Best 10 quotes of Theresa Lewis on MyQuotes

Theresa Lewis

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    Theresa Lewis

    Allow your pain to fuel your purpose. Some of the greatest opportunities you will ever experience in life will come from the greatest pain you have experienced in your life.

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    Theresa Lewis

    A woman is only as beautiful as she believes she is, if she can't convince herself, no one else can.

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    Theresa Lewis

    Don't take life for granted or love ones for granted. Today may be the only time you have left to smell the roses, to laugh at silly jokes, to dance in the rain, or to hold your loved ones close. Life is a vapor, inhale the beautiful things in life and exhale the ugly things in life!

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    Theresa Lewis

    Don't wear yourself out trying to compete with others. You were uniquely designed by God to do great things with the talents He blessed you with. Celebrate who you are and keep working hard to become a better you!

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    Theresa Lewis

    Every new season of you life will be an opportunity for you to learn and grow. Don't celebrate the good without celebrating the bad because they both work together to prepare you for the next season of your life.

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    Theresa Lewis

    Live In The Moment...Dance like it's your last dance...Sing like it's your last song...Laugh like it's your breath...And love like it's your last romance...Everyone isn't given second chances so seize the moment.

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    Theresa Lewis

    Now is the time for you to truly live again, to laugh again, to love again, and to trust again. Your season of pain and struggle has come to an end. This is your season, this is your moment, take hold of everything that God has in store for you!

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    Theresa Lewis

    Writing is Amazing! When I write I am empowered by my thoughts, entertained by my imagination, and enlightened by my wisdom.

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    Theresa Lewis

    You may never understand Gods reasons but you can always trust His purpose. He's the only one who knows what road you need to take to get you on the right track. The road may be long, dirty, and uneasy but the path is already set. Take one step at a time and trust Him to guide you to your destination.

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    Theresa Lewis

    You will never know how courageous you are until you are willing to leave your comfort zone to leap into the unknown.