Best 4 quotes in «besties quotes» category

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    Most friendships are based on the current or former closeness not of the people but of their bodies.

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    Best fabulous flamingo friends forever.

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    I know that you know that I'm awesome, and that you know that I know that you're awesome!

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    No, Mo," Miss Watkins said, turning to Nesta who was crying with laughter. "Nesta Williams, seeing as you clearly find it so funny. What do you think the name of God might be?" "Er, not sure," said Nesta, looking caught out. "What do you think?" "I don't think," said Miss Watkins."I know." "I don't think I know either," giggled Nesta. The whole class got detention, but it was worth it. I felt like i'd spent the whole morning laughing my head off We never did get to know what God's name was.

    • besties quotes