Best 7 quotes in «aztecs quotes» category

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    Who could truly set His shield to rest? His throne? His mighty spear? Think on that. Remember it well, O princes. Who could lay waste to Tenochtitlan? Who dares assail the foundation of heaven?

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    You leave behind your fine poems. You leave behind your beautiful flowers. And the earth that was only leant to you. You ascend into the Light, O Quechomitl, you leave behind the flowers and the singing and the earth. Safe journey, O friend.

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    All the earth is a grave, and nought escapes it; nothing is so perfect that it does not fall and disappear. The rivers, brooks, fountains and waters flow on, and never return to their joyous beginnings; they hasten on to the vast realms of Tlaloc, and the wider they spread between their marges the more rapidly do they mould their own sepulchral urns. That which was yesterday is not to-day; and let not that which is to-day trust to live to-morrow.

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    I still couldn’t banish the image of the Quetzal Flower. In my mind, it merged with that of Priestess Eleuia: everything a man could desire or aspire to, a woman who would suck the marrow from your bones and still leave you smiling.

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    In the place of the bells, where battle is waged, The reeds all lie broken in Chalco today. Dust yellows the air, our houses are smoking, The sobbing is rising—from the lips of your Chalcans!

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    Another of the great civilizations, the Aztecs, raised a breed of hairless chihuahuas especially for eating. When the Conquistadors arrived and found dog on the menu, they were of the same opinion as Mademoiselle, that this was evidence of the worst form of barbarism. They, the Spaniards, used dogs as befits civilized and Christian men - to hunt down fugitive Indians and tear them to pieces.

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    This fifth and final sun will die, Like every sun before— But for a moment we laughed in its light, Like wind-blown petals Sparkling near an exile’s campfire Before the flames take them.