Best 10 quotes in «impactful quotes» category

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    While trying to frame someone, one needs to bear in mind if the intended target is even capable of carrying out such an operation, so as to make the world believe they actually did it. - The Linchpin, Pg. 19

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    While trying to frame someone, one needs to bear in mind if the intended target is even capable of carrying out such an operation, so as to make the world believe they actually did it.

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    Be the spark—live light!

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    You can’t measure love by time put in, but the weight of those moments. Some in life are light, like a touch. Others, you can’t help but stagger beneath.

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    Impact people’s lives positively

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    Everything we say and do affects people. It can be either physically or mentally. Words can cut deeper than a knife, and we all know that. We could have experienced it in our lives at least one. It isn't easy, dealing with those type of situation. It isn't easy, trying to heal those wounds. But we make it out of it alive, because we always have these amazing people that are always there for us. An act of kindness and support, is just that powerful. ******************************************************************************* Don't pull away from the rest of the world. For those of you that are out there, with no friends, with no one to support you, those who are being neglected. You are never alone. Somewhere on this Earth, there is ALWAYS someone who is there for you. There is always someone that cares about you and feels your pain. There is always someone that will understand your story. Don't be afraid to come out of your shell. Don't be afraid to interact with people. Don't be afraid to be who you are. Dare to dream, Explore, and Love. <3 The outcomes are worth it.

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    Live an exemplary life as a leader. When you are gone, you will still lead from the grave because your influence, impacts and inspirations will become and information for the living.

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    I learned to love myself in order to love others...

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    One thing you will learn with experience of dealing with politicians, is not to be surprised at anything.

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    One thing you will learn with experience of dealing with politicians, is never to be surprised at anything. - The Linchpin, Pg. 72

    • impactful quotes