Best 10 quotes of Pamela Harju on MyQuotes

Pamela Harju

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    Pamela Harju

    He was more relaxed this time, more confident. He kept one hand on her waist and the other on the side of her neck. She wanted him to envelop her, to engulf her. She wanted to feel his body all around her, all over her. She wanted to get inside his clothes, inside his body and inside his mind. She wanted him, there was no doubt about it. There was no doubt about him wanting her either. His kisses were passionate and hungry but still had that carefulness about them, as if he worried she might break under his touch or evaporate into thin air. She was more concerned that the lack of his touch might make her implode.

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    Pamela Harju

    Inhosin aamuja Garyn kanssa. Väistämätön ero oli aina nurkan takana, ja vaikka sillä ei tuntunut olevan hänelle mitään merkitystä, minut valtasi aina katkera pettymys ja itseinho. Olin lakannut toivomasta ja unelmoimasta. Gary ei kuulunut minun maailmaani. Hän oli laulaja valtavan suosion saavuttaneessa rock-bändissä eikä missään nimessä aikonut asettua aloilleen puhelinkaupan myyjän kanssa. Tunteiden myllerryksessä minun oli aina vaikea keksiä sanottavaa. Gary ei sitä tosin näyttänyt kaipaavankaan. Hän oli täysin uppoutunut seuraamaan tapahtumia kadulla.

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    Pamela Harju

    It made him sad, realising that their smell was going to be gone for good one day. Even if they kept all their clothes, the scent would vanish eventually and become only a memory, just like everything else about them. Sometimes he thought he couldn’t even remember their voices anymore. There were photos of course, but it wasn’t the same. Although he had not hugged either of his parents in years, the thought of not being able to do so was too painful to bear, especially when he felt like he needed it. Eventually he would forget what it had felt like to be near his mum or what kind of a presence his father had. They were just going to be names, mere mentions in conversation that were glazed over and didn’t mean much to anybody.

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    Pamela Harju

    It was raining outside. It wasn’t heavy, but it left droplets on the windows, making it look like the window was covered in glitter which gleamed and shone in the candlelight. There was something outlandish about the place. It wasn’t only the grand rooms and the exquisite décor and not even the sheer size of the building; there was more to it. It was a feeling. She felt enveloped in it day and night. It wasn’t unpleasant or choking, but it wasn’t cosy and welcoming either. It was just there, like a straitjacket. She hoped that there could have been a bit more glitter and glamour to her days. She wasn’t exactly a sparkly kind of girl, but she missed… something.

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    Pamela Harju

    Mel eventually gave up trying to talk to him and just sat there looking at him. There was not likely to be much to look at, apart from the red, puffy eyes, runny nose and the rest of the mess that was Kyle French. Certainly not the once good-looking young student that Mel had developed a crush on.

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    Pamela Harju

    Pettymyksen julma koura kuristi kurkkuani. Tietenkään Gary ei ollut mustasukkainen. Miksi olisikaan ollut? Hänelle en sentään ollut ainoa nainen maailmassa. Häntä vain kiinnosti varmistaa, että kukaan ei saisi tietää minusta. Aivan kuin sillä olisi ollut jotakin merkitystä. Tietysti tapaus kiinnostaisi yleisöä jonkin aikaa, mutta se unohtuisi nopeasti.

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    Pamela Harju

    The cruel hand of disappointment strangled my throat. Of course he wasn’t jealous. Why would he be? After all, to him, I wasn’t the only woman in the world. He just wanted to be sure that nobody knew about me. As if it would matter. The public would be interested for a while, yes, but they’d forget it quickly.

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    Pamela Harju

    The moment I opened my eyes on Suse and Jonah’s wedding day, there was only one thing on my mind – Gary. I knew he was in town, and his presence was everywhere. It was in the sheets on my bed, it wrapped itself around me in the shape of my bathrobe and stirred into my coffee with the sugar. The stupid thing was that I didn’t even know if he was in town yet. Maybe he was still on the way.

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    Pamela Harju

    Who did she expect to pick her up? A name had been on her lips. Someone she missed terribly, so much so that the physical longing stabbed at her chest and made her grab it, but there was no knife to pull out. It was invisible but real, and the blade was grinding deeper into her as she realised that she didn’t know who she was missing. There was no knight in shining armour to collect her, or if there was, she didn’t know who he was.

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    Pamela Harju

    Your grandmother always used to say that we’re all on the same dancefloor, but we all dance to different songs and some of us dance to shorter songs than others.” Some of us don’t even stay for the duration of the song, Rowan thought bitterly. He did remember his granny saying that, that the world was a big dancefloor. “Well, your song is a beautiful composition. Any woman with a bit of common sense will see that.” His grandfather squeezed Rowan’s arm again, took a sip of his whisky and moved to the safer topic of the following week’s football games. An interest in football was a trait Rowan had missed from both sides of his family.