Best 8 quotes of Takashi Hiraide on MyQuotes

Takashi Hiraide

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    Takashi Hiraide

    Below the zelkova tree time had stopped. At the foot of a little pine tree in its shadow, the most important of gems lay sleeping. Perhaps a window with a distant view of that place would allow us to yield to the natural process of forgetting.

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    Takashi Hiraide

    By late autumn the yard would grow thick with fallen leaves, causing the landlady to heave many deep sighs.

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    Takashi Hiraide

    Having played to her heart's content, Chibi would come inside and rest for a while. When she began to sleep on the sofa--like a talisman curled gently in the shape of a comma and dug up from a prehistoric archaeological site--a deep sense of happiness arrived, as if the house itself had dreamed this scene.

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    Takashi Hiraide

    he imagined fate as a goddess, capricious and fickle, or as a river, which could flood at any moment

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    Takashi Hiraide

    I wonder where it all comes from--this need to go to the place where the body has been laid to rest. It's the need to reconfirm how precious someone was and how irreplaceable, and the desire to reconnect with them on a different plane.

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    Takashi Hiraide

    Looking back on it now, I'd say one's thirties are a cruel age. At this point, I think of them as a time I whiled away unaware of the tide that can suddenly pull you out, beyond the shallows, into the sea of hardship, and even death

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    Takashi Hiraide

    (...) los enamorados de los gatos consideran que el suyo es la maravilla entre las maravillas, como si estuvieran ciegos ante todos los demás.

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    Takashi Hiraide

    (...) los gatos únicamente abren su corazón a sus dueños, solo a ellos les muestran su verdadero esplendor.