Best 4 quotes of Baylee Crush on MyQuotes

Baylee Crush

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    Baylee Crush

    Lord. How many antidepressants can one person take? However much it is, I'm going to need the maximum dose if I make it out of this alive. -Dani Springman.

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    Baylee Crush

    Oh," I said, obviously startled by him blocking the door. I swallowed hard as my eyes darted back downward, trying desperately to avoid his searing, deep emerald gaze. It was damning, yet my toes curled with need in seeing him in such a raw state. When I stole another peek into his face, I immediately regretted it. He did not look happy. In fact, he was scowling. He looked so …so …fierce.

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    Baylee Crush

    There was no semblance of remorse on his stone-like face. He wanted me. That's all there was to it. And he would have me, regardless if I wanted him to or not.

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    Baylee Crush

    Well," I said clearing my throat at the uncomfortable stare-down competition between the two of us. "I've got to be heading out. See ya tomorrow, Judge." "Not so fast," he bit out, grasping a firm hold on my wrist. I gasped at the contact, because this time it felt more intimate, almost inviting. "I'm not done with you yet, Miss Davis.