Best 260 quotes in «ashes quotes» category

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    It should be pointed out that some of the things done after the arrest of the Gang of Four were inconsistent with Chairman Mao's wishes, for instance, the construction of the Chairman Mao Memorial Hall. He had proposed in the fifties that we should all be cremated when we died and that only our ashes be kept, that no remains should be preserved and no tombs built.

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    I've changed my mind. I've decided that at the end I want to be cremated and my ashes scattered over someone I don't like.

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    It wasn't so easy though, ending the war. A war is a huge fire; the ashes from it drift far, and settle slowly.

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    I wander though China. Without ever having boarded a plane. My travels take place here in the Tokoyo subways, in the backseat of a taxi... all of a sudden this city will start to go. In a flash, the buildings will crumble. Over the Tokyo streets will fall my China, like ash, leaching into everything it touches. Slowly, gradually, until nothing remains. No, this isn't a place for me.

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    I wasn't a very good waitress, always spilling things on people and forgetting things. I once spilled ashes all over Mike Wallace's table.

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    I want my ashes either with some really good primo or as some fertilizer for plants.

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    Lestat: I despise you! I ought to destroy you-finish what I started when I made you. Turn you into ashes and sift them through my hands. You know that I could do it! Like that! Like the snap of mortal fingers, I could do it. Burn you as I burnt your little house. And nothing could save you, nothing at all.

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    Japan will not abandon the fight for the Philippines even if Tokyo should be reduced to ashes!

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    I've tried to find a new elegance. It's not easy because people want to be shocked. They want explosive fashion. But explosions don't last, they disappear immediately and leave nothing but ashes.

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    Life always comes out of death. The present rises from the ashes of the past. The future is always possible for those who are willing to re-create it.

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    Love is not vain because it is frustrated, but because it is fulfilled. The people we love turn to ashes when we posess them.

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    Like the phoenix, socialism is reborn from every pile of ashes left day in, day out, by burnt-out human dreams and charred hopes.

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    Living fire begets cold, impotent ash.

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    Love make us a liar. . Jace Wayland/Herondale, City of Ashes

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    Love is the fire in which everything is reduced to ashes. Only God will be saved. Only God cannot burn.

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    Max: "You'll never be good enough to deserve her, you know." Ash: "God doesn't always give you what you deserve," Ash said quietly. "Sometimes he gives you what you can't live without.

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    Lucifer also has died with God, and from his ashes has arisen a spiteful demon who does not even understand the object of his venture.

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    Metallica is like the phoenix rising from the ashes. We set everything on fire, and this is what has risen from it - St. Anger being the fire and Death Magnetic being the phoenix.

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    [Michael Hastings] has composed a dirge to incompatibility, which, because it raises expectations only to defeat them, leaves a taste of exhumed ashes.

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    Monday burn Millay, Wednesday Whitman, Friday Faulkner, burn 'em to ashes, then burn the ashes. That's our official slogan.

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    My husband wanted to be cremated. I told him I'd scatter his ashes at Neiman Marcus - that way, I'd visit him every day.

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    My monochrome pictures are not my definite works, but the preparation for my works. They are the leftovers from the creative processes, the ashes. My pictures, after all, are only the title-deeds to my property which I have to produce when I am asked to prove that I am a proprietor.

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    My mom was a phoenix who always expected to rise again from the ashes of her latest disaster... She loved being Judy Garland.

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    media saturation is probably very destructive to art. New movements get overexposed and exhausted before they have a chance to grow, and they turn to ashes in a short time. Some degree of time and obscurity is often very necessary to artists.

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    Nevertheless, the liturgy of Ash Wednesday is not focussed on the sinfulness of the penitent but on the mercy of God. The question of sinfulness is raised precisely because this is a day of mercy, and the just do not need a savior.

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    My paintings are only the ashes of my art

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    My pen is alight and my body aflame. Until both burn down to ash, my love and my hate will remain here in the world.

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    Nor shall this peace sleep with her; but as when The bird of wonder dies, the maiden phoenix, Her ashes new-create another heir As great in admiration as herself.

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    No ashes are lighter than those of incense, and few things burn out sooner.

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    No act of virtue can be great if it is not followed by advantage for others. So, no matter how much time you spend fasting, no matter how much you sleep on a hard floor and eat ashes and sigh continually, if you do no good to others, you do nothing great.

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    nothing says 'I love you' like reducing yourself to a smoldering pile of ashes

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    Now, the Chinese people are outraged and they are sending clear signals to Beijing: "do not succumb to the West." "If you do, our nation will suffer immensely, and the rest of the world will turn to ashes.

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    Of all the trees that grow so fair Old England to adorn, Greater are none beneath the Sun Than Oak, and Ash and Thorn.

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    Of one thing I am perfectly sure: God's story never ends with 'ashes.

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    Of thousands of others, nearer the centre of the explosion, there was no trace. They vanished. The theory in Hiroshima is that the atomic heat was so great that they burned instantly to ashes - except that there were no ashes.

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    Now don’t you be covering for him, Ash. (She wagged her finger at Nick.) Are you driving? (Cherise) No, Mom. I’m sitting. (Nick)

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    Oh, no! my heart can never be Again in lightest hopes the same; The love that lingers there for thee Hath more of ashes than of flame.

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    Our passions are the true phoenixes; when the old one is burnt out, a new one rises from its ashes.

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    Oh, what is young love! The urge of the race. A blaze that ends in babies or ashes.

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    Our first single, 'Ticket To Ride', was a kind of half-hit, half flop: in some places it was number one, in others it was ash-tray material.

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    Our passions are true phoenixes; as the old burn out the new straight rise up from the ashes.

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    Out of the ashes of the music business, comes the rebirth of the musician business.

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    Out of the ash I rise with my red hair and I eat men like air.

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    People rise out of the ashes because, at some point, they are invested with a belief in the possibility of triumph over seemingly impossible odds.

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    One inch of love is an inch of ashes.

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    She’s been hanging out with Nick.” – Acheron “Nick? As in I-hate-your-guts-Ash-go-die Nick?” – Tory

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    Seth: "You're what matters" Ash: "Hold me? If you still want to, I mean." Seth: "Every day, I want to hold you every day. Nothing will ever change that.

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    Psychoanalysis feeds on intensity, as though life were all flame and no ash.

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    She was up and down—from fire and brimstone to smoke and ashes.

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    she told me she'd be a phoenix." The image of the mythical creature rising from the ashes glitters in my mind. "They don't really exist." "She said that depends on whether or not there's someone who can see them.