Best 55 quotes of Pedro Okoro on MyQuotes

Pedro Okoro

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    Pedro Okoro

    Although there’s only one way to heaven (through Jesus Christ), there are a million and one ways to crush the devil!

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    Pedro Okoro

    As a believer, you have the authority to tell the devil what to do in the name of Jesus

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    Pedro Okoro

    As a born-again child of God, you have absolute authority over the devil through Jesus Christ.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Be obsessed with Jesus. Breathe, sleep, eat, dream, and live Jesus! The apostle Paul could not have put it any better when he said in Philippians 1:21 that “for to me, to live is Christ, and to die is gain.

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    Pedro Okoro

    By the anointing of the Holy Spirit, anybody who is afflicted by any phobia can be set free.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Christians have no business playing around with ideas of the devil as a fun-loving, beer-swigging guy who just wants you to have a good time.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Devil, you are fired You could never ever have been required For all the fiascos you inspire I pour on you the Lord’s unquenchable fire Now get thee behind me, devil You scheming sneaky crafty cunning conniving embodiment of evil

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    Pedro Okoro

    Don’t attempt to fight the enemy in your own strength. You will experience burnout, and you will fail. Don’t even think about it! The key is to engage in spiritual warfare God’s way. And that is by resting in him and fighting from victory, not for victory!

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    Pedro Okoro

    Fear is a scheme that the devil uses to great effect. From my personal study, the words “do not be afraid” or “fear thee not” (depending on the Bible translation) appear over one hundred times in the Bible! The message from God is quite clear: we need not be afraid!

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    Pedro Okoro

    For the Christian, ignorance is not bliss; it is negligence and carelessness.

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    Pedro Okoro

    God does not have grandchildren, and so it does not matter if you were—or weren’t—born into a Christian family! The fact that your parents are Christians is simply irrelevant. You must decide for yourself and acknowledge that you are a helpless sinner, after which you must personally accept the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross. You must then invite Jesus into your heart as your personal Savior and Lord.

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    Pedro Okoro

    God expects you to have the mentality of a conqueror. See yourself as a victor in Christ Jesus, and go about life with a holy swagger!

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    Pedro Okoro

    God has the most incredible, unimaginable, inconceivable, and indescribable intention and design for your life.

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    Pedro Okoro

    God isn’t asking you to fight the devil. He is asking you to simply uphold or sustain the victory won by Jesus at Calvary and enforce his authority over the devil. You’re like the traffic warden who raises his hand and the vehicles stop. They don’t stop because he can physically bring the vehicles to a halt, but because he is representing and upholding the authority of the state.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Have you ever wondered why you did not rapture and go to heaven the day you became a Christian? It is because God has work for you to do here on earth! Having gone to heaven, Jesus expects you to be his body on earth. You are his hands, his feet, his voice.

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    Pedro Okoro

    If you are a believer in Christ, then you were predestined in eternity yet called in time.

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    Pedro Okoro

    If you do not pray, you easily become a prey!

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    Pedro Okoro

    If you feel so overwhelmed, engulfed, and inundated by your problems and difficulties that you want to give up, stop and think. It may be the Enemy at work.

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    Pedro Okoro

    In Christ Jesus, we all start on a level playing field. What we make of ourselves in the Christian race depends entirely upon us.

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    Pedro Okoro

    In spiritual warfare, faith is the currency that releases your prayer. It is the instrument (or weapon, if you like) that activates and sets loose the answers to your prayers.

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    Pedro Okoro

    In the great Bible passage on spiritual warfare, the word stand appears four times, while the word translated wrestle, battle, fight, or struggle appears only once. In essence, God is asking you to spend the majority of your time in warfare standing!

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    Pedro Okoro

    In this battle, there is no room for turning back. You have to be on the offensive. You have to keep attacking the Enemy; and on account of this, your back is left bare. You cannot afford to turn back once you have put your hand to the plow and agreed to follow Jesus! To do otherwise is to leave yourself open to the Enemy’s attack.

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    Pedro Okoro

    It is not for you to determine your purpose, the reason for your existence. You discover your purpose by asking the Creator why he created you!

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    Pedro Okoro

    Only God is all-powerful. God is omnipotent. The devil isn’t.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Satan is not a lion, and he can’t devour you if you’re a believer.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Spiritual warfare begins and ends with praise.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Spiritual warfare is real. But you’ve got to realise that you shouldn’t be fighting a battle you’ve already won! That’s right. You defeated the devil in Christ more than two thousand years ago. You were nailed to the cross of Calvary in him. This became a reality for you the day you received Jesus into your heart as your Saviour and Lord.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Spiritual warfare is very real. There is a furious, fierce, and ferocious battle raging in the realm of the spirit between the forces of God and the forces of evil.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Spiritual warfare is very real. There is a furious, fierce, and ferocious battle raging in the realm of the spirit between the forces of God and the forces of evil. Warfare happens every day, all the time. Whether you believe it or not, you are in a battlefield. You are in warfare.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Take God at His Word – because winning the battle doesn't require physical brawn, but spiritual brains!

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    Pedro Okoro

    The authority that God has given you over Satan is ample, wide-ranging, thorough, all embracing

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    Pedro Okoro

    The devil doesn’t really have any new schemes, ideas, or initiatives. He keeps on recycling and reusing the same old temptations, adorning them in different attires.

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    Pedro Okoro

    The devil is a bad devil.

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    Pedro Okoro

    The goal of temptation is to make you fall. So it is the devil who tempts you, not God!

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    Pedro Okoro

    The good is the Enemy of the best. Until you depart from the good, you cannot enter God's best for your life.

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    Pedro Okoro

    The one surefire key to victory as a Christian in this fallen world is to be filled with the Holy Spirit—that is, to be completely submitted to and empowered by him.

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    Pedro Okoro

    the reason why Christians do not make use of their entitlement in Christ Jesus is ignorance, or as the Bible puts it beautifully, 'lack of knowledge'!

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    Pedro Okoro

    There can be no substitute for a personal study of the Word of God! Daily devotionals, Bible commentaries, and recorded messages by anointed preachers and teachers are wonderful and useful. However, they cannot take the place of the Word of God. They must not replace a time of personal study of the Word. Every Christian individual must study and meditate upon the Word for him or herself. Nobody can do that for anyone else.

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    Pedro Okoro

    There is a difference between the fact and the truth. The fact is what you may be experiencing at any particular point in time in your life, the day-to-day reality of life, the struggles, the challenges, the issues and the problems that you face on a daily basis. On the other hand, the truth is what God’s Word says about the particular situation you are going through or the challenges you currently face...God expects you to confess and proclaim the truth of His Word, not the fact of your daily struggles!

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    Pedro Okoro

    There is nothing as potent as agreement and unity of heart in spiritual warfare.

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    Pedro Okoro

    The sheer size, extent, and magnitude of the blood vessels tell us two things: the awesomeness of God’s work in man and the fact that as human beings, every one of us is a walking wonder, an amazing work of art.

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    Pedro Okoro

    The weapons of our warfare can only be exercised in the place of prayer.

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    Pedro Okoro

    The Word of God seems to be the only offensive weapon which you have in your spiritual armory. It is quite powerful, and in the words of Hebrews 4:12, “It is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword” (NLT). You make use of this weapon when you speak God’s Word to the Enemy concerning the situation you face.

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    Pedro Okoro

    To effectively combat the devil, you need to pray.

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    Pedro Okoro

    To move into what God has in mind for you, it is necessary to discover your purpose, to know where you are going, and to understand the reason for your existence.

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    Pedro Okoro

    To stand against the enemy is to rest in what Jesus has already done.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Whatever your station or position in life, there is always room for improvement, enhancement, and perfection. I say this with a great sense of humility. Regardless of what you are enjoying at the moment, the Lord says that he has something better for you! No matter what you have achieved, attained, or accomplished in this world, there are more challenges and blessings ahead. God says that you have stayed long enough on this mountain. It is time to press forward to take more territories and receive more trophies.

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    Pedro Okoro

    When we are born into God’s family through our faith in Jesus, God gives us the capacity or capability to live as his children.

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    Pedro Okoro

    When you give up on your dream or give in to your challenges, you abort your dream and give the devil something to rejoice over! You also disappoint the Lord Jesus, who is waiting for you to enforce the victory he won on your behalf at Calvary.

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    Pedro Okoro

    Without a shadow of doubt, God created man. Man was designed, planned, and well thought-out. He was a deliberate part of God’s plan, not a last-minute addition.