Best 5 quotes of Renee Ruin on MyQuotes

Renee Ruin

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    Renee Ruin

    I’m dancing on land mines across your chest. Hoping high hopes I’ll trigger some

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    Renee Ruin

    Love letters to the depressed and the future heart broken I’m leaving the light on in my old street Hoping I see some surrender on the other side of town Blink twice if you can see me. Blink thrice if you need me. We’ve been walking alone for too long, putting all our rotten eggs in the same basket Skipping in the dark, singing do rei (forget) me.

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    Renee Ruin

    My sister wrote letters to the dead and hid them in her bedroom drawers. I wrote imaginary letters in my head to living.

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    Renee Ruin

    Oh tell me again how you are saving me. Oh tell me again how you are leaving me. Take care, sweetheart. Play fair, sweetheart. Living different lives in empty beds.

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    Renee Ruin

    You fear no inferno when you are born amidst flames. It’s another flesh wound, another lasting burn. Carry them with you.