Best 3 quotes of Nick Spencer on MyQuotes

Nick Spencer

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    Nick Spencer

    Ever since man's first mistake, in the Garden of Eden - he's been afraid of God, hiding from Him. He's so ashamed, and so overcome by guilt, that he can't imagine God would want anything else from him other than to punish him. And so they tell these stories of an angry God, His judgement and His wrath. They fill their religions with rules and rituals impossible to fulfill. That put distance between us and Him. But God made us so that He would not be alone. All God really wants man to do is stop running.

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    Nick Spencer

    Every day that we can open our eyes and take a look at the world around us, is another day to be thankful for. It's a chance to remember how far we've come, and to remember how we did it -- by being honest with ourselves about who we are and what we've done. By letting hope back into our lives, and learning to lean on those who care when we're too weak to stand on our own two feet. It hasn't been easy, and it never will be. After all, every day is also a chance to slide back into the darkness. To live in ourselves and our regrets, instead of this moment. To run away from those that would help us and let self-hatred drive us back into isolation, despair, and destruction. So let's make a promise this morning -- that we will spend today with our eyes fixed forward. Step by step, we will do things that help make life better, for ourselves and those around us. Because just as they have forgiven us -- we must also forgive ourselves.

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    Nick Spencer

    The hour of our release draws near.