Best 98 quotes in «publicity quotes» category

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    Tactical use of the media can be equated to power behind your skill or special ability. It is in the power of the media to help market your brand. You just need to look at Hollywood, European football, Bollywood, Nollywood, Global fashion & modeling, showbiz and even humanitarian efforts, to appreciate that the making and destroying of stars, initiatives and legends is to a greater extent influenced by the role played by the media.

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    The consequences of seeking popularity is not only the chronic feeling of lonliness, but a desire to hide your face from the eyes of the universe.

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    The gap between what publicity actually offers and the future it promises, corresponds with the gap between what the spectator-buyer feels himself to be and what he would like to be. The two gaps become one; and instead of the single gap being bridged by action or lived experience, it is filled with glamorous daydreams.

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    The key questions and challenges that we must all continue to pose and remind this key sector (the media) should be, 'Do you realize the power you have, to build and to destroy; to promote success or failure; to bring life or death to a cause or talent; to give a platform or take it away?

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    These women, these Shark Tank Mompreneurs are so passionate about what they created and what they are doing, and that just shines through. That's a major reason why they nailed their audition.

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    The campaign website was funded by Armistead, and he personally authored the content. He was determined that the campaign's values and goals would fit on one page. The website developer, who was experienced with political campaigns, was opposed to this. He lobbied for detailed policy statements and explanations, which was the conventional approach. But Armistead disagreed. The website developer thus learned that day that core principles were more important than thousands of words of speculative verbiage.

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    The public good must come before private interests.

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    Toda la publicidad, toda la propaganda, tan variada en sus formas, que busca excitar el deseo de lo superfluo, tanto en el campo como entre los obreros, debe ser considerada un crimen.

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    Traditional Networking: "Trying to get media attention." Guerrilla Networking: "Doing such cool things that the media are vying for your attention.

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    Work is simply, “force x distance” or the product of a force applied to an object and the displacement of the object in the direction of the applied force…holding an object in the air does not involve any work, no matter how painful your hand will be after a few minutes… reflect on your daily activities and the results from them. Are you really working or just increasing your potential without progress or desired results? Your work must produce some movement, progress and change, by effectively using all your energies whether intellectual or physical.

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    All the publicity about value investing - it's become a very popular thing.

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    An aesthetic movement with a revolutionary dynamism and no popular appeal should proceed quite otherwise than by public scandal, publicity stunt, noisy expulsion and excommunication.

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    Traditional Networking: "Playing it safe." Guerrilla Networking: "Creating a controversy.

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    We need to make the private public.

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    Archaeologists are underpaid publicity agents for deceased royalty.

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    Dead news like dead love has no phoenix in its ashes.

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    Awards sell tickets, and they're a clever publicity stunt.

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    Each photograph is read as the private appearance of its referent: the age of Photography corresponds precisely to the explosion of the private into the public, or rather into the creation of a new social value, which is the publicity of the private: the private is consumes as such, publicly.

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    Aside from doing publicity for this film [The Longest Yard], I have Auto Maniac coming on the History Channel and since I got married recently, we are going to get to that Honeymoon we had to put off.

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    I deeply regret the damage which recent publicity has brought to the Labour Party. However, I reject any suggestion of intentional wrongdoing on my part.

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    I could be a jerk and get a lot more publicity, but that's not who I am.

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    I do a lot of sexy publicity, but I have yet to have any bad experiences regarding jealousy.

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    I don't stage my own publicity.

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    Get stuffed, don't you have more publicity stunts to pull?" Bones shot back. "How about chatting with another writer who can smear your name into greater popularity?" "What, did Anne Rice not return your calls, mate?" Vlad asked scathingly. "Jealousy is such an ugly trait.

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    I enjoy the hell out of writing but don't like what follows: promotion and publicity, which I always strive to keep to a minimum, sometimes to my publisher's dismay.

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    I didn't realize - you think you are doing a movie but then you realize it's a Columbia Pictures movie so it's probably going to have some publicity. Then you see a billboard and it's like, 'God! I'm on a billboard!' It doesn't hit all at once, it kind of unravels itself and it's still unraveling.

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    If the guidebook used to be critical, today it seems largely a celebratory adjunct to the publicity operations of hotels, resorts, and even countries.

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    If writers possess a common temperament, it's that they tend to be shy egomaniacs; publicity is the spotlight they suffer for the recognition they crave.

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    I do worry about young people in the business who have experienced a lot of success and are punted around doing those manic publicity trails, when you don't really know who you are yet.

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    I have bought golden opinions from all sorts of people.

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    I made publicity contracts with Nike, several broadcasting companies and airline companies within Australia.

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    I'm shy, but not on a one-to-one basis. Over the years, I have become acclimatised to a bit of publicity.

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    In the world of the celebrity, the hierarchy of publicity has replaced the hierarchy of descent and even of great wealth.

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    I just want to be as regular, and get by with doing the least amount of publicity, but still look really cool, you know? And get a bit of respect.

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    Insiders say that Trump is running for president as a publicity stunt. That's not the Donald Trump I know.

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    It can't hurt, publicity is publicity, controversy and all that, it's all good.

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    I was obliged to stand there, holding the leash of this creature for their welcoming publicity shots, implying that this was some kind of image the decided to have of me.

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    Let your family, staff, and friends know that you're still the same person, despite all the publicity and notoriety that accompanies your position.

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    Neither privacy nor publicity is dead, but technology will continue to make a mess of both.

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    One of the strange things about violent and authoritarian regimes is they don't like the glare of negative publicity.

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    I love making movies, I love trying to make them as good as I can, but I feel like sometimes the marketing and publicity around the movie, becomes the most important part of it.

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    I stay away from Speedos. That would cause me absolutely unnecessary publicity.

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    It makes me laugh when she says she [Salma Hayek] got offered Selena, which was an outright lie. If that's what she does to get herself publicity than that's her thing.

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    I will say I remember the best thing in terms of publicity was being on the cover of Newsweek.

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    John Glenn craved the publicity. I think even John would admit that. When he went into politics, that became pretty obvious! He knew how to do public relations.

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    Never attempt to catch a whale with a minnow.

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    Never lose your temper with the Press or the public is a major rule of political life.

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    Publicity is the very soul of justice. It is the keenest spur to exertion, and the surest of all guards against improbity.

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    Publicity is like poison; it doesn't hurt unless you swallow it.

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    Sometimes writers say true things about the overall nature of publicity, promotion, and the publishing industry; but alas, not always.