumbe unaopewa na Roho Mtakatifu kwa wale wanaomwamini Mungu au ‘daemon’ (tofauti na ‘demon’) kwa wale wasiomwamini Mungu. Mimi, kwa mfano, huwa najali muda. Jicho langu likicheza au kiungo changu chochote cha mwili kikiuma ghafla na kuacha, au hata kisipoacha, jambo lolote ninalolifikiria muda huo ambapo jicho linacheza au kiungo changu cha mwili kinauma najua ni ujumbe kutoka kwa Mungu na una uhusiano na jambo hilo ninaloliwaza. Hivyo, kuanzia sekunde hiyo napaswa kuwa makini sana na jambo lolote ninalolifikiria.

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    There is a rule in Hell: Don’t trust anyone who takes time out of their day to help you.

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    They say it came from Africa, carried in the screams of the enslaved; that it was the death bane of the Tainos, uttered just as one world perished and another began; that it was a demon drawn into Creation through the nightmare door that was cracked open in the Antilles. Fukú americanus, or more colloquially, fukú - generally a curse or doom of some kind; specifically the Curse and the Doom of the New World. No matter what its name or provenance, it is believed that the arrival of Europeans on Hispaniola unleashed fukú on the world, and we've all been in the shit ever since.

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    They stared at each other for a moment, perplexed by their newfound siblinghood. 'So we're the Luke and Leia of hell,' Mab said.

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    They took form in a bedroom, Khloe realized with a scowl. He noticed and gave her a sideways grin. Arrogant ass. Laugh it up, demon.

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    We're all just moments and most of us don't matter. We study less than one percent of all humanity in our history books.

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    What we share within our bed is immeasurably important to what we share within our hearts. We are young and healthy and deeply in love and ‘tis what is meant for us to share.

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    What? You think your White Knight’s going to charge in and save the day? Not fucking likely. Nic’s locked up far away from anywhere anyone would ever even think to look. And Dmitri knows all about Daniel. The only reason he’s not strung up in a cave somewhere is because we don’t want to call any more attention to ourselves. Daniel’s out there hunting alone, and thanks to you his mind’s jacked. He’ll fold.” - Luc to Sarah.

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    What, you think that just because we're demons, we don't like to stay current with world events? You think we don't like to be entertained? We're demons, not Nazis!

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    When Albert Einstein told you to hide your source, he wasn't giving you a deliberate advice to conceal the root in which you're growing, but was to conceal the root from the eyes of people that will dare to uproot it.

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    We have nothing left. Orphans. Castaways." She turns to me. "Childless. That is what we are. The unwanted or the un-killed. We are together only by the wrongs done to us. There is no-one else to worry about us, to fear for our safety, or to give us comfort.

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    We're three people against a crazed faerie queen merged with a demon who controls an army of gnomes. What could happen?

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    When I was little, people often misread the Kanji in my name as Mon-De... So the boys flipped it around and called me De-Mon, as in The Devil. Demons plague humanity, but I wasn't doing anything wrong. Ever since, I've been uncomfortable with how people cheerfully unite against perceived enemies".

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    When he reached his own room again, he found Khloe curled up on his bed, asleep. He stood over her, watching her sleep peacefully for a few moments before taking a deep breath and moving to the other side of the bed. He sat down on top of the covers next to her and watched the rise and fall of her chest as she slept. He withdrew a leather bond journal from the nightstand drawer and tried to push Hecate’s words from his mind. Khloe is yours to deal with.

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    Whether you’re a hallucination or flesh and blood, I’ve never seen anyone so exquisite.” “Why do you pursue me?” “Because I am compelled to.