Best 45 quotes of Wu Wei on MyQuotes

Wu Wei

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    Wu Wei

    A diminished self-image causes us to slouch, to avoid looking others in the eye, to be unassertive, to be indecisive. On the other hand, a healthy self-image causes us to carry ourselves well, to speak confidently and to portray dignity. If we have not taken the time and thought to create a wonderful self-image for ourselves, we have had less, been less, and done less than was possible for us than if we had. We can improve our self-images at any moment including this one.

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    Wu Wei

    A diminished self-image causes us to slouch, to avoid looking others in the eye, to be unassertive, to be indecisive. On the other hand, a healthy self-image causes us to carry ourselves well, to speak confidently and to portray dignity.

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    Wu Wei

    All of life is one action following another, interspersed by periods of rest. If we are in doubt about the outcome of our actions, if our thoughts are concerned with, “What if I should fail?” we will be filled with hesitancy, uncertainty, and our actions will lack the conviction needed to obtain a decisive, favorable outcome. Even the worst outcome we can imagine will ultimately benefit us. It is because of that law of favorability that the Universe is able to continue and we are able to bring about the fruition of our plans.

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    Wu Wei

    All religions believe that a Deity, a God, a Supreme Being, by whatever name they choose to call "It," existed at the beginning of creation.

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    Wu Wei

    A person who speaks as if he knows everything soon drives away his listeners. The Universe communicates itself to us in many ways, and sometimes, it is through the words of others. If we act the know-it-all, others may refrain from talking to us, and we may fail to get the message they could have given us.

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    Wu Wei

    A quiet-hearted person awakes with a smile on his lips and an eagerness in his heart for the day ahead.

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    Wu Wei

    At the heart of living life according to the wisdom of the I Ching is the knowledge that the Universe is alive and aware- aware of itself and aware of you. It may seem strange at first to communicate aloud or silently with All-That-Is, with the Universe itself, but as you become more and more aware that you are being heard, that there is communication going on in both directions, you will come to cherish the gift.

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    Wu Wei

    Being who you are is a pure religious experience. If you can stay with that experience, just being a part of All-That-Is, that's enough. Instead, we go searching chasing after masters because most of us want more than just being ourselves.

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    Wu Wei

    By consciously seeking enlightenment, you will progress quickly, receiving the rewards of ever-greater enjoyment, peace, success, good fortune, and well-being.

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    Wu Wei

    Certain people uplift you; others pull you down. Certain people give you strength; others sap your energy. Choose carefully. Good friends, like neighbors, are an endless benefit, a treasure. Bad relationships and bad friends can ruin a lifetime. Following the path of the superior person permits a natural section that will find you only with the best-quality friends.

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    Wu Wei

    Communication is probably the single most important aspect of creating an enduring relationship. To be able to communicate freely and productively, you must create a condition where the communication can freely take place, a safe atmosphere for you and your partner.

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    Wu Wei

    Each person reveals himself by what he says and does, by the way he dresses, by the way he responds to events, by what he reads and watches, and generally by the way he lives life. By observing anyone, you can see what that person is like.

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    Wu Wei

    Endurance is a state that is not worn down by anything. To achieve the goal of endurance so that your relationships will survive through the difficulties, failures, successes, and changes that all relationships encounter as part of the human condition, it is necessary to fix your mind on the goal of endurance.

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    Wu Wei

    Even the worst outcome we can imagine will ultimately benefit us. It is because of that law of favor-ability that the Universe is able to continue and we are able to bring about the fruition of our plans.

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    Wu Wei

    Everyone's needs are different, so in nurturing a relationship it is important for you to find out what the needs of your mate are and to provide for them.

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    Wu Wei

    Everything that happens, happens at the only possible time it can happen, and it is always at exactly the right time. We cannot get to an appointment before we arrive—or after. It is only at the instant of our arrival that we can arrive, and that is always at exactly the right moment, the perfect moment, the only possible moment.

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    Wu Wei

    Everything that happens, happens at the only possible time it can happen, and it is always at exactly the right time.

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    Wu Wei

    Great music stops the inner turmoil of thought and allows the mind to seek its natural state of joy. Music frees our minds and allows us to soar to heights where we can experience the celestial. Music opens our minds to allow the perception of new thoughts of a higher nature, which gives us a spiritual lift, which produces yet more joy.

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    Wu Wei

    ...if you know yourself to be honorable, strong, brave, fair-minded, generous, clear-headed, or articulate, or to have any number of other good characteristics, that is the image you will project, and that image forms the basis for the decisions you make.

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    Wu Wei

    If you pretend abundance when in fact you are in need, those who would aid you will not because they will either believe you to be abundant or recognize your pretense and consider you to be unworthy.

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    Wu Wei

    If you were to peer into the heart of a stone at the atomic level, you would not see a dead, inert mass of material but a furiously whirling mini-cosmos. This mini-cosmos would look much like what you see when you look into the night sky, but its bits and pieces would be whirling at speeds near that of light.

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    Wu Wei

    In all circumstances, what you believe determines your actions. Your actions determine your future. The choice of how you live and what becomes of you is in your own hands.

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    Wu Wei

    It is more important that we listen to others than to always be speaking, for in that way we learn what there is to know. We should be easy to talk to, and grateful for new information.

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    Wu Wei

    It is true that we are in charge of our imaginations, and by using them to imagine wonderful futures for ourselves, and by acting on that basis, it will follow, unerringly, that for us, it will be so.

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    Wu Wei

    It takes practice, feeling happy about the ever enfolding events of life, and, because of all the conditioning we have undergone before this, it may be very difficult to make the change, but if we take the saying to heart and practice it, as the days unfold we will find ourselves living ever happier lives, smiling more, and finally, laughing more.

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    Wu Wei

    Learn to see yourself as a pleasant person, courteous and respectful, and learn to do those things that a courteous and respectful person would do.

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    Wu Wei

    Music open our minds to allow the perception of new thoughts of a higher nature, which gives us a spiritual lift, which produces yet more joy.

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    Wu Wei

    Once you perceive that the Universe is alive, a living, pulsating organism that has awareness and intelligence, vast intelligence, you will come to know that the Universe and everything in it reacts to stimulation-- your stimulation.

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    Wu Wei

    One of the most powerful effects in your life is brought by Who-You-Think-You-Are. The moment your brain became functional, you began to build an image of who and what you believe yourself to be. All the events of your life have helped to create that image, the self-image of Who-You-Think-You-Are.

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    Wu Wei

    Relationships require complete integrity. The first time you lie or are untrue to your partner, you condemn yourself and your partner to a second-class relationship. First-class relationships are possible only in an atmosphere of total trust.

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    Wu Wei

    Rest is essential, but during our periods of rest, we must think to ourselves that in resting we are renewing our energy to fulfill our commitment.

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    Wu Wei

    The major difference between human and other life forms on our planet is our ability to reason and to question. For just a moment, try to deliberately free your mind from what you have been told about religion, evolution, birth, death, God, and other concepts you have about why you're here on earth.

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    Wu Wei

    The master sees beyond what is obvious. He sees the unseen, feels the unfelt, and hears the unheard. He looks below the surface for what is hidden and so finds the great heartbeat of the Universe. He smiles, knowing it is his heartbeat, your heartbeat, our heartbeat.

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    Wu Wei

    The path that one person follows is not the correct path for any other person. Each of us must walk his own path to enlightenment— that is the way.

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    Wu Wei

    The path that one person follows is not the correct path for any other person. You must follow your own path. that is the way.

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    Wu Wei

    The person who desires to leave things better than he found them, who does more than his share, who is not attached to rewards, who is always seeking to benefit others, who knows he is cared for and rewarded by the Universe for his every effort, is able to act selflessly, without expectation of a reward or a return, without thought of advantage, and of him it is said, “He is better than the best,” and, of course, he is greatly rewarded.

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    Wu Wei

    To attract people naturally, effortlessly, we need only follow the true prompting of our hearts.

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    Wu Wei

    To be joyous of heart is to hold an optimistic outlook, to see adversity as opportunity, to see failure as the starting point of success, to view our stubbed toes as the release of acupuncture points, to wake with a feeling of gratitude, and to sleep with a sustaining, unfaltering trust in the Universe of which we are a part. The person with a joyous heart is a treasure to be with, a wellspring of inspiration, and a fit companion. When we are joyous of heart, we hear a resonance in the songs of the birds, see resonance in the opening of a flower, and feel it in the pressure of a friend’s hand.

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    Wu Wei

    To lead people or influence them, we must first align ourselves with them. By identifying with individuals or groups, we gain their confidence and can then lead them into a higher understanding or direct them to the achievement of lofty goals.

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    Wu Wei

    To preserve our relationships, we give of our time, our assets, our attention, our help, and our love. To preserve our wealth, we give generously as we are accumulating, so we do not invoke the Universal law of maximization, which states that when anything reaches its maximum potential, it turns toward its opposite.

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    Wu Wei

    To receive the most benefit from all events, even difficult ones, first realize that the obstacles are there completely for your benefit. Remember that even the worst thing that can happen to you will be of great benefit. Second, know that the obstacles are most often there are signposts telling you that you are slightly or greatly off course. Third, understand that the obstacle is a workout situation designed to strengthen certain areas within you that need strengthening. A workout situation is a problem or difficulty you are experiencing in your life. By solving the problem you are experiencing in your life. By solving the problem, you will gain strength, awareness, and capability.

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    Wu Wei

    To slow time down, practice enjoying the moment. It is where we spend our entire lives.

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    Wu Wei

    We have the best chance of communicating our thoughts if we are sincere and speak from the heart, without hidden intent.

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    Wu Wei

    When anything happens to you that seems unfortunate, even if it is hurtful or takes something precious from you, see it as a beneficial occurrence.

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    Wu Wei

    Whenever you meet someone or walk into a room or consider taking on a new project, it is Who-You-Think-You-Are who walks into the room, who introduces himself, and who considers the new project. Who-You-Think-You-Are determines how you stand, whether you hold yourself proudly erect or whether you slouch.