Best 6 quotes in «the 100 quotes» category

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    No matter how angry she was at him, she'd never deprive him of the change to see one of the ruins he'd spent his whole life dreaming about.

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    Bellamy recostou-se com um suspiro e fechou os olhos, pensando no tempo que passaria até que ela deixasse de ser a última pessoa em que pensava antes de adormecer.

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    Supuse que todo el mundo debía tener la oportunidad de dormir por las noches. De despertar sin tener la sensación de que las pesadillas te habían dejado cicatrices en el pensamiento

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    The 100 Tv-series" Clarke, who we are and who we need to be to survive are very different things

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    The 100 tv series " Who we are and who we need to be survive are very different things

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    You keep us alive, and I'll keep you on two feet.