Best 17 quotes of Walid Jumblatt on MyQuotes

Walid Jumblatt

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    Walid Jumblatt

    How dangerous emperors are when they go mad.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    I condemn what happened in Madrid, but it is suspicious. If tomorrow there will be another bombing, in France for example, who will gain power? Of course not Jacques Chirac, but Le Pen.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    If I have any advice to give to the Syrian president it is to cooperate for the sake of the investigation or for the sake of uncovering the truth.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    I know something quite sure. We'll never have peace with this Syrian regime. They'll never give us relief, and we'll never forget that.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    I realized that democracy is indivisible, or rather, that freedom is indivisible. There are many clown-democracies in the Arab world, which have nothing to do with freedom.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    It's strange for me to say it, but this process of change has started because of the American invasion of Iraq. I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting three weeks ago, 8 million of them, it was the start of a new Arab world. The Syrian people, the Egyptian people, all say that something is changing. The Berlin Wall has fallen. We can see it.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    I was cynical about Iraq. But when I saw the Iraqi people voting . . . it was the start of a new Arab world.. The Berlin Wall has fallen.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    Lebanon will be engulfed again in a huge power game that will last quite a long time. This is the tragic destiny of Lebanon.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    The consequence of Mr. Bush's and Blair's historic lie that the reason for invading Iraq was weapons of mass destruction, is that everything is being doubted.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    There is a racist attack against Muslims and Arabs, Algerians, Moroccans, and Tunisians in France.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    The Syrian people, the Egyptian people, all say that something is changing. The Berlin Wall has fallen. We can see it.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    The Syrian regime is helping the insurgency in Iraq and allowing all kinds of militants to come in and out, and go to Iraq to attack random soldiers and innocent people.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    The Syrians are trying to say that the Lebanese are not capable of ruling themselves.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    The U.S. always needs an enemy. It comes and goes. Today it is Islam. According to this plan or ideology of the born-again Christians who formed an alliance with Zionism, Islam is the monster.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    Those who liberated the south from Israel must show allegiance to Lebanon.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    We are all happy when U.S. soldiers are killed week in and week out. The killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq is legitimate and obligatory.

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    Walid Jumblatt

    We do not want to be in the middle of an axis that starts in the Mediterranean and ends in Tehran. We do not want to be a barricade for [Iran's] nuclear facilities.