Best 6 quotes of Omar Robert Hamilton on MyQuotes

Omar Robert Hamilton

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    Omar Robert Hamilton

    Are we in some sick laboratory? Can you take this man, this black hole of charisma, this oozing miasma of featurelessness and turn him into a leader? Can you follow the simplest playbook of power and morph this Quasimodean combination of bureaucrat's paunch, jowled cheeks, and balding scalp into a demagogue of the month to be washed down with your Coke? Identify existential enemy, mobilise killing forces, pump hysterical nationalism onto airwaves, pose for photos with lions, use basic fonts, invoke mythological pasts, have choirs of children sing your name, and voilĂ : sit back and look upon your works.

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    Omar Robert Hamilton

    At least fascists are never funny.

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    Omar Robert Hamilton

    Cairo is jazz. Not lounge jazz, not the commodified lobby jazz that works to blanch history, but the heat of New Orleans and gristle of Chicago: the jazz that is beauty in the destruction of the past, the jazz of an unknown future, the jazz that promises freedom from the bad old times.

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    Omar Robert Hamilton

    The young do all the dying and the old go to the polls to vote for other old fucks to tell the young what to do.

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    Omar Robert Hamilton

    We are the target, we are the oppressed, we are the front line, and while everyone else has shattered their political axes into impotent fragments, what more cohesive force is there than simply: women.

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    Omar Robert Hamilton

    When people talk about the Cairo of the past he can never truly believe the picture they paint. Cairo University was all miniskirts and Vespas and cycling down clean, wide streets in black-and-white movies.