Best 9 quotes in «leon quotes» category

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    RECUERDE LA FLOR DE LOTO Las grandes personas siempre se burlaban de los que se sienten más pequeños que ellos. Un león no se inmuta a la risa que viene de una hiena. Un gorila no se mueve de un plátano lanzado en ello por un mono. Un ruiseñor no para cantar su canción hermosa por la intrusión de un pájaro carpintero molesto. Siempre que usted debe dudar de su autoestima, recuerda la flor de loto. A pesar de que se sumerge a la vida de debajo del lodo, que no permite que la suciedad que lo rodea para afectar a su crecimiento o la belleza. Sé que la flor de loto siempre. No permita que cualquier negatividad o la fealdad en su entorno destruyan su confianza, afectan su crecimiento, o te hacen la pregunta de su autoestima. Es muy normal que uno de malezas feo no quiere estar solo. Recuerda esto siempre. si usted fuera feo, o simplemente tan pequeño como ellos sienten que son, entonces ellos no se sienten tan amargo y envidioso cada vez que se ven obligados a mirar hacia magníficamente Divina USTED ". SUZY KASSEM : filósofo, poeta de la Verdad

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    Trotsky found out about him - Leon Trotsky - because A.J.[Muste] worked. He was an activist. And he organized the first sit-in strike in Toledo in a factory. And Trotsky was very impressed with that.

    • leon quotes
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    It sure is ugly.” “Ugly, never hurt a thing.” I scoffed. “Oh, ugly has hurt some things. It’s just that pretty hurts more.

    • leon quotes
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    I went into physics to hang around with the bright kids. I wasn’t doing anything else and I didn’t want to look dumb, so I thought I’d pretend to be a physicist, just like the others. It was five or ten years after my Ph.D. before I realized I was pretty good.

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    The idea of spending another six hours with Leon and his farts was more than I could take.

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    I love Opening Ceremony, Kenzo - anything Humberto Leon and Carol Lim touch. I drool over Christopher Kane, Mary Katrantzou, Delpozo, and Wes Gordon.

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    I had two beady brown eyes that, no matter how hard I tried to look mysterious and cool, always seemed to say "It wasn't just me who farted.

    • leon quotes
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    Here's to the day when the complete works of Leon Trotsky are published and widely distributed in the Soviet Union. On that day the USSR will have achieved democracy!

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    [Joseph] Stalin closes the exposition of these [Leon Trotsky] ideas with the words, "Such are in general the characteristic features of [Vladimir] Lenin's conception of the proletarian revolution.