By AnonymSameer Khan
All I want to do is, help you rebuild yourself. Restructure your devastated heart. For I know, it's impossible to build the exact same shrine once destroyed in a place but at least you can make a garden of bliss over a wreckage
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By AnonymSameer Khan
Damaged people wear masks. They're like the burglars who wear them while robbing banks. It's just that they wear a mask of smile, rob us of our happiness, cause they aren't filled with it.
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By AnonymSameer Khan
Stop there, Breathe. For a while you need to leave, live. Stop pushing your face into that photo called past, stuck in the photo frame of time. Stop scratching your heart, give the wound time to heal. For i know, when the photo frame falls down, the broken pieces of glass fall apart, just like memories. But no, you want to keep it to the chest, close to your heart. You know you shouldn't but you're too coward to let go. It keep sucking your heart, into a black hole of muddy memories. Making you a dark shattered soul, incapable of finding solace. So stop. For a while let's just live. Let's just breathe. Let's just love ourselves, for it's you who need it the most.