Best 4 quotes of Karin Boye on MyQuotes

Karin Boye

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    Karin Boye

    And is this not the very reason for the establishment of the State? If there were cause and reason for confidence among individuals, the State would never have come into existence. The sacred and essential foundation for the State is our mutual and well-founded suspicion of each other. Anyone questioning this foundation throws suspicion upon the State.

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    Karin Boye

    Den mätta dagen, den är aldrig störst Den bästa dagen, är en dag av törst Nog finns det mål och mening i vår färd Men det är vägen, som är mödan värd

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    Karin Boye

    Denn eine Sache ist, daß der Kaffee gut ist, eine andere, daß man sich das nicht ohne weiteres als selbstverständlich anmerken lassen darf.

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    Karin Boye

    The sated day is never first The best day is a day of thirst Yes, there is goal and meaning in our path - but it is the way that is the labour's worth.